Chapter 63

Just as Song Anan had expected, Pei Kuang was welcomed by an angry little cat when he returned home that night.

He coaxed it with cat treats and canned food for several days before the grumpy furball finally paid him any attention.

Song Anan watched with amusement as man and cat sulked at each other, finding their antics quite entertaining. When Pei Kuang finally mollified the cat, she even felt a tinge of regret that the show was over.

She wickedly suggested that Pei Kuang deliberately forget to put out the cat's food again sometime, claiming it might help the critter adjust faster if it happened a few more times.

Pei Kuang just shook his head helplessly, insisting he didn't dare provoke the cat's wrath again.

Before they knew it, mid-August arrived and summer vacation was halfway over.


That day, Song Anan got off work early, so the two went out for hot pot.

On the drive back to their complex afterwards, Song Anan asked Pei Kuang to stop near the entrance so she could run to the convenience store for some yogurt.

"You don't need to get out, I'll just pop in real quick," she said as she unbuckled her seatbelt.

Pei Kuang undid his seatbelt as well. "No worries, I'm going to run over to the fruit stand for a watermelon anyway since we're out at home."

"Oh, okay then," Song Anan replied. "Make sure to wear your mask and hat."

Due to where they parked, both stores were across the street from their complex entrance. They'd have to pass through the main gate to reach them.


At this late hour, there were few pedestrians about. As they walked by the complex's security booth, some kind of commotion seemed to be occurring as a woman argued loudly with the guards.

As they drew nearer, the gist of the dispute became clear.

"Ma'am, you're not a resident here so I'm afraid I can't let you in without an access card," one guard insisted.

"My son lives here! Why can't I go in?" the woman shrilled.

"Then please have him come escort you or call us to verify," the guard calmly replied.

"If I could contact him, would I be standing here arguing with you?!"

From a distance, Song Anan peered at the woman trying to force her way past the guards. She realized with a start it was the same lady who had accosted Pei Kuang outside his building some time ago.

Concerned a crowd might gather if this went on, she was about to urge Pei Kuang to hurry when she noticed he had stopped in his tracks.

"Pei Kuang?" she called.

He seemed to return to himself. "Hmm?"

Song Anan walked over to him. "Why'd you stop?"

He shook his head. "It's nothing. Go get your yogurt, I'll just..."

Before he could finish, a shrill voice pierced the night.

"Pei Kuang, don't you dare leave!"

The quarrelsome woman had spotted them and now came rushing over.

Recognizing Pei Kuang, the guards quickly moved to intercept her. "Mr. Pei, do you need any help here?"

Now Song Anan realized this difficult woman must be Pei Kuang's mother. Unthinkingly, she grabbed his hand in hers.

She positioned herself partly in front of him, eyeing the approaching woman warily.

Pei Kuang started at the sudden warm pressure enclosing his fingers. He stared down at their joined hands, his gaze turning abstracted.

"Pei Kuang, you can't avoid this just by hiding behind someone else!" the woman was shouting. "No matter what you do, you'll always be my son. Today I'm finally..."

Her venomous tirade snapped Pei Kuang's attention back to the matter at hand. A chill entered his eyes and he firmly pulled Song Anan behind him so she was no longer shielding him.

Pei Kuang met Song Anan's gaze steadily. "Go on home first. I'll get this sorted out and be back soon."

Song Anan was reluctant to leave him alone to deal with this. "I'll stay with you," she insisted.

He just smiled and shook his head. "It's fine, go ahead."

She hesitated a few seconds, knowing this was his private business and she shouldn't interfere. But the thought of what sleepless nights this woman might have caused him bothered her. Even if it was his own mother, she didn't feel right leaving him to handle her alone.

"Trust me, I've got this," Pei Kuang said gently. "You better get going."

Song Anan bit her lip but remained silent.

She knew making a scene would only worsen things, so finally nodded acquiescence.

Pei Kuang watched Song Anan glance worriedly back every few steps until she disappeared into their complex. Only then did the pleasant smile slip from his face.

He turned and nodded brief thanks to the guards. "You can let her go now, thanks for the help."

Once the guards moved away, Pei Kuang impassively regarded Zhang Man. "Let's talk, but not out here."

Ten minutes later, inside a private room at a nearby teahouse...

Mother and son sat facing each other over a table for the first time in over two years. Their circumstances had changed considerably since then. Zhang Man looked far older, though she'd clearly tried concealing the ravages of time. But the wrinkles lining her eyes told the story she couldn't hide.

Her overall bearing indicated life with the Xie family had not been so comfortable as she'd hoped.

In contrast, Pei Kuang seemed not to care one whit whether she thrived or suffered.

The healthiest relationship they could have was no relationship at all.

