Chapter 389

At that time, Ning Wanshuang had not yet understood the hidden meaning in Zhao Hua's words. She waved to Xiao Fuzi, who was busy in the courtyard, and whispered a command to him.

"Go and fetch the precious items we prepared earlier and bring them to Consort Hui."

Xiao Fuzi understood and slyly smiled before immediately returning to the side chamber. Before long, he handed Ning Wanshuang a package wrapped in yellow paper.

Only then did Ning Wanshuang realize what was inside without needing to ask.

"Consort Hui was always adept at framing others. Now that she has fallen into her own trap, she should taste this bitterness." *

Meanwhile, in the Chongyang Palace.


Xiao Jingheng sat at the head seat, surrounded by a pile of memorials, but he had no intention of reviewing them.

In the past few days, discussions had been stirring within the palace. People whispered behind closed doors, finding it peculiar and suspicious that Xiao Jingheng had implicated both Prince Qi and Consort Hui.

The imperial palace was never lacking in rumors and gossip. The more Xiao Jingheng tried to intervene at such times, the more it would appear that he cared about those rumors. It would only intensify the doubts in people's hearts.

The matter of the consorts having an affair with the prince was a severe blow to his reputation. Xiao Jingheng always valued the dignity of the royal family and his imperial authority. That is why he had kept this matter a closely guarded secret, even handling the questioning of Consort Hui and Prince Qi personally, without involving the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Punishment. He tasked his trusted confidants from the secret department to conduct the investigations.

Just when he was feeling troubled, Xiao Yinzi brought a cup of hot tea and whispered a report to him.

"Your Majesty, the honeysuckle that Consort Hui had ingested could not withstand the torture and she passed away at noon. Even until her death, she did not change her testimony, stating that she had indeed witnessed the Empress personally striking Consort Hui's abdomen, causing her to miscarry the royal heir..."


After revealing the truth, Xiao Yinzi noticed Xiao Jingheng's darkened expression and quickly added,

"I have inquired, and the palace maids serving in the Pure Splendor Palace where Consort Hui resided always kept their distance from her. It was only after Chunlan's death that Consort Hui became close to Honeysuckle. When Honeysuckle encountered trouble in her family, Consort Hui gave her a hundred taels of silver for emergencies. With such a master-servant bond, it is difficult to discern the truth in her words."

In fact, Xiao Jingheng did not need Xiao Yinzi to say these words. He already had a clear understanding in his heart. He would never believe Honeysuckle's testimony, and his suspicions at this moment were not solely focused on this lowly maid.

After a moment of silence, he abruptly changed the topic and asked Xiao Yinzi,

"Has Imperial Physician Zhang returned to the palace?"

"Not yet. Madam Marquis Jing'an's illness is quite complicated, so Zhang Imperial Physician is still treating her at the marquis's residence," Xiao Yinzi replied.

Xiao Jingheng absentmindedly toyed with the ink-black jade thumb ring on his thumb and then said after a moment,

"Take a few experienced imperial physicians and go to Marquis Jing'an's residence to bring Imperial Physician Zhang back to the palace."

While he was speaking, another palace maid came to report,

"Your Majesty, Noble Consort Chen requests an audience."

Xiao Jingheng raised his hand to grant Ning Wanshuang an audience. Xiao Yinzi quickly attended to the task and respectfully took his leave.

When Ning Wanshuang arrived, she observed that Xiao Jingheng's expression was somewhat grave.

She didn't even have time to be mindful of propriety as she placed a yellow paper package on the dragon table.

Xiao Jingheng furrowed his brows and asked, "What is this?"

Ning Wanshuang replied, "The Emperor ordered me to search the Zhaochun Palace, and the palace maids found this in a secret compartment of the Consort Hui's dressing table. It contains forbidden medicine from the palace. When this substance is mixed with water and consumed by both men and women, it ignites a passionate flame that is hard to resist."

Upon hearing this, Xiao Jingheng was filled with anger. He slammed the table with force, causing his palms to tingle.

Ning Wanshuang's face was filled with concern as she hurriedly approached and gently held Xiao Jingheng's hands, massaging them gently.

"Your Majesty, please calm down. It is outrageous for Consort Hui to use forbidden medicine to deceive you. Before coming here, I consulted with the imperial physician who informed me that although this substance has a strong effect, it dissipates quickly in the body. Your preference for the plum wine brewed by Consort Hui accelerates the blood circulation, allowing the substance to be expelled from your system faster. Therefore, even if the imperial physician examines your pulse the next day, he won't detect anything suspicious."

Xiao Jingheng had his suspicions about what Ning Wanshuang said. However, he had always trusted the imperial physician's assurance and was overly confident in his control over Consort Hui, the pawn in his game. It was only due to his negligence that he fell victim to this plot without realizing it.

"Go and have this substance delivered to the torture chamber. Let's see how that wretched woman explains herself!"

Ning Wanshuang softly acknowledged and was about to console Xiao Jingheng when Jiang Deshun trembled as he entered.

His face was pale, clearly having experienced a great shock. Even when he greeted Xiao Jingheng, his words stuttered. "Your Majesty, Prince Qi... has confessed."

Upon seeing Jiang Deshun's appearance, Xiao Jingheng already had a rough idea.

It was likely that Prince Qi had indeed had an affair with Consort Hui, causing even the experienced servant Jiang Deshun to turn pale with fear.

Xiao Jingheng cared about his image, so he naturally didn't want Ning Wanshuang to hear things she shouldn't. He hurriedly dismissed her.

After everyone left and the doors to the main hall were tightly closed, Xiao Jingheng spoke in a low voice to Jiang Deshun, "What did he confess? Did he really have a relationship with Consort Hui?"

Jiang Deshun shook his head and said, "There was no physical relationship between Prince Qi and Consort Hui. Instead... there was another connection."

"Another connection?"

Upon hearing Jiang Deshun's words, Xiao Jingheng felt a momentary relief, but soon became puzzled. "What other connection could there be between the two of them?"


Jiang Deshun was filled with anxiety, inexplicably kneeling down and bowing his head, unable to look directly at Xiao Jingheng.

"Your Majesty, this matter is really... too much. Let me explain slowly. If Your Majesty hears it all at once, you might become extremely angry and harm your well-being."

Impatiently, Xiao Jingheng urged, "Speak up, don't hesitate!"

Only then did Jiang Deshun's lips tremble as he said, "Under the orders of Your Majesty, the covert operatives subjected Prince Qi to extreme punishment. He couldn't bear it, so he confessed. He said that all the wealth and riches in his residence were obtained from Zhu Yin."

It was also revealed that for many years, he had been unable to capture Zhu Yin because he had accepted benefits from Zhu Yin and intentionally led his three armies to circle around, and had entrusted the secret military plans to Emperor Zhu Yin. This was what enabled Zhu Yin's forces to receive divine assistance and remain unbroken for three years without being conquered by the Qi Army..."

Xiao Jingheng's expression grew increasingly furious as he shouted,

"This is a matter of national importance. Since you claim it is related to Consort Hui, tell me the truth."

"Well..." Jiang Deshun was filled with fear, trembling uncontrollably,

"Prince Qi revealed... Several years ago, Zhu Yin planted a spy by your side. And the reason Prince Qi arranged for Chunlan to serve Consort Hui was because..."

Every word that followed felt like a sharp blade cutting through Jiang Deshun's throat,

With a thunderous roar from Xiao Jingheng, Jiang Deshun finally gritted his teeth and mustered the courage to confess,

"The spy planted by Zhu Yin by your side is called Shang Yang, and this person... is Consort Hui."