Chapter 37

After Pei Kuang adopted this cat, things became much easier.

Looking at the dirty little thing, the two decided to take it to the pet hospital for a checkup first.

However, there was no pet hospital on this island. They would have to go to the city on the mainland.

Seeing there was still time in the afternoon, Pei Kuang borrowed a boat from the TV crew.

The hotel staff somehow found a cat carrier backpack for them. After informing the TV crew, the two got on the boat and left the island with the cat.

At the pet hospital, the kitten received a full physical exam and was given a clean bill of health, much to Song Anan's relief.


They also got the kitten vaccinated, bathed, and bought some cat food and canned cat food before taking the boat back to the island.

After all this hassle, by the time they got back to the villa, it was already after 5 pm.

Strangely, none of the other guests had returned yet, so they went upstairs directly with the cat.

Back in the room, Song Anan took the kitten out of the backpack and gently placed it on the sofa to let it get used to the new environment.

The cat tentatively stretched its paws a few times on the sofa before jumping onto Song Anan's lap and curling up.

Seeing the little auntie so attached to the cat, Pei Kuang's mouth curved up slightly.


"You give it a name," he said to Song Anan.

Song Anan's hand stroking the cat paused. She looked up at Pei Kuang in surprise. "Let me name it?"

Pei Kuang lightly murmured yes.

Song Anan was taken aback. Pei Kuang was letting her name the kitten, which must've made her very happy. He was too thoughtful!

Well, I officially announce that Pei Kuang has passed his trial period as the favorite nephew. He really dotes on the little auntie!

The little auntie is also very good to Pei Kuang.

I don't know whether to envy the little auntie or Pei Kuang!

Song Anan thought for a moment, hesitating, "Why don't you name it, since it's your cat after all."

Pei Kuang smiled. "It's fine. I'm not good with names. If I had to name it, it would be a real headache."

He then added, "Besides, you found this cat. Like the hotel staff said, it's fate that brought you two together."

Hearing Pei Kuang say this, Song Anan didn't refuse anymore.

At the pet hospital, the vet had told them this was a male cat, so they couldn't give it a girl's name.

But what kind of name should she give it? She was stumped for a moment.

Pei Kuang seemed to be thinking hard too and didn't rush Song Anan, just telling her to take her time before returning to his room.

This left the living room for the cat and her alone.

About half an hour later, Song Anan came to Pei Kuang's room door.

His door was open. He was sitting on the edge of the bed, holding his phone and replying to messages.

Hearing the sound at the door, he looked up and saw Song Anan leaning against the door frame holding the cat.

"Thought of a name?" Pei Kuang asked.

Song Anan nodded. "What about Qiū Qiū? Do you think that works?"

Qiū Qiū, what a cute name! Sounds good!

I'm jealous of the kitty getting its name picked by the little auntie. How nice!

"Qiū Qiū?" Pei Kuang raised his brow. "Any particular meaning?"

Song Anan scratched her head, embarrassed. She actually wasn't very good at naming either. As a child, she had directly called her tabby cat Mī Mī.

"No real meaning. I just think its head is round like a ball."

Pei Kuang: "..."

He unconsciously glanced at the cat in Song Anan's arms. Its head was quite round. But was that simple reason worth her lengthy contemplation?

Hahaha, I didn't expect that. Why not just call it Yuán Yuán if its head is round?

I'm dying of laughter! So the little auntie is bad at naming too!

Lalala, I've discovered another thing I have in common with the little auntie!

Seeing Pei Kuang's reaction, Song Anan thought he was unsatisfied with the name. A flash of inspiration hit her. "Or we could crowdsource a name for it online?"

That afternoon at the pet hospital, while waiting for the kitten's exam, she had briefly logged into her Weibo. She originally wanted to check her DMs, having just realized recently that her Weibo followers had suddenly exploded.

That long list of unread DMs was triggering her OCD.

But upon opening Weibo, she first saw that their finding the cat had somehow become a hot search topic. Many people really liked this kitty.

Pei Kuang waved his hand with a light laugh. "No need. Qiū Qiū is good. Let's go with Qiū Qiū."

Yes, yes! Let's go with Qiū Qiū! Such a catchy name!

I also like the name Qiū Qiū, I vote for it!

Ahhh, my brother is a cat owner too now! Qiū Qiū, come look at auntie!

Come, Qiū Qiū, aunties will buy you cans!

Seeing Pei Kuang didn't dislike the name, Song Anan felt relieved.

She went to Pei Kuang's side and handed Qiū Qiū to him. "Hold it for a bit, get familiar with each other."

After all, Qiū Qiū would be his cat from now on, so they needed to bond first.

Pei Kuang nodded lightly and took Qiū Qiū into his arms.

Qiū Qiū was very docile, blinking its big round eyes while looking back and forth between Pei Kuang and Song Anan.

Song Anan reached out and stroked its head. "Qiū Qiū, be good and listen to your brother from now on."

Pei Kuang arched his brow. "Brother?"

Was she referring to him?