But Zhang Man evidently had no intention of letting matters stand.

"Go ahead, what was so important you had to make a scene?" Pei Kuang asked baldly.

Zhang Man just stared at him. She didn't answer his question, instead demanding, "Why did you change your phone number?"

Pei Kuang gave a derisive snort. "You really have to ask?"

"Surely you're aware of what you've done without me reminding you," she accused.

Zhang Man's temper flared. "What have I done besides speak the truth? You killed your father and grandfather. Even your grandmother's death is on your head. The fortune teller was right - you're a jinx who brings ruin to those close to you!"

Pei Kuang gazed upon the hateful visage from his childhood, feeling the old familiar contempt rise within him.

"So that's why you rushed over today - hoping I'd do you in too?" he asked sardonically.

Zhang Man trembled with fury, clearly on the verge of a tirade, but Pei Kuang forestalled her with an upraised hand.

"Let's skip the pretense. Just tell me straight out what you want."

His clipped tone helped Zhang Man regain a tenuous hold on her emotions. She had to keep in mind why the Xies had pressured her into this confrontation.

She took a deep breath and met his eyes steadily. "Next month, you will become engaged to Xie Yin. Don't even think of refusing."

Pei Kuang's brows drew together, his expression incredulous. "Are you deranged, or is it the Xies who've lost their minds? What makes you think you can dictate anything to me?"

The notion that he would just meekly become engaged to Xie Yin...this family really had some nerve.

Zhang Man slapped the table in agitation. "You think I want to force you?" she cried shrilly. "My life with the Xies has been miserable! Consider this repayment of your debt to me. Whether or not you actually marry Xie Yin afterward doesn't matter. Anyway you're already..."

She broke off suddenly as if just remembering something. Her gaze grew icy. "I see you have a girlfriend now. That wench who was with you outside, correct? Does she know what kind of man you really are? How long do you think she'll stick around once she finds out?"

Pei Kuang's eyebrows beetled together, his impatience morphing into anger.

"We're done here," he bit out. "Don't make me speak to Elder Xie about your harassment."

At mention of the Xie patriarch, Zhang Man paled.

Sensing he'd seized the upper hand, Pei Kuang rose without another glance at her. But just as he was halfway out the door, her venomous parting shot reached his ears.

"Pei Kuang, if you won't let me be, then I won't let you off either. I'll make sure you're utterly disgraced and ruined!"

Zhang Man's hysterical raving was nothing new to Pei Kuang. Back before her marriage, such scenes had occurred constantly.

Later, as mistress of the prominent Xie clan, she'd learned to rein in her outbursts and comport herself with more decorum. After all, she had her reputation as a wealthy socialite to uphold now.

It seemed life had taught her some control after all.

And yet, desperation had driven her to confront him like this again. Pei Kuang had an inkling why the Xies were suddenly so interested in an engagement between him and Xie Yin. But that was not his concern. Zhang Man would just have to disappoint them.

He strode briskly home through the night, leaving his agitated mother far behind.

The teahouse was not far from the residential complex. Pei Kuang drove the car he had parked earlier into the underground garage of the complex.

He took the elevator directly upstairs after parking in the garage.

As soon as Pei Kuang walked out of the elevator, he saw Song Anan squatting at his door.

"What are you doing here?" He quickly walked over to help her up.

Song Anan took Pei Kuang's hand to stand up, "I was worried about you."

After looking Pei Kuang up and down, she asked again, "You're okay, right?"

Pei Kuang smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'm fine."

"Why didn't you go in? You know the password, right?"

Song Anan shook her head. She wouldn't enter his home without notice first, even if she knew the password.

It was a matter of basic etiquette.

Pei Kuang didn't care too much about it. "Forget about others, but as for me, telling you my home password means allowing you to enter as you wish. Next time you come over, just go straight in instead of waiting at the door."

Song Anan smiled without saying yes or no.

"I'm relieved to see you're alright. It's getting late, I'll head back first. Rest early."

After speaking, she turned around and pressed the elevator button.

Pei Kuang looked at the time, it was indeed late, so he didn't stop her. Instead, he followed her, "Let me send you back."

Song Anan quickly waved her hand, "No need, it's just a few steps away in the same compound."

Pei Kuang smiled and said, "It's too late, I'll send you back, or I won't feel at ease."

Seeing this, Song Anan didn't insist anymore.

After all, it wasn't far, and it wouldn't take up too much time to come and go.

Pei Kuang personally sent her to the door before returning. After entering his home, he changed into slippers and had just reached the living room when Qiú Qiú suddenly jumped out from somewhere. He bent down to pinch the back of the little guy's neck, and laughed, "Your habit of scaring people is recurring. I think you're asking for a beating."

