Chapter 8

In the afternoon, Qin Wei was the first to wake up. She stood in the yard, looking thoughtfully at the broken tricycle in front of her.

Would she have to push it again this afternoon to thresh corn? Just thinking about it made her tired...

A staff member came running over excitedly:

"Teacher Qin, didn't you say you wanted to change the tricycle? We discussed it at the meeting and you're right, it's time to change to a new one. But we want you to go get it yourself, and we'll pay for it."

"Hmm?" They're giving money?

Qin Wei's mood improved as the fatigue on her face dissipated.


The staff handed over the funds with both hands, and Qin Wei took it.

"Ten yuan."

Qin Wei waited for a moment, but the staff didn't make any further moves. She couldn't help but frown.

Director A: "She's about to get angry, get a close-up on camera!"

Qin Wei kicked the tricycle lightly, making it shake.

"Almost all the parts need to be replaced, ten yuan is not enough, at least fifty."


The staff said ten yuan was the limit, and they had to figure out the rest themselves.

Qin Wei's expression darkened further.


[Fifty yuan is not too much. Have you noticed this lady is quite savvy about the market?]

Just then, Daniel and the others also came out and gathered around to see what was going on.

After understanding the situation, Daniel suggested going to town to sell corn. The price would be higher than what the director's team was giving, and they could use the money earned to fix the vehicle.

But Sun Dan thought that selling corn for money would only ensure their basic food and shelter, and would not leave extra money for vehicle repairs. Besides, going back and forth would take up a lot of time, leaving no time to sell corn.

Lin Qiqi suddenly had a bright idea:

"Teacher Qin is a big star. If she goes to the repair shop and charms the boss, says some nice words, the boss will surely agree. Maybe he won't even ask for the ten dollars."

The camera caught Qin Wei's mouth twitching.

Lin Qiqi kept a straight face, but was already plotting in her heart -

Qin Wei thought highly of herself, so hearing this would surely anger her. She had seen online that many people disliked Qin Wei's inability to take a joke. Once Qin got angry, she would insist she was just joking, and the blame would fall on Qin Wei. Qin Wei just snorted, then said:

"Does the family own a mine so repairs are free? Even if the boss agrees, I don't have the heart to cheat him like that."

When she said this, she turned to look at the staff member,

"That shed over there is the tool shed, right?"

The staff nodded.

"Do I need to pay to use the stuff inside?"

The staff shook their head.

Qin Wei rolled her eyes at the camera:

"You directors just want to stir up trouble. I'll fix this myself, and when I'm done you give me 300 bucks!"


[If I remember correctly, didn't Lin Qiqi get to the top by flattering bosses?]

[So far Lin has hardly done any work, just slacking off and nagging. At least Qin has been working hard...]

[Why is our blurry sister behaving like a normal person? This is so out of character!]

[I'm strangely satisfied with blurry sister's performance this time!]

[u1s1, blurry sis didn't do anything wrong this time.]

[Has she become so timid already? Not even getting angry?]

[Am I the only one who noticed the sparkles? Qin is going to fix the car herself?]

[I suspect she disappeared for a few months and went to work in a factory...]


Of course Qin Wei and the director's team were unaware of these comments at this time. Qin Wei pushed the cart to the tool shed, took out a pile of tools and laid them on the ground, then started unscrewing bolts purposefully with a wrench.

The timeline skipped ahead, and by sunset the shed floor was littered with parts as Qin Wei had completely disassembled the tricycle.

When Sun Dan came by and saw this, he was shocked.

Firstly, he was shocked that the young lady had the strength to take apart an entire vehicle.

Secondly, with the vehicle dismantled, could she even put it back together?

Just then, more commotion could be heard from outside.

Sun Dan poked his head out the door to take a look. It seemed everyone was passionately discussing something in the yard.

He pointed outside:

"I'll go take a look first."

Qin Wei nodded absently, her attention completely absorbed by the parts spread out on the ground. She had no interest in whatever was happening outside. "This chain is rusty, needs to be derusted and oiled..."

"This spoke definitely needs replacement..."

"Where's my hex wrench?"

After this part was aired:

[Blurry sis started her own show within the show huh? She's not participating in anything outside at all.]

[That's good she didn't go, she'd just spoil the mood.]

[Going off topic, Qin really took the whole car apart...can she even put it back together?]

[It's a miracle she could take it apart at all! I desperately want the team to show Qin disassembling the car, I think it would be a ratings guarantee!]

[Person above, me too!]


As Qin Wei busied herself, she kept grumbling, possibly because there were too many parts scattered about haphazardly. She couldn't find her tools even when she turned around briefly.

"Are you looking for this?"

A pleasant voice sounded in front of her, accompanied by the scent of damask roses and light tea. Qin looked up to see a girl in a white shirt smiling radiantly at her.

The girl looked eighteen or nineteen, with delicate features and subtle yet perfect makeup. Her long black hair draped over her shoulders, paired with the white shirt and black half skirt, gave her an elegant and clean appearance.

She leaned down slightly, also holding a hex wrench in her hand.

Qin was surprised for just two or three seconds before taking the hex wrench and murmuring:


The girl was also stunned for a moment, seemingly at a loss.


[Oh my god, did the team invite Shen Qingqing?!]

[Their gaze when they met, just amazing, it's wallpaper material...]

[You don't know Shen Qingqing? She was in the recent hit Fire Line, played the third female lead with leading man Shen. I think she's still a student, the director spotted her at the film academy.]

[She had romantic scenes with leading man Shen, but it was a sad ending. Lots of people were upset about it. Then the two did a magazine cover together, Shen in a suit and Shen Qingqing in a black velvet halter dress, looking like a rich couple. They already have a CP hashtag, go search #ShenCouple#.]

[Double best actor winner, queen of the screen, up and coming flower... Rumor is leading man Shen broke up with his girlfriend because of Shen Qingqing. But the two have never been seen together in public. Lovers reuniting, it's going to be dramatic!]

[Qin's looks really hold up against Shen Qingqing's, even though Shen is so pretty. Qin wins in my book!]


After this segment aired, the ratings doubled, and the hashtag #QinWeiShenQingqing# topped the trending charts for at least 8 hours. The director cried tears of joy upon seeing it, knowing he made the right call inviting Shen Qingqing.

Of course at this time Qin Wei didn't know who Shen Qingqing was. As a cameo on the show just trying to keep to herself, she had no interest in this pretty girl before her.

Shen Qingqing made no move to leave, but suddenly said:

"Across the vast oceans and continents, transcending life and death and time, meeting you is heaven's arrangement."