Song Anan hesitated. "Or call you daddy?"

Pei Kuang: "..."

Having suddenly gained a cat son was still taking some getting used to.

Hahaha, seeing Pei Kuang's dumbfounded expression makes me want to laugh!

Wow! My brother has finally been promoted to daddy, congratulations!

Pei Kuang: I'm a dad now?

To better foster the bond between Qiū Qiū and Pei Kuang, Song Anan brought them to the living room and had Pei Kuang open a can of food for Qiū Qiū.

Sure enough, after eating, Qiū Qiū was more attached to Pei Kuang.

Song Anan watched very satisfied.

Great, seeing them get along so harmoniously put her mind at ease.

But Song Anan suddenly remembered something else she saw on Weibo that day.

She pursed her lips, giving Pei Kuang a look like she wanted to say something.

Noticing Song Anan's gaze, Pei Kuang raised a brow. "What's wrong?"

Song Anan took a deep breath and looked Pei Kuang in the eyes. She said solemnly, "What I said that day came completely from my heart."

Pei Kuang was puzzled. That day?

What did she say?

Seeing his confusion, Song Anan elaborated, "That day when I said 'you're a good person'."

Pei Kuang suddenly understood she meant the day she gave him the "good person card".

So she knew about that? Why bring it up again today?

Song Anan glanced at the camera and continued rambling, "I heard Lin Chuan say you like reading a lot and have a whole wall of books at home."

"Lin Chuan also said you learn quickly, work diligently, and are very capable. He rarely admires anyone, and you're one of the few."

"Also, your photography skills today were really good. Shi Jiejie and Sister Li Yu all praised how professional you were. And this afternoon, your English on the phone with the cat's previous owner was very good too, showing you've put in a lot of effort over time."

"So I feel academic background doesn't represent everything. Pei Kuang, believe me, you really are outstanding." Song Anan said this whole lengthy speech in one breath, sneaking another peek at the camera afterwards.

Pei Kuang was stunned for a moment, suddenly understanding Song Anan's intention.

At noon, because of his retort of having not attended university during the confrontation with Xie Yin, he had been blacklisted on hot search again for "not graduating high school" and "low education".

The little auntie was speaking up and restoring his reputation in front of the live studio audience.

Pei Kuang suddenly felt a warmth in his heart.

After so many years, he was long used to the group mockery online.

But to have someone standing before you, using such firm eyes and tone to tell you:

- Pei Kuang, please believe me, you really are outstanding.

Such sincere recognition was something he'd never experienced in his life.

"Is everything you said true?" Pei Kuang suddenly asked.

Song Anan swore definitively. "Of course!"

Pei Kuang arched his brow. "You just said Lin Chuan personally told you he admires me?"

Song Anan blanked out.

Did she say that earlier?

Speaking too hastily, she couldn't quite remember.

She must have said it, or Pei Kuang wouldn't have asked. Song Anan thought.

Whether Lin Chuan had actually said in person that he admired Pei Kuang, she really couldn't recall.

But denying it now would make everything she just said seem fake.


That would ruin all her previous efforts.

Song Anan brazened it out and admitted those words on Lin Chuan's behalf. "Yes, he said that."

Pei Kuang made an inscrutable "oh" sound and suddenly laughed.

Wha-! Pei Kuang, you're too much. I was about to cry just now. Good one, his one line instantly pulled me back!

Hahaha, dying of laughter! Pei Kuang's random competitiveness!

Pei Kuang, be serious! The little auntie is praising you, obediently accept it and don't change the subject!

Speaking of which, with Lin Chuan as a friend holding Pei Kuang in such high esteem, it seems Pei Kuang is quite decent.

Whoa! Pei Kuang cares that much about Lin Chuan's opinion? Hmm... I'm strangely detecting something different here...

Hey sisters, look here! Pei-Song CP waiting for you!

After saying this, Song Anan was also feeling guilty.

While silently apologizing to Lin Chuan in her heart, her phone suddenly vibrated.

Checking it, it was actually a video call invite from Lin Chuan!

Song Anan's eyes shook. coincidental was this?

He can't be calling to interrogate her!

Song Anan was about to decline the call but her hand slipped and she hit accept by accident.

As soon as the video connected, Lin Chuan's annoyed voice came through, "I didn't!"

Song Anan immediately hung up and looked at Pei Kuang. She pursed her lips. "He...he's just shy."

"Um, he definitely said it. Just too shy to admit it."

Pei Kuang stared into Song Anan's eyes, smiling as he spoke: "That's right, just like that."

[Oh my god! Little auntie is so cute, her awkwardness is just too funny!]

[Laughing to death, with Song Linchuan's tsundere personality, he would never openly admit admiration for Pei Kuang, I'd die before believing that.]

[Wahhh, Pei Kuang is so sly, feels like he gradually led little auntie into his trap, too wicked.]

[Fuck! Song Linchuan must have been in the livestream room, otherwise how did the video call connect so quickly?]

[Song Linchuan: So just because I wasn't there in person, you all felt free to gossip about me?!]