With its fate held by the neck, Qiú Qiú instantly behaved and could only desperately meow at Pei Kuang to act cute.

Pei Kuang casually threw it onto the sofa, "Alright, go play by yourself."

Qiú Qiú seemed to also sense its owner's bad mood, and didn't stick to him. After circling around his feet, it left.

Pei Kuang went to the TV cabinet, opened the drawer, and took out cigarettes and a lighter. He went to the balcony.

Leaning against the railing of the balcony, he lit a cigarette and pondered over tonight's events as he smoked.

Zhang Man's state was clearly off today. Based on her disgust towards him, she normally wouldn't take the initiative to come to his door.

Let alone make a scene at the door like she did.

Unless there was some compelling reason.

As for the matter she brought up tonight, it wasn't anything new. Old Master Xie had proposed it before, but he directly rejected it.

Now it was being brought up again, even forcing Zhang Man to come to his door to stop him. Could something big have happened in the Xie family?

After a while, Pei Kuang put out the cigarette butt in his hand. He took out his phone and found a familiar number to call.

After a good while, the call was picked up, and a man's voice came through, "Movie star Pei, why are you calling me so late?"

Pei Kuang got straight to the point, "Luo Yi, help me check if anything happened recently with the Xie family?"

Luo Yi replied, "The Xie family ah, I happened to hear some news about them recently, and was thinking to mention it to you at some point."

Pei Kuang rubbed his eyebrows and asked, "What's the matter, tell me about it."

Luo Yi said, "It's Xie Wentao. He was tricked into gambling and lost a lot of money. Old Master Xie got so angry that he was hospitalized." Xie Wentao was Xie Yin's father and Zhang Man's current husband.

When he was younger, he was a useless playboy. He didn't have much ability himself, but relied on the Xie family's wealth to live in comfort. However, he was useless when it came to important matters.

So even though Old Master Xie was already quite old, he didn't hand over the Xie company to this only son, afraid that he would ruin it completely one day.

"How much did he lose?" Pei Kuang asked.

Luo Yi replied, "I didn't look into the amount, but it was probably a lot, otherwise Old Master Xie wouldn't have gotten so angry."

Pei Kuang thought for a bit, then said, "Help me find out the exact amount he lost."

"Also, check on the Xie company too, see if there are any issues."

Upon hearing this, Luo Yi also became curious, "What's going on with the Xie company? Did you hear something?"

The Xie family was quite well-known locally, but had been declining in recent years. Many were waiting to see when they would collapse.

Standing was tiring, so Pei Kuang sat down directly on a reclining chair nearby. Song Anan had bought it a few days ago, saying it was for him to cool off on at night.

"I didn't hear anything specific, just want to keep tabs on things."

Luo Yi was Pei Kuang's high school classmate and longtime friend, one of the few who knew about his family circumstances.

He knew Pei Kuang's mother remarried into the Xie family, and some of the grievances between him and them. Over the years, he had been helping Pei Kuang keep an eye on the Xie family.

"Alright, I'll look into it tomorrow."

Pei Kuang lightly hmmed in acknowledgement, "Hang up."

"Hey, wait a minute," Luo Yi stopped him.

Pei Kuang asked, "Something else?"

Luo Yi said in annoyance, "You really are all business, huh. What, can't chat with you if there's nothing going on?"

Pei Kuang raised his brow, "Chat about what?"

Luo Yi gave a mischievous laugh or two, "Do you still remember our high school beauty?"

Pei Kuang frowned, "Beauty? Who?"

Luo Yi tsked, "Fang Yijing! Our class monitor back then."

Pei Kuang thought hard but had no impression.

Luo Yi continued, "Somehow she found out I'm still in touch with you, and came to me a few days ago wanting your WeChat."

Pei Kuang didn't care much, "What does she want my WeChat for?"

Luo Yi scoffed, "Are you really clueless or just pretending? She's interested in you."

"But the Fang family is a well-known local enterprise, and she just returned after getting her postgrad degree abroad. She's quite pretty too. What do you think, interested in dating her?"

Pei Kuang directly replied, "No interest."

"Don't make things up, she probably just asked casually. It's normal to ask about an old classmate who became a celebrity." Luo Yi said, "Come on, I can tell the difference here. Forget it, I'll reply for you."

Pei Kuang lightly hmmed again.

"Pei Kuang, I'm telling you, you couldn't date before as an idol worrying about scandals, but now you're an award-winning actor, not young anymore either. Hurry up and date someone," Luo Yi sincerely advised.

Pei Kuang laughed, "Alright, go mind your own business. You just got out of a relationship yourself a few days ago, stop bragging."

Seeing he truly had no interest, Luo Yi was too lazy to persuade further.

"Fine, I'll just wait and see which day this old bachelor decides to get lit up."