Chapter 479

That night,

The Xian Shou Palace was filled with joy and merriment, laughter echoing beyond the palace walls and into the heavens.

Drunk and elated, Ru Naren performed a lively Hu folk dance,

Her graceful moves and captivating gestures were mesmerizing,

Though she stumbled in her inebriated state,

Her carefree abandon and radiant smile made her even more alluring than Zhao Hua had seen her at Xiao Jingheng's birthday celebration.


When she finished dancing, Rongyue was so enthralled that she nearly jumped onto the table to applaud.

After a few more drinks, Ru Naren even set up a grill in the Xian Shou Palace, insisting on grilling meat for Zhao Hua herself.

But the tender beef ended up charred and dry under her hand. She tried to make excuses, saying: "This beef isn't good quality! If we used Mongolian beef, it wouldn't turn out like this! Sister Zhao Hua, you must come to Mongolia sometime. I'll treat you to really delicious grilled meat!"

Tipsy, Zhao Hua glanced at the blackened skewers in Ru Naren's hand and teased:

"Treat me to what? Charcoal from your hands?"



Her words made Ru Naren blush with embarrassment, while the hall erupted in laughter.

This was how women should interact, harmoniously and joyfully,

Instead of endless scheming and fighting over a man.

The world should be like this.

Later, as the banquet drew to a close, almost everyone was drunk.

Xiao Jingyan took off his outer robe to drape over Rongyue, intending to brew some sobering tea for everyone,

And behind him followed a timid shadow.

He turned to find Ru Ge shyly trailing him, and smiled:

"You'll be going home tomorrow, why the glum face?"

Ru Ge bit her lip and shook her head, then slowly brought her hand from behind her back before Xiao Jingyan,

Revealing two auspicious knot charms clenched in her fist. One was the charm he had lost long ago, embroidered with Rongyue's maiden name,

While the newer one, made of the same materials and craftsmanship, had a blank center without any embroidery.

"Prince An, this auspicious knot is the one you dropped when you saved me. I selfishly kept it, going against my parents' teachings. When you gifted Rongyue the charm embroidered with your name, it nearly caused trouble when the late Emperor found out. This blank one is my way of making amends to you both."

Ru Ge insisted on placing both charms in the bewildered Xiao Jingyan's hand, then smiled with relief:

"Embroider your name on this one, and give it to Rongyue. I hope you two can be together forever."

Xiao Jingyan was tipsy and slow to comprehend what was happening,

Assuming this was merely Ru Ge's well-wish for him and Rongyue.

And so, in his drunken oblivion, Ru Ge's affection for him finally came to a full stop.

Seeing her turn to leave, he hurriedly said:

"You've gifted us, I should give you something in return. You like paintings, don't you? I have a few you asked for before that I didn't want to part with. I'll send them to your residence as a thank-you gift!"

Upon hearing this, Ru Ge paused mid-step,

Turning back with a hopeful smile on her face,

She shook her head gently and said with radiance:

"No need. In the future, someone will surely gift me something better."