Wamie Zark, obviously, was taken aback by those words. But her eyes narrowed right after.

"What do you mean?"

Krune sighed and said.

"I won't lie here. Be it Feifei or me, we don't give a damn to your Heavenly Fragment, nor do we care about the Heavenly Competition. If Uer, Hobbek, and Rannia didn't come at us first, we would have completely ignored them as well. So that's my plan, you just go back to wherever you came from, and we will both ignore each other's existences from now on."

Wamie immediately shook her head.

"And why would you not want the Heavenly Divine Soul?"

Krune and Feifei looked at each other and laughed.


"That's because we would need each other's Heavenly Fragment, and such a thing is impossible to happen."

Wamie snorted after hearing that.

"Do you want me to believe that you won't take each other's Heavenly Fragment in the end? Don't make me laugh! If that was the case, why would you absorb the other three Heavenly Fragments?"

Krune shrugged his shoulders.

"I told you already, didn't I? It wasn't we who went after them, it was they who came after us. If you want proof, this over one year without going after you should be quite a good one. After all, we do have an advantage in numbers. Besides, what is your cultivation level at the moment? I might as well tell you that I'm at the 4th Stage of the Soul Forging Realm while Feifei is in the 6th."

In this one year and two months, Krune and Feifei advanced one more stage each. Not only them but Dilo and Xankruan as well. As for Ruik and Tiane, they had both succeeded in entering the Soul Forging Realm.


Wamie Zarks was in the middle of Krune and Feifei, being in the 5th Stage of the Soul Forging Realm.

When she heard that, Wamie got impressed. Not because of their cultivation, but because they are still similar to herself. As a member of a Sacred Land, she knows very well that absorbing Heavenly Fragments gives one a tremendous boost in cultivation. For them to have a cultivation level like that, it means that they defeated the other Heavenly Fragment Owners with lower cultivation.

"Are you really in the 4th and 6th stages?"

Krune and Feifei looked at her and nodded.

"We are, so I believe that you should be somewhere close to us. There isn't much a point in hiding it since once we meet each other, we would find it straight away."

Wamie pondered a bit and then confirmed.

"I'm indeed close to you two. Still, it is one more reason to don't let it go. After all, you are similar in cultivation to me, so there is no guarantee that I would lose."

Krune sighed and then said.

"Then what about this? Would you like to spar with me? No death allowed, once a victor is decided, the battle is over. The loser has to follow the wish of the winner. What about that?"

Wamie was taken aback.

"Even if I ask for your Heavenly Fragment?"

Krune nodded.

"