Chapter 5

The staff member was taken aback by their own question. Obviously, their mouth had gotten ahead of their brain, a typical case of speaking before thinking.

But it wasn't entirely the staff member's fault. The director had insisted on keeping things mysterious, so they had not requested any information about Song Linchuan's aunt.

Therefore, even though they were part of the production team, they were just as clueless as the audience about what Song Anan looked like.

Song Anan was also a bit bewildered. Although she had mentally prepared herself for the possibility of being filmed, she couldn't help but feel nervous when the camera was suddenly pointed at her face.

When she heard the staff member's question, she was momentarily confused.

Did they mean the daughter of Song Linchuan's aunt?


However, the question prompted the viewers in the live room to start speculating.

"This girl looks like she's only fifteen or sixteen years old. If she's Song Linchuan's aunt's daughter, it's plausible."

"Yeah, but it's still funny. I never expected the staff member to make such a sudden turn."

"No wonder they work for the show. They're good at improvising. They even guessed that she was Song Linchuan's aunt's daughter."

"Staff member: It's mainly because I couldn't convince myself!"

"Is there a possibility that the production team has information about the guests?"


Song Anan took a deep breath and tried to ease her nervousness.

She realized that the staff member had misunderstood the situation. However, before she could explain, Song Linchuan heard the commotion and came out of the room.

"Is it the production team, little aunt?" Song Linchuan asked.

Song Anan looked at the camera and then turned her head back to reply, "Yes, they're here."

The staff member and the audience in the live room were completely baffled.

What's going on?!

This girl is Song Linchuan's mysterious aunt!

But wait, isn't she too young? Wasn't it said that she was over thirty?

Or is it that Song Linchuan's aunt takes good care of herself?

Interrupted suddenly, Song Anan felt that there was no need to explain any further. She turned to the side and gestured for the production team to come in.

Ten minutes later, the production team sat on the sofa in Song Linchuan's living room, still full of doubts.

Song Linchuan and Song Anan sat across from them, with the camera pointed at them.

The staff member looked at the two of them and said, "Um, would the little aunt like to introduce herself?"

Song Linchuan turned his head to look at Song Anan and asked with his eyes if she was okay with it.

Song Anan nodded slightly, then started her self-introduction, looking a bit awkward in front of the camera.

"Hello, everyone. My name is Song Anan, and I'm seventeen years old. I'm Linchuan's aunt."

After finishing her introduction, Song Anan nodded subconsciously.

But then, she suddenly stopped and blinked her eyes before adding, "And I'm his favorite."

"Wow, Song Anan is so adorable!"

"Hahaha, she's so real. When the teacher asked us to introduce ourselves, I did the same thing."

"Aww, she's so cute with her big sparkling eyes."

"So her name is Song Anan. It sounds pretty."

"To be honest, as my idol's wife fan, I've always aspired to treat my little aunt as my own mother-in-law. But now, what am I supposed to do?"

"Oh my gosh! What has our little aunt been through? She's specially emphasizing this point."

"Just finished Googling Song Linchuan's age. He's 24 this year, seven years older than his little aunt. Their relationship must have been misunderstood a lot."

"Seventeen years old, that's the age of a high school student, right?"

"My daughter is also 17 years old and just started her senior year. The academic pressure is huge. She worries about it every day."

"I just went through the gaokao (college entrance exam) and I totally understand the struggles of a high school senior. I'm curious about how our little aunt did on her exams."

"Ha ha, her grades must be bad, otherwise, why would a good student participate in a variety show at this time? Either she's crazy about fame or crazy about money."

"Are you okay upstairs? Just accept that you're a good student and move on."

"Ah, I totally understand how our little aunt feels. I'm also the youngest daughter of my parents and I'm two years younger than my nephew. I've been mistaken for my brother's child since I was young!"

"Uh... I have to say, the genetics of the Song family are great. With this looks, our little aunt can definitely compete with those famous female stars in the entertainment industry."

