Chapter 9

It's not clear if other people's four and a half year old children can understand, but Ji Ruochu definitely understands.

"Okay." The little girl agreed without even raising her head. Going on a show? She's gone on so many, what's one more? When she's not filming dramas, she's totally a variety show queen!

Other than the dating observation show with that nemesis Ji Mochen in her last life, you could say it was a complete variety show Waterloo for her.

"Ruoruo, are you really willing? Did daddy not explain clearly to you what going on a show means?" After hanging up the phone, Ji Mochen was still a little worried.

"Daddy, I understand, I'm not stupid." Ji Ruochu said boredly, flipping through a picture book.

"Then can you repeat to daddy what it means?"


Hearing this, the little one let out an exasperated sigh, then put down the book in her hands, "Going on a show means, like when mommy watches handsome guys on the tablet, a lot of people will watch me and daddy through their phones..."

"Wait a minute!" Ji Mochen instantly grabbed the key point, "What shows with handsome guys does your mommy watch?"

Ji Ruochu: ......【innocently bats eyelashes.jpg】

"Ling Chujin!" Ji Mochen rushed into the room, furious.

Five minutes later...

"Alright, baby, continue what you were saying." Having been scratched by his wife, the now docile Ji Mochen smoothed it over and asked again.


Ji Ruochu: ......So what exactly are you trying to do?

That day, under immense public pressure, after Ji Mochen's revealing of his daughter's birth certificate and photos from when he registered her residency were ineffective...

He instead announced that he would be joining the fifth season of Strawberry TV's "Daddy Daycare", instantly blowing up the pot online.

Seeing the surge of trending topics, the show's director laughed so hard his eyes disappeared.

Just like that, fueled by internet water armies, "Daddy Daycare" Season 5 gained several red hot openings even before airing, thanks to the popularity of Ji Mochen and his daughter.

Of course, the production team was very savvy, occasionally releasing tidbits and previews to keep viewers on tenterhooks. You could say they kept people glued to their seats in anticipation.

Finally, one week before the show's premiere, they began releasing full preview clips for each family, yes clips for every family.

There were 5 families, and they would release one clip per day over 5 days.

Netizens: If I have sinned, let the law punish me, not a variety show dangling food in front of me for months!

But of course, despite the complaints, every preview brought in huge view counts.

On the first day, they showed pianist Mao Zhu and his daughter Mao Ziqing's daily life.

In the morning, the 6 year old girl wakes up to the sound of the piano. After breakfast, Mao Ziqing practices piano with her father in the music room. Though only 6, she is quite accomplished musically. When packing for the trip, the little girl packs her luggage very neatly and methodically, easily capturing the hearts of noona fans.

"Teacher Mao, why did you agree to join the show this time? As far as I know, this is your first variety appearance."

"Mainly I wanted to take my daughter out to see more of the world. I hope that besides piano, she can also experience other colors in life."


On the second day, they showed movie emperor Fan Hongru and his son Fan Jin.

Known for his refined image on screen, Fan Hongru's name "Hongru" meaning magnanimity matches him. But his son's personality differs greatly from the "prudence" of his name.

When the crew arrives at their home, they find the 7 year old boy standing in the corner, being punished for misbehaving. The camera pans across a broken expensive vase in the living room, then back to the stiffly standing boy.

The bullet screen fills with jokes about him finally getting to have a full childhood.

On the third day, the preview shows semi-retired veteran actor Geng Ming and his daughter Geng Zhenzhen.

Though Geng Ming is no longer popular now, his early works remain timeless classics.

To everyone's surprise, the 7 year old Geng Zhenzhen seems very unfamiliar with her father. During their silent meal together, the estrangement is evident.

In interviews, Geng Ming says he and his daughter don't spend much time together, and it's usually his wife who acts as the bridge between them. He hopes this trip can bring them closer.

On the fourth day, they show newcomer Lin Yan, and his son Lin Xindi. Though not a celebrity, Lin Yan's wife is the well known heavenly queen Chen Yiyuan, whose songs still rank in the top tens today.

Compared to the other guests, Lin Yan is the stereotypical doting dad. Preview clips show 5 year old Lin Xindi shares everything that happens in kindergarten with his father, and they have an excellent relationship.

Finally on the fifth day, the long anticipated preview of heavenly king Ji Mochen and his daughter Ji Ruochu is released.

As expected of a top star, as soon as the preview appears, father and daughter immediately trend on searches over the name "Ruochu".

【Ruochu? Is it who I think it is?】


【Hold on, did you guys even watch the full preview before jumping to conclusions here?】

【To be honest, after watching it, I feel it's totally coincidental. Other than her eyes, our little princess looks nothing like Tan Ruochu.】

【+1, watching this made me laugh my head off, I never expected the heavenly king to be like this at home.】


So what exactly happens in the clip?

Ji Mochen and his daughter's preview opens just like the other families', with the crew arriving at the Ji residence early morning.

Though low-key compared to the other guests, the sprawling mansion instantly widens the viewers' eyes.

【Dang, so Ji Mochen really is an heir?】

【My god, this is like something you only see in TV shows! Art really does imitate life.】

"Ding dong~" Against the barrage of bullet comments, the director on screen rings the doorbell.


The grand door opens, and Ji Mochen appears holding a milk bottle, hair disheveled in silk pajamas - a far cry from his usual suave image.

He greets the crew while distractedly shaking the milk bottle. For a moment, even the bullet comments pause.


【How is the heavenly king so down to earth at home? Dang, he's really letting his hair down.】

【Help, Ji heavenly king, are you giving up pretending now? This image, pfft...】

"Hello, come in." Ji tidies his short hair, then leads them inside.

As the cameraman pans around, they finally see the interior layout, immediately gasping.

Sure enough, a luxury mansion, and even more splendid inside. Every ornament is extremely classy, one look and you know they are valuable.

To put it bluntly, they exude money.

"Have a seat first, my daughter should be waking up-"

Patter patter...

Before Ji Mochen can finish, light footsteps sound, paired with subtitles "Incoming cute creature".

Instantly hooking everyone's anticipation.


A soft voice pops up, and a cute milk cow onesie wearing creature appears on screen.

She hugs a doll milk bottle as big as herself, looking around as she calls out.

"Ruoruo's awake~"

Ji's stern face instantly transforms into an unreserved smile.


Still groggy, as Ji Ruochu turns her head, she trips over her own feet and faceplants into the plush milk bottle, little legs kicking up comically.

Bullet comments: ......

【OMG, is this the fabled milk bath that empties your blood bar?】

【Ahhh!! Is this our Ruoruo?】

【I'm stealing her, anyone wanna join?】

【Take me with you.】

