Chapter 394

Sunlight streamed through the lattice windows, casting undulating spots of light on the magnificent golden hall.

The spots of light were dazzling,

just like Xiao Jingheng's agitated mood at this moment.

Hearing Xiao Jingyan's words, he was shocked and even started stammering as he spoke,

"Is, is that true?"

Xiao Jingyan said firmly: "This younger brother would not dare to deceive Imperial Brother with half a sentence. The Second Prince is now being raised in Hengzhou, and has grown up safely."


Every word seemed to carry a heartwarming warmth.

They entered Xiao Jingheng's heart through his ear, bringing tears brimming up in his eyes.

He quickly helped Xiao Jingyan up from the ground and hugged him tightly.

It had been many years since the brothers shared such an embrace.

Hearing Xiao Jingheng's soft sobs, Xiao Jingyan was moved that this was the first time he had seen Xiao Jingheng shed tears, though he did not know if it was because he missed his son or because of something else...

"Does Imperial Brother blame this younger brother?"


"Why would I blame you? You have filled the regrets in my heart, so that I don't have to live in guilt for the rest of my life. How could I blame you? I should reward you even more!"

Xiao Jingheng's eyes brimmed with hot tears. After loosening his embrace on Xiao Jingyan, he patted Xiao Jingyan forcefully on the shoulders, unable to contain his excitement.

"Good! Very good! Go to the Candle Shadow Monument. You go to Hengzhou first to bring Cheng Yu back. After Cheng Yu returns to the palace, I will make you a Regent with hereditary privileges that cannot be revoked by future emperors!"

Faced with this sudden bestowal, Xiao Jingyan was also completely unprepared.

But before he could thank the favor, the panicked voice of the little eunuch came from outside.

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty!"

'Bang!' The door of the main hall was hastily pushed open. The little eunuch ran to Xiao Jingheng with an ashen face, stuttering:

"Your Majesty... the Empress... the Empress fell from the Cloud Terrace and was severely injured and unconscious!"


The joy on Xiao Jingheng’s face vanished instantly. Without waiting for the carriage to be prepared, he strode towards Chang Le Palace.

By the time he arrived at Chang Le Palace, he was already drenched in sweat.

At this moment, almost all the imperial consorts and concubines had gathered here.

Some were kneeling in the courtyard crying bitterly, while others paced back and forth anxiously in the main hall.


Xiao Jingheng ignored everyone and headed straight for the inner chamber.

But just as he was about to push open the door, he was stopped by Ning Wanshuang.

"Your Majesty, the imperial physician is treating the Empress inside. If you rush in now, I'm afraid it would distract him."

Consort Yun also said: "Yes, Your Majesty. We know you are anxious, but the most important thing now is to stabilize the Empress's condition first."

Ning Wanshuang persuaded Xiao Jingheng to sit down, but he couldn’t rest easy at all. His eyes kept glancing at the tightly closed door of the inner chamber.

While worried, he also asked angrily:

"What exactly happened? With so many servants around, how could the Empress fall from the Cloud Terrace?!"

Ning Wanshuang explained:

"After the Empress went up the Cloud Terrace, she first worshipped the late empress with the consorts and concubines. She then wanted to enter the Temple of the Bodhisattva with Ten Halls to pray for blessings for the late empress. I was originally accompanying the Empress into the temple, but because Consort Shun also transcribed twelve volumes of texts for the afterlife, the Empress appreciated her efforts and allowed her to follow along.

To show sincerity without offending the deities, the consorts and concubines had to retreat when entering the temple. Everything went smoothly while the Empress, Consort Shun and I were praying for blessings. But just as we were leaving, a little eunuch suddenly rushed out from somewhere and went straight for the Empress. He pulled the Empress and fell from the Cloud Terrace together...

Fortunately they didn't fall directly to the ground, but crashed onto a platform about ten meters below. The offending eunuch died instantly, while the Empress fell on top of him which cushioned her fall. But she still suffered a head injury from the three-zhang fall and is in critical condition..." After hearing Ning Wanshuang recount the incident in detail, Xiao Jingheng felt it was extremely bizarre.

But Rongyue was also there to witness it. Since both of them said the same thing, it could not be false.

Xiao Jingheng looked angry and scolded Jiang Deshun loudly:

"Jiang Deshun! How could you let this happen as the head eunuch?! This is inside the palace, yet an inner eunuch dared to assassinate the Empress?!"

"This slave deserves death! Please quell your anger, Your Majesty!" Jiang Deshun knelt down repeatedly in fright, trembling as he replied:

"Your Majesty, the eunuch who fell to his death was Zhao Baozhong. He used to serve... the deposed Dai... in the Cold Palace. After Lady Dai was confined to the Cold Palace, he was also transferred there to deliver meals to Lady Dai twice a day.

After the incident, I immediately went to the Cold Palace to question her. It seems Lady Dai has gone insane. When she heard that the Empress was gravely injured by Zhao Baozhong and struggling between life and death, she... she laughed maniacally and bluntly said...she had her revenge..."

Since the culprit herself admitted that she sent someone to harm Zhao Hua, there was no need to investigate further.

Xiao Jingheng was furious. He swung his arm and swept everything within reach on the table to the ground.

Ceramics and jade cups shattered. The frightened consorts and concubines knelt down together.

"Quell your anger, Your Majesty..."

Xiao Jingheng bellowed: "Take that wretch to the execution ground immediately! I want her Quartered by Five Horses!"

Quartered by five horses was the cruelest punishment, only used on Criminal Ministers guilty of treason since the founding of the Qi Dynasty.

Seeing Xiao Jingheng mete out such punishment to Dai Chunying in anger, the consorts were horrified.

They looked at each other speechlessly, all having turned pale.

Silence filled the hall, so quiet that everyone's breathing seemed noisy.


The door of the inner chamber was cautiously pushed open.

Everyone's gaze instantly shifted over.

Guo Imperial Physician came out bowing with three other physicians. One look at his timid expression as he stared at the floor was enough to know Zhao's condition was not optimistic.

Before Guo Imperial Physician could speak, Xiao Jingheng strode into the inner chamber.


He saw Zhao Hua lying peacefully on the couch. Apart from some visible abrasions, she looked as if she was just sleeping.

Guo Imperial Physician followed closely behind, saying apprehensively:

"Your Majesty, I have tried every treatment possible, but none can rouse the Empress. The Empress suffered severe head trauma this time. Now, acupuncture may be the only remedy left. But I am not proficient in it, and inaccurate needling may aggravate her condition. Among the imperial physicians, only Zhang Imperial Physician specializes in the mysteries of acupuncture. He may be able to help. Although he is still recovering from illness, the Empress's safety is too important to delay! Your Majesty should summon him quickly to treat the Empress!"

At this moment, Xiao Jingheng's mind was in turmoil. He didn’t reprimand Guo Imperial Physician, only ordering Jiang Deshun to swiftly summon Zhang Imperial Physician.

He then sat on the edge of the couch, tightly grasping Zhao Hua’s hand with tears glistening in his eyes.

"Don’t be afraid, Zhao. I definitely won't let anything happen to you!"