"That's a biased statement. She's just as good as them now."

The comments section of the live broadcast was completely flooded with audience messages. Just half an hour into the show, the hashtag "#Shocking! Song Linchuan's mysterious little aunt turned out to be a young girl!" had already become a trending topic.

Since the start of the live broadcast, the director had been smiling from ear to ear as he watched the number of viewers gradually increase. To be honest, they had invited Song Linchuan and his little aunt primarily to appease the network and the audience.

The director had anticipated the public's curiosity about Song Linchuan's little aunt for the past few days, and the program team had even fueled the speculation. However, he never expected such a big surprise as soon as the broadcast began. Currently, the live broadcast had far exceeded their highest expected audience numbers since the start of the show's third season.

The fact that Song Linchuan's little aunt turned out to be a young girl was a surprise to everyone, including the director. Despite the speculation surrounding her online, both the fans and the program team were caught off guard.

The director was ecstatic with the show's initial success. As he looked at the young girl on the screen, he had a strange feeling that there were even more surprises to come from her. But unlike the other three groups in the live broadcast, Song Anan and Song Linchuan had not done any publicity before this, so the program team had to conduct a brief interview with them.

As for the interview questions, the program team had set up a poll on Weibo before the show began, where netizens could ask questions and vote on them. The top five questions with the most likes would be selected and asked by the staff on site. The poll was even set up to display real-time rankings.

In other words, the interview questions cannot be confirmed until the last moment. This means that the guest must answer on the spot, without the opportunity to prepare in advance.

When Song Linchuan heard that he had to do an on-site interview, he instinctively frowned. Having been in the entertainment industry for so many years, he knew a thing or two about the tricks of program teams. This kind of improvisation was great for the program team, as it could increase the interaction with the audience and the topic of the show. However, for the interviewees, one wrong move could result in backlash and criticism.

He wasn't too worried about himself, but he was concerned that some of the questions might make Song Anan uncomfortable. Song Linchuan was known for his aloof and cool demeanor, a trait that his haters used to accuse him of being a diva, but his fans loved him for it, finding it to be part of his irresistible charm.

It seemed like the air had frozen. The staff sitting across from him were silently cursing, but they dared not say anything.

"Damn! I heard that Song Linchuan had a bad temper before, but I didn't believe it. Now it seems like it's true. How did he suddenly become so grumpy?"

"It looks like the program team didn't communicate well with them beforehand. Suddenly announcing an interview and even conducting a live poll online. Who knows what kind of questions they will ask. It's normal for him to be unhappy about it."

"OMG, this atmosphere is so suffocating. I can't take it anymore. I'm going to check out other live streaming rooms."

Suddenly, the director stood up from behind a pile of cameras and turned to the staff next to him. "Did we not communicate with the other team about the interview?"

The staff hesitated for a moment and replied, "Maybe we were too rushed and didn't have time to do it."

The director furrowed his brows. He knew some people on the program team tended to be loose and unprofessional in their dealings with celebrities, relying on their platform and viewership. Under normal circumstances, the celebrities would hold back and deal with it on the spot, and only the ones with a high status would demand an explanation from the program team afterwards.

However, they never expected that Song Linchuan would lose his temper on the spot.

Because it was a live broadcast, even if the director wanted to do something to compensate, he was powerless.

To put it bluntly, this was a live broadcasting accident, which happened at the beginning of the show when the momentum was still good. The situation was serious.

But at that moment, Song Anan suddenly spoke up. "Do the audience want to ask us any questions?" she asked the staff.

The staff was first stunned, then looked at Song Anan like she was a savior.

"Yeah, the audience really likes you and Teacher Song, and everyone is curious about you," the staff replied.

Song Linchuan glanced at the staff member, who lowered their head nervously.

Song Anan blinked and said, "Oh, then go ahead and ask."

