Wei Xue’s Grievances

“Then I’ll thank you in advance, President Wei.” Su Meng wanted to reject her but when she saw Wei Xue, she immediately changed her mind.

“Brother Wei Ting, Sister Su Meng, are you guys leaving? Are you going back to the hospital?” Wei Xue quickly walked over.

Wei Ting didn’t say a word. His hand was holding the car door for Su Meng, and he didn’t even look at Wei Xue.

“Yes, your brother is sending me back. Why? Do you want to go too?” Su Meng looked at Wei Xue with a smile, waiting to see how she was going to continue acting.

Wei Xue still didn’t know that she and Wei Ting had already made things clear. If she still wanted to put on an act like before, Su Meng would feel embarrassed for her.

Wei Xue thought that Su Meng was sincere in inviting her, so she agreed with a smile. “Sure, I’ll go with you. I’m free anyway, so I can help take care of Sister Su Meng.”


She ignored Su Meng and tried to enter the car through the door Wei Ting was holding.

Su Meng didn’t say anything. She just looked at her with Xiao Bai in her arms.

Wei Ting saw Wei Xue’s impolite expression and thought of what he had just said to Su Meng. He immediately frowned and extended a hand to stop Wei Xue.

“Get out. You stay at home.” Wei Ting’s words had a hint of coldness.

“Ah!” Wei Xue was startled by Wei Ting’s tone. Although Wei Ting didn’t touch her, she took two steps back as if she had been pushed, almost falling to the ground.

Before she steadied herself, she kept staring at Wei Ting and even stretched out a hand, waiting for Wei Ting to help her. However, even when she was about to fall, Wei Ting did not move.


She was wearing a dress and there were many people around. If she really fell, it would be embarrassing.

She pretended to take a few steps back before she managed to stabilize her body. Then, she looked at Wei Ting with an aggrieved expression.

“Brother Wei Ting, why didn’t you help me up? I almost fell. You gave me a fright.” Wei Xue lightly patted her chest in fear.

“You can even fall while standing on your own. It’s better not to go out. Go back to your room and wait,” Wei Ting said coldly.

Wei Xue: “…”

Why was Wei Ting suddenly so cold to her? Although they weren’t that close before, he would help her every time he saw that she was about to get hurt. This time, not only did he not help her, but he even said that to her!

Wei Xue turned back to look at Su Meng, but Su Meng only looked at her with a smile. She looked like she was watching a show. Wei Xue glared at her warningly before looking back at Wei Ting.

Wei Ting ignored her and said to Su Meng, “Get in the car and let’s go.”

magic Su Meng’s smile became even more radiant. She looked at Wei Xue and nodded obediently. “Alright, it’s getting late, we should go.”

However, just as Su Meng was about to get into the car, Xiao Bai, who was sleeping in her arms, suddenly woke up.

It sniffed at Su Meng’s clothes and sniffed around. Just as Su Meng was wondering what was wrong with it, Xiao Bai suddenly jumped out of her arms.

“Argh! Quickly get it away! Go away, go away!”

Xiao Bai jumped onto the ground and the first thing it did was to charge at Wei Xue. Wei Xue didn’t expect that Xiao Bai, who had been obediently sleeping a moment ago, would suddenly rush at her. In addition, she had been bitten on the arm by Xiao Bai a few days ago, so she instinctively cried out.

Everything had happened too suddenly, and the few of them didn’t have time to react. By the time they reacted, Xiao Bai was already biting on Wei Xue’s skirt and dragging her forward with all its might. It was even making a ‘wu wu’ warning sound.

It was a pity that its strength was too weak and it only straightened the skirt, not making Wei Xue move in the slightest. Although Xiao Bai looked very fierce at the moment, it didn’t bite Wei Xue. It only bit her skirt and didn’t let go.

“Brother Wei Ting, help! This little fox is biting, help me!” Wei Xue pitifully asked Wei Ting for help.

However, Wei Ting ignored her and turned to ask Su Meng, “What’s wrong with it?”

Su Meng shook her head. “I don’t know. It’s always been very obedient. It’s never been so violent.” At this point, Su Meng suddenly thought of something. Could it be that Xiao Bai had smelled the box on Wei Xue?

She could take this opportunity to get the box back in front of Wei Ting.

She couldn’t show that she knew. After hesitating for a while, Su Meng asked, “Xiao Xue, is there something on you that attracted it?”

Wei Xue was annoyed by Xiao Bai, but she didn’t dare to kick Xiao Bai away in front of Wei Ting. She could only use her hands to pull her skirt out of Xiao Bai’s mouth.

Hearing Su Meng’s question, she suppressed the frustration in her heart and said, “No, I have nothing on me. Sister Su Meng, take it away. What if it bites me?”