Chapter 79  : Chen Rui’s Decision

Chen Rui did that because he thought about it seriously. He had to go to the mine anyway, so might as well do it. He received a secret message from Royce last night. The incident of Princess Retail Store had already made Joseph suspected him. If he stayed in the Dark Moon longer, it might be even more inconvenient.

Although Mountain Xilang was dangerous, it wasn’t comparable to the Silent Night Wetland. With his Higher Demon strength, there shouldn’t be a problem to protect himself. What’s more, his true purpose was the big bulk of auras from the “waste ores”. Mine officer... the mines hadn’t changed much in recent years anyway, so he didn’t need to produce any result in a short time.

As for Arux’s War Contract, he could use the wyvern to sneak back. With such an alibi, no one would suspect Aguile and Chen Rui were the same people.

“Chen Rui!”

Shea got up suddenly, but Joseph spoke first, “Good! Indeed a talent that Princess Royal and I value! If you need anything, tell me. I’ll fully support you!”

Shea frowned, “Chen Rui, the time you spent in the Dark Moon is still too short. You don’t understand the dangers of the mine. Besides, you’re too weak. I don’t want to make the mine’s situation worse.”


“I’m not afraid of danger; I’m willing to work for Your Royal Highness!” Chen Rui had made up his mind to get auras at the mines. His “fanatic” gaze was looking atShea’s beautiful face with an impassioned look, but in his heart, Your Royal Highness was changed to “auras”.

Now, the few demons at the sides could tell that the reason why the new secretary was willing to sacrifice was entirely due to his admiration for Princess Royal. However, although Your Royal Highness was extremely beautiful, she was also known for her coldness and ruthlessness. How could a tiny human move her?

Some of them had richer imagination, thinking that since Joseph had always been pleasing Princess Royal before this. When he knew that Shea had an admired secretary at her side, he was filled with jealousy. Thus, while weakening Princess Royal’s strength, he also cruelly sent his potential “rival in love” to death.

“Princess Royal, since Chen Rui is willing to go, why not give him a chance?” Joseph glanced at Chen Rui with surprise and said, “In order to express my sincerity of recommending, if Chen Rui can manage the problems that plagued Mountain Xilang for decades, I’d recommend him again to be the sheriff.”

The sheriff had always been General Alan’s part-time job. When he heard Joseph’s words, Alan was angered and stared at Joseph fiercely. Yet, Joseph acted like he didn’t notice at all.

This proposal reminded everyone of the big incident that stirred up the city over the past few days. Surely, the sheriff and the financial officer were hostile. In fact, it was considered as Alan’s fault as he cheated at the arena. However, Alan’s loss was also the biggest, since he lost a Higher Demon.


Of course, no one thought that Chen Rui could return alive to be the sheriff. In the eyes of most people, this human was already a dead person.

“If that’s the case, let’s write it down as evidence.” Chen Rui’s words got everyone’s attention again. “As Sir Joseph just told me to tell you if I need anything. I’ve never been to Mountain Xilang, so I need a magic map copy of the entire Dark Moon, a magic eye compass, a torch ring, 10 fluorescent stones...”

Chen Rui said a dozen items in one breath and looked at Joseph embarrassingly at the end, “That should be all. I don’t know if sir would keep your promise?”

These things seemed to be the preparation for the trip to Mountain Xilang, but there were magic items and magic materials. Not only he could collect tiny interest before going to Mountain Xilang, but he could also annoy Joseph a little. If the magic store wasn’t robbed, these were nothing for him. However, these things were “robbed” by Alan now. Of course, the scapegoat of robbing the magical material was also “kindly” taken by the sheriff.

Joseph was stunned as his words out of politeness was taken seriously by the human. Yet, since he promised in front of so many people and his opponent agreed to go to the mine, these little things naturally didn’t matter. It was just like buying his life.

“That’s not a problem. I will send someone to deliver them to the master’s lab. I’ll make sure they’re of the highest quality equipment and items.” Joseph seemed happier, “As for the paperwork, you should draft it yourself. Princess Royal and everyone else are witnesses.”

Chen Rui wrote them down in triplicate, then and the two signed their name on them. Joseph took his copy. He smiled and said, “So, our minE officer, please prepare yourself and go to Mountain Xilang as soon as possible.”

Chen Rui nodded. Shea looked at the paper in her hand calmly. She didn’t say anything, and she was still showing her cold expression that never changed.

On the road outside the palace.

Alan clenched his teeth and said to Joseph, “Why did you gamble my sheriff’s post! Was your sincerity last night a fluke?”

It turned out that Joseph secretly met Alan last night. Under Joseph’s superb diplomatic skills, Alan, who initially hated Joseph’s guts extremely had reconciled with him. The magic equipment and others were considered as compensation for Mikas’ “accidental” death. Both sides also reached an important conclusion. They’d continue to pretend to be discordant to paralyze Shea’s faction.

However, Alan’s anger today wasn’t fake for cooperation, but it was from the bottom of his heart. Clearly, Joseph gambling with his sheriff’s position truly caused his anger.

Joseph looked like he knew everything, and he asked calmly, “If I didn’t do that, how do we continue to act like we’re fighting? Don’t you want to watch that human dies step by step?”

Alan’s anger was slightly calmed, then Joseph added, “Or you really think that the human can come back from Mountain Xilang? Are the demonic beasts and bandits that you mentioned there just a “fluke”?”

