The beast roared and roared down tons of lava.

The dragon's eyes seemed to have financial money flowing, and it waved its sharp claws across the body of the demon dog, bringing bursts of flames, causing it to roar in pain.

Now only one of the three heads of the devil dog is left, and the crack is like a molten steel pillar, and hot molten iron is still surging in it.

Anweiya was also a little embarrassed, and there were many burn marks on the smooth and beautiful golden scales.

But that's all.

But even so, it is enough to inspire the tyranny hidden in the blood.

The majesty of the emperor cannot be challenged!


Even if it's just a copy of the game.

Anweiya knows that this is not just a simple game copy, but also represents reality!

Dodging to avoid the attack of the demon dog, Anweiya stomped on the ground with both feet and sank deeply into it, her two front limbs tightly pinching the dog demon's neck, no matter how hard she struggled, she would not relax.

Sharp fingernails slashed across the scales, sparking sparks, and the flowing lava brought scorching stings.

The dog's struggles brought no results.

Anvia moved its head in front of her, and forcefully opened the hideous mouth.


Taking a deep breath, the branch-like cracks spread from the center of the pupil to the surroundings.

The blazing white light beam spewed out of the mouth and poured directly into the body of the demon dog from the throat. The most essential particles that made up the world changed, constantly shattered and reorganized, and terrifying energy erupted.

After struggling violently for a moment, the Demon Dog's body immediately slumped down.

Anvia threw it aside, and the huge body splashed with billowing lava.

"Cough cough cough..."

He coughed a few times, and let out a puff of black smoke from his throat.

The essence of the world, as the boss said, is made of information.

But from the surface, or from another point of view, it is all kinds of microscopic particles that cannot be touched by sight. Only when the strength reaches a certain limit can understand this.

What Anvia had done before was to decompose these particles, which was enough to explode the power of destroying the world in an instant.

Of course, she didn't want to use it for as long as she wanted, and it would cause a lot of burden on her body.

After coughing for a while, she lowered her head and took a mouthful of magma to moisten her throat and spit it out. Anweiya looked up at the sky.

The ark from outside the domain is still slowly falling, and it seems that it should take some time for it to fall completely.

The previously seen storm had dissipated, and it was thought to be nothing more than a tide of energy caused by the fall.

Anweiya simply came to a relatively intact mountain peak, quietly looking at the almost falling star, and slowly zooming in in sight.

She felt that she should have understood the identity of the fallen thing.

The financial pupils looked at the front with a little fascination, and Anweiya remembered some knowledge she heard in class a long time ago.

The ark carrying thousands of lives came out of bounds.

Brings the seeds of life to the nascent world.

The past is forgotten, and new civilizations develop from the corpses of old civilizations.

The dark shadow has never dissipated.

Attached to the corner of the ark, following civilization descends here.

The elder brother of all sentient beings captured the shadow and sank into the ground and fell into a deep sleep.

Time is long, until it is buried in the dust of the years.


Or is it a repeat of history?

Or the creation of the boss?

Anweiya didn't know the answer, and now she just watched quietly, her thoughts seemed to have flown millions of years ago.

It is no longer the cold words on the books, the incomplete pictures in the database.

But from a real angle, it was actually presented in front of her eyes.

Perhaps... after the end, it is indeed necessary to urge the boss.

How long has it been since? The Speaker was still waiting for him.

and many more.

Anweiya suddenly remembered another important thing, and Frost also followed, so there shouldn't be anything wrong, right?

This idea only appeared for a moment and was completely thrown away by her shaking her head.

Shouldn't be worried.

But then again...

The golden eyes turned to the ark again.

It's so slow, I don't know when it will fall completely...


The feeling of being down-to-earth came, Gu Yunxi hurriedly ran to the side, bent down and retched for a while, and vomited several times.

"Are you okay?" Jiang Wanshang asked worriedly.

Gu Yunxi just waved his hand at will, sticking out his tongue: "I feel that this copy is a bit wrong, why do you feel so uncomfortable?"

"What the boss made, it's normal no matter how abnormal it is." Qingyuan didn't care, looking around, "But then again, what about Anweiya?"

The five are now in the middle of a basin-like area.

The surrounding environment is a bit strange, the ground is a strange dark black, and many rocks also show strange corrosion marks.

However, it may have been a long time, and basically it has been weathered and cannot be seen, but even so, it still makes people feel a little uncomfortable.

"do not know."

Yao Ziyue looked around, "It should be because of something that happened during the teleportation, so we separated. I seem to have mentioned this in the notes for the new dungeon."

At that time, she just glanced at it roughly, and vaguely remembered that there were a lot of small characters under the light curtain.

"There may be special circumstances in the process of transferring the copy, don't worry, everything is normal"

"Dungeon encounters will not have any negative impact on reality, please explore as much as you like"

"Please don't try to challenge the existing rules, violators will be punished"

"All interpretation rights belong to Origin Mall"

As mentioned above, it is normal for Anweiya to disappear inexplicably.

"I'll contact her." Yao Ziyue called out a light curtain and sent a message to Anweiya.

Wait a moment.

"How is it?" Gu Yunxi couldn't help asking.

"No reply, something must have happened now." Yao Ziyue scratched her hair, but she wasn't too worried.

Anyway, even if it hangs up, it's just a return to reality, and it won't have any effect.

The only pity is that it can't be explored together.

"Speaking of which, what should we do?" At the end of the short episode, several people finally remembered the problem they were facing now. Gu Yunxi took a small stool from the personal space and hugged Frost in his arms.

He rubbed his cheeks, squinting in enjoyment.

Jiang Wanshang glanced at it and opened her information panel: "I don't know, and I don't have any task prompts."

"According to the description, this should also be a place similar to Ke Luo, and there will be no situation where something comes to the door when you don't understand." Qingyuan carefully analyzed the current scene.

"So what we have to do is walk around and see if we can get lucky and trigger something?" Yao Ziyue asked.

Qingyuan: "...The summary is in place."