Chapter 189: The Truth (9)

Ling Tianya quickly regained her composure. Judging from the situation, she and Ryan Zeyan had been attacked. In all those years, even though Ling Tianya had been through a lot, that was still the first time she experienced real guns and real bullets. Needless to say, the attacker’s target couldn’t be her, a screenwriter who just returned to China. It could only be the decision-maker for an empire, Ruan Zeyan.

The attacker seemed to know Ruan Zeyan’s itinerary well and had made careful preparations. He knew that Ruan Zeyan didn’t have any body guards following him, and the only person with him was Ling Tianya, an unthreatening woman.

Ling Tianya forced herself to calm down. Ruan Zeyan used his body to shield her from danger.

Ruan Zeyan’s face looked serious. He was protecting Ling Tianya while analyzing the terrain and running with her towards the depths of the woods.

Ling Tianya felt fortunate that she had been working out and even run several marathons when she was abroad. She could almost keep up with the pace of Ruan Zeyan, not slowing him down.

Ruan Zeyan found a hole in a tree, just big enough to fit Ling Tianya’s body. He pushed Ling Tianya into the tree hole and quickly covered it with some dry branches and leaves. “Stay here. Wait for Du Gang and his men to come and get you.” His voice was very stable, as if nothing was happening.


“What about you?!” Ling Tianya asked anxiously.

“Their target is me, so I’ll lead them away.” Ruan Zeyan looked around and felt that the killers were about to catch up. He turned his head and kissed Ling Tianya’s lips deeply. Still with a whimsical smile. “Don’t worry, nothing’s going to happen to me.”

After that, Ruan Zeyan got up and ran.

Ling Tianya looked in the direction in which Ruan Zeyan ran, and soon someone caught up. Ling Tianya hid in the tree hole but could clearly see that there were four men in the group, and they all had guns in their hands. Death and killing was written on their faces, and the expression reminded Ling Tianya of samurai in books.

The killers chased after Ruan Zeyan in the exact direction he went. Ruan Zeyan said nothing would happen to him, but there were four people with guns in their hands. Ruan Zeyan had nothing but his bare fists.

Suddenly, Ling Tianya’s gaze fell on the branches and leaves that covered the tree hole, and there were blotches of blood.


Ling Tianya’s heart stopped, Ruan Zeyan was hurt!

Deep in the woods, suddenly there was a series of gunshots and every single one seemed to hit Ling Tianya in her heart.

Ling Tianya couldn’t care about anything else. She climbed out of the tree hole and ran towards the gunshots.

Along the way, Ling Tianya saw pools of blood on the ground every few steps. The red was like poison needles stabbing her eyes and heart. The pain made her suffocate.

She thought she was doing very well. She thought she had forgotten love six years ago. She thought the thing between her and Ruan Zeyan was just entangled interests.

When Ruan Zeyan kissed her deeply by the tree and ran away, Ling Tianya suddenly realized that the original feelings from six years ago was still there.

As she kept running, Ling Tianya heard the noise of men fighting. She followed the sound and the first thing she saw were four empty guns on the ground, bullets gone. Anxiously she searched for Ruan Zeyan.

She finally saw him, hurt but still alive.

Two men were lying on the ground. From their distorted limbs and painful expressions, she could tell that Ruan Zeyan’s moves were decisive and merciless.