Alan also responded at that time, “That’s right, even if he isn’t dead, we can send someone to kill him. We’ll just say that he’s killed by demonic beasts or bandits!”

“My friend, you finally understood.” Joseph smiled slightly, “Now, the items in the magic store have all been given to you. The items that the human mentioned just now, I don’t have it with me, so I have to depend on you.”

“Hmph, whatever map or compass is useless for me anyway. Yet, I don’t have fluorescent stones, so you have to find a way!” Although they were reconciled on the surface, the thorn in Alan’s heart wasn’t pulled out after all. As he said, he ignored Joseph and strode away.

Looking at Alan’s back, dissatisfaction and contempt appeared for a moment in Joseph’s eyes, but he still didn’t say anything.

In the council hall, Chen Rui was the only one left.

Shea kept staring at him and the invisible pressure made Chen Rui very uncomfortable. After a long time, the iceberg princess finally said, “Why?”

“That’s because I really want to go to Mountain Xilang. That’s the truth.” Chen Rui honestly replied.

“Truth? The position of sheriff is indeed important to the Dark Moon, but why did you bet with your own life? In the face of absolute power, wisdom can hardly play a role, so you have no chance to win this time. You should be very clear about the dangers at Mountain Xilang. If you fail, it means death.”

Chen Rui understood that wisdom was indeed nothing in the face of absolute strength. Thus, when necessary, he’d use strength to overwhelm strength.

“Rest assured. I will come back. Actually, I wanted to say that this is part of the grand master’s test.”

“This excuse is too bad.” Shea shook her head, “I don’t understand; I really don’t understand. Perhaps this could be understood as a means for you to move me?”

Could be understood? Isn’t that “deduction”... Chen Rui’s face was stagnant – I’m answering honestly, but this girl simply doesn’t believe.

Since the beginning of the misunderstanding in the garden last time, this beautiful misunderstanding had been going on. However, as a healthy male... that’s wrong, as a normal man, it was inevitable to have some feelings for the beautiful female boss. Besides, being able to witness Shea’s rare smile or hearing a plain concern, it felt really good.

However, under the powerful “deduction bloodline” of the Lucifer Family, he was playing the role as “admirer” passively most of the time.

“As I said, it’s for myself. I can’t help if you don’t believe me.” Chen Rui sighed, and he didn’t muddle through by expressing admiration.

Shea shook her head, “If you lost your life, what can you do even if you moved me?”

“Can... I truly move you?” Chen Rui’s heart moved, and he asked subconsciously. Jesus, I truly didn’t scheme that.

“Is there any actual meaning between moving or not moving?” Shea sighed, “Actually, with your wisdom, it should be clear that we’re absolutely impossible. You’ve gained my trust, but everything stops here. Maybe I should implement Old Gauss’s proposal to retain your talents by the charm of playing hard to get. However, I’m not doing that. To be honest, you give me a very special feeling. I haven’t had this feeling for a long time. I even thought that I’ve forgotten how to feel it, this feeling... it’s like...”

As Shea said this, her initial expressionless face had a hint of movements; it was slightly trembling. Finally, it returned to the usual poker face.

“Perhaps this feeling is friendship.” Chen Rui added. I never expect Old Gauss to have such a suggestion. He’s such a good man. It’s too bad the boss doesn’t like the idea.

Although there was a little regret in his heart, there was more fulfillment and touch. He knew that Athena had feelings for him, but probably it was just “a bit”; Alice was more like curious and pranks. As for Shea... he wouldn’t be narcissistic enough to think that the Demon Realm’s beauty would like him for no reason. For her to be confessing, it was quite surprisingly already.

This should be the first time since she became the lord.

Perhaps it’s a pity for a dying person, perhaps it’s for him to stop fantasizing... but confess is a confess.

“‘Friends’? I don’t know, maybe.” Shea’s eyes gradually cooled down. “I’m not only the lord of Dark Moon, but also the descendant of Lord of Midnight Sun, who carries heavy responsibilities. This word is a luxury for me. For you, it’s bad luck. I don’t want to discuss this anymore. You’ve obstinately signed the papers just now. Apart from escaping from the Dark Moon, you can only go to the mine. Have you made up your mind?”

“I’ve made up my mind.” Chen Rui nodded firmly, “I’ll go to the mine.”

“Then, no matter what method you use, you have to endure for half a year! After half a year, even if there’s isn’t any accomplishment, I can still use the privilege to transfer you back. Joseph can’t say anything even if he has the evidence.”

Chen Rui was calculating. If it’s half a year, I can go to the Silent Night Wetland. However, the prerequisite is to pass Arux’s challenge and further improve my strength.

“Half a year shouldn’t be a problem. I do need to go for the grand master’s inheritance. Now I can solve the problem along the way. I’ll also take the wyverns with me. By the way, I can also convince Aguile to secretly escort. After all, I have a symbiotic contract with him. If I’m dead, he’ll also die.”

The symbiotic contract reminded Shea and she asked, “The wyvern should be fine, but Aguile will fight Arux in about a month! Aren’t you afraid that he’ll lose? Your lives are already connected.”

That’s right. It is really connected. Chen Rui smiled slightly, and his smile was full of confidence.

“He won’t lose.”

Shea stared at him for a moment, but she didn’t ask more about Aguile. She took off a ring from her hand and waved her hand. The ring slowly flew to Chen Rui and floating in front of him.