Chapter 386

Waves of tearing pain shot through Consort Hui's lower abdomen, as if thousands of knives were stirring her internal organs, hurting her so much that she nearly fainted.

She collapsed on the ground, her hands already stained with blood as she clutched her lower body.

In the moment before she completely lost consciousness, she saw Yun Shan run madly out of the main hall, shouting loudly:

"Come quickly! Protect His Majesty!"

What happened after that, she didn't know, as she fell into a long, conscious dream.

She dreamed of her homeland and the young lad who had always occupied her dreams.


That man she called Master now stood before her, but his face was obscured by a layer of mist - although so close, she couldn't make out his features.

She had left her homeland at the age of thirteen, and seventeen years had passed since then. Perhaps she had already forgotten what her young lad looked like. But the one you love, even with an obscured face, often appears in your dreams.

Shang Yang held the man tightly, her despair and helplessness turning into tears that poured out.

"Ye Lang...I feel I can't hold on much longer..."

She was afraid.

Afraid the man would accuse her of being useless, afraid he would resent her lack of follow through.


But what she finally heard was the man gently holding her in return.

She heard him say gently:

"Shang Yang, if you are tired, come back. Between you and the world, if I had to choose one, I would rather abandon the world and protect you."

With just this one sentence, Consort Hui completely melted in this illusory embrace.

Seventeen years...

During these seventeen years, whenever Consort Hui felt she couldn't hold on any longer, the man would say this to her in her dreams.

This made her even more certain - dedicating herself to her homeland and her young lad was worth it.

She was determined that since they loved each other, they should try to fulfill each other. So every time she awoke from the dream, she would turn away to wipe her tears, grit her teeth, and continue fighting in this endless struggle.

However, even the most beautiful dream eventually disappears.

When Consort Hui opened her eyes, she didn't know how many years had passed.

"You're awake," said Ning Wanshuang. Standing next to her were Rongyue and Consort Yin.

Consort Hui looked around woodenly, but did not see Xiao Jingheng or Zhao Hua.

She instinctively touched her lower abdomen and found it sunken in, with only loose skin remaining.

She was stunned for a moment, then looked at Ning Wanshuang and asked hoarsely:

"My child...where is he?"

"How dare you ask about your child?" Ning Wanshuang said angrily.

"What kind of mother are you, so heartless as to beat your own son out of your belly? You don't even deserve to be human!"

Seeing that Consort Hui had not yet recovered, Rongyue used the gentlest tone to say the most gloating words:

"When the doctor used medicine to force the child out of you, he was already dead. What a pity...he was a fully formed male fetus."

After a brief silence, endless despair hit Consort Hui like a tide.


She clutched her chest in pain and cried out desperately:

"I didn't beat my child out! It was that slut Zhao Hua! Where is His Majesty? I want to see His Majesty!"

"You still have the nerve to see His Majesty?" Consort Yin glanced at her scornfully.

"Because of you, the Empress was so shocked she went into labor for a whole day and night before the little prince was finally born. Fortunately the heir was unharmed, but the Empress is still unconscious from the difficult labor. His Majesty has been by her side in Chang Le Palace the whole time. Now that you've woken up, you should pray for forgiveness instead. If anything happens to the Empress, even if you kowtowed yourself to death in front of His Majesty, he would not spare you!"

Having said what needed to be said, Ning Wanshuang and the others didn't want Consort Hui's company any longer. Without even a word of comfort, they turned and left.

Consort Hui didn't know what Zhao Hua had told Xiao Jingheng, or how the palace maids had distorted the truth.

She only knew that if she didn't explain herself now, things would get even worse if Zhao Hua continued her lies.

When the incident happened, Ren Dong had witnessed everything at Consort Hui's side. She would be the best witness.

So despite the tearing pain in her lower body, Consort Hui shouted to the door:

"Ren Dong! Come in!"

But the answering voice belonged to a former cleaning maid.

She timidly said to Consort Hui: "Consort Hui, please just instruct this servant."

"Where is Ren Dong?" "Sister Ren Dong...His Majesty ordered her locked up in the prison for torture, to make her tell the truth about how the Empress was shocked and...and how you miscarried."

Hearing this, Consort Hui felt slightly more at ease.

Ren Dong was not originally from Consort Hui's homeland anyway. She had only been serving Consort Hui for a long time. Ever since Chun Lan died, everything in the palace had been handled by Ren Dong.

Consort Hui treated Ren Dong very well on the surface. When she heard Ren Dong's family had fallen ill, she had rewarded her with one hundred taels of silver to use during the emergency.

Ren Dong knew nothing about Consort Hui's dirty tricks, so the prison would not be able to get anything out of her.

As for what happened in Chang Le Palace - Zhao Hua beating the fetus out of Consort Hui's belly - Ren Dong had witnessed it all.

So she had no reason or motive to lie about it in front of His Majesty.

At the same time, in Chang Le Palace...

Zhao Hua felt her eyelids were very heavy. It took great effort before she finally opened them.

"Zhao'er, you're finally awake!"

She heard a gentle male voice. Turning her head, she saw Xiao Jingheng tightly grasping her hand.

He looked somewhat haggard.

There were dark circles under his eyes, stubble lining his cheeks and jaw.

Although he seemed rather feeble, his eyes couldn't hide his delight.

"You've suffered, Zhao'er. But you've safely given birth to a prince for me."

Just as Zhao Hua regained consciousness, Yun Shan had joyfully rushed to the side hall to bring over the little prince, tears in her eyes.

Now the sleeping baby in the swaddling clothes was held in front of Zhao Hua.

Zhao Hua weakly glanced at the cradle. The child was truly beautiful, even fairer than Cheng Yu had been at birth.

The joy of being a first-time mother, seeing this sight, should move one to tears.

And so after just one look, Zhao Hua was filled with myriad feelings, on the verge of weeping.

Xiao Jingheng gently wiped her tears. "Don't cry now. This is good news. As long as you and our son are safe, nothing makes me feel more relieved."

As Zhao Hua sobbed softly, she seemed to suddenly remember something.

She hurriedly grabbed Xiao Jingheng's sleeve:

"Your Majesty, what about...Consort Hui?"

Before her words had even faded, furious curses could be heard from outside the palace:

"Zhao Hua, you slut! Give me back my son's life!"