"We will answer truthfully to the best of our ability," she added, turning to Song Linchuan for confirmation.

Song Linchuan paused for a few seconds before replying, "Um, yes."

"Ah, Auntie Anan has such a nice personality, her voice is so soft and soothing."

"Leaving aside everything else, just talking about how well Song Linchuan, the eldest nephew, is doing. From what I can see, he is very devoted to Auntie Anan."

"The cool and tough eldest nephew and the soft and cute Auntie Anan make such a great pair! I love them!"

"Xiaochuan? Hahaha, that nickname for Auntie Anan is so adorable."

Song Linchuan breathed a sigh of relief, and the staff member wiped the sweat off his forehead in gratitude towards Song Anan.

Oh my, Auntie Anan is so kind-hearted and beautiful.

However, just as the staff member relaxed, he saw the first question on the leaderboard and couldn't help but tremble again.

The heavens were definitely playing a joke on him!!

"Um, Teacher Song, this question is from a fan." The staff member started with a disclaimer.

Song Linchuan glared at him and didn't say anything.

The staff member took a deep breath and had to ask the question after some processing.

"May I ask if you brought Auntie Anan onto this show to clear up your bad reputation and scandals?"

"Damn it! This question is too much, they are just trying to provoke him."

"Well, isn't this the truth? How is it provocative?"

"This question was most likely posted by Song Linchuan's anti-fans. How many anti-fans does he have? More than fans?"

"But it's a misunderstanding. Song Linchuan hasn't done anything wrong. It's not possible that he has more anti-fans than fans."

However, this was indeed a misunderstanding.

It could only be said that the fans of Song Linchuan were too focused on watching him and Auntie Anan on the live broadcast and forgot about the real-time voting.

When they came back to their senses, it was too late, and this gave the anti-fans a chance to pounce.

Sure enough, when Song Linchuan heard the question, his face turned even darker.

He looked at the staff member and spoke in a cold voice, "I have nothing to say. Let others think what they want. It has nothing to do with me."

The staff member: "......"

This kind of response would definitely make matters worse.

He now understood why Song Linchuan had so many scandals.

Song Anan didn't know much about these things in the entertainment industry and didn't think too much about it when she heard the question. She just thought that everyone had misunderstood.

"Linchuan, don't be angry," she patted Song Linchuan's shoulder and comforted him, "It's okay, everyone misunderstood. We can explain it to them."

"Oh my, Auntie Anan, this is not a misunderstanding. They are just deliberately making things difficult for him."

"Well, Auntie Anan seems like a cute and naive girl who doesn't understand the wickedness of the world. That's normal."

After saying that, Song Anan looked directly into the camera and explained seriously: "It was my decision to come on the show, and it has nothing to do with Linchuan. I hope everyone won't misunderstand him."

"As for those scandals, I have read some of them before. But I can responsibly tell everyone that those rumors online are unfounded." "Don't be fooled by his cold demeanor. He never loses his temper. Actually, he is very shy and reserved."

To make a more convincing argument, Song Anan thought for a moment and gave an example.

"My sister-in-law told me that when Linchuan was a child, he was a little chatterbox. His family got annoyed with him and avoided him, so he would talk to the family's little dog. After each chat, he would even thank the dog."

"Auntie!" Song Linchuan shouted in embarrassment and anger.

He didn't even remember the embarrassing incident, and now it was being made public. His ears visibly turned red with embarrassment.

However, Song Anan laughed happily and turned to the camera, saying, "See, I wasn't wrong. He's easily embarrassed."

"So, you can't judge a person by their appearance. If you want to understand someone, don't listen to what others say about them, but look at what they've done."

"Since there are some misunderstandings about Linchuan, I think we should take advantage of this recording to reintroduce him to everyone. What do you think?"

"I think it's a great idea! The negative rumors online are not true."

"Waaah, it's great to have Auntie speaking up for my brother!"

"Hmmm... I couldn't tell that Linchuan was a chatterbox when he was young. It's cute that he talked to the dog and even thanked it afterwards."

"Speaking of which, a person who talks to a dog and thanks it from a young age must have a good upbringing and manners. He shouldn't be arrogant and look down on others."

"I'm not a fan, just a passerby, but Auntie has some kind of magic that makes me instinctively believe what she says is true."

"Because of her sincerity, sincerity is always a killer skill!"

The first question was finally answered without incident. The staff asked two more questions, which were both straightforward and didn't cause any commotion.

The fourth question was about Song Linchuan again.

"Teacher Song, you mentioned earlier that Auntie gave you pocket money. Can you tell us more about that?" The staff asked.

Thanks to Song Anan's intervention, Song Linchuan was no longer opposed to the interview.

He replied honestly, "When I participated in the talent show, I went without telling my parents. When they found out, they cut off my allowance. Then my aunt gave me all the pocket money she had saved since childhood."

The staff was a bit surprised and looked at Song Anan, asking on behalf of some viewers, "Auntie, were you worried at the time?"

After all, that was money the child had saved since childhood.

Song Anan shook her head and replied, "No, I'm Linchuan's aunt. My money can be spent on him."

"Ah, I'm so envious! I want an aunt like that!"

"I'm crying. Auntie spoils her nephew too much with her money."

"Um... Song Linchuan was 19 when he debuted, and Song Anan was only 12 at the time."

"Wow, Song Linchuan was really shameless, he even deceived a child's pocket money."

"Auntie is so honest, giving all of her money away. She should have kept some for herself."

"I've been a fan of Linchuan since the talent show. I remember that the show was stingy and the artists had to pay for their own makeup."

"They said it was pocket money, but actually it was just to help him out." [Whimpering sounds] I used to think that Song Linchuan was a crazy lover who only doted on his wife, but it turns out that he has a deep affection for his family.

Finally, they arrived at the fifth and last question, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

The staff turned to Song Anan and asked with a smile, "Little Miss, the netizens want to know, have you ever been in love?"

Song Anan shook her head honestly, "No."

The staff wasn't surprised either. Song Anan looked like a well-behaved girl who wouldn't engage in early romance.

"What type of guy do you like then? We have so many people in the live stream, maybe your ideal type is here," the staff said.

Song Anan's eyelashes trembled as she pondered what type of guy she likes.

She had never really thought about this question before.

But Song Linchuan was unhappy, "My little aunt is still young and shouldn't be dating."

The staff hesitated for a moment and said, "Um, but she will have to eventually, won't she?"

Although Song Anan looked young, she was already 17 years old and would be an adult next year.

Song Linchuan choked.

He wanted to say something to refute the staff, but he couldn't think of anything at the moment. He could only turn his head and seek affirmation from Song Anan.

After thinking for a few seconds, Song Anan replied, "Hmm, I don't have time for dating, I need to focus on my studies."

Their medical school curriculum was still quite demanding.

Upon hearing this, Song Linchuan immediately became happy and looked smugly at the staff, "Exactly, my little aunt is very busy."

The staff: "......"

[Oh my goodness! Is this still my big brother? That expression inexplicably reminds me of my husky at home.]

[Hahaha, I have a feeling that Song Linchuan will be the biggest obstacle on his little aunt's path to love in the future.]

[So funny, if I had such a little aunt, I would also guard her closely. She looks so innocent.]

[Date? Song Linchuan says it's impossible. Let me see if that brat wants to be my little uncle.]

[Make Song Linchuan my little uncle? Hahaha, just thinking about it makes me inexplicably happy.]

[Wow, hahaha, suddenly I feel like Song Linchuan's brain is missing but he's still handsome!]

[Hahaha, the person above is too much, be careful that Song Linchuan doesn't secretly go after you!]

[Song Linchuan: Tonight, you better keep both eyes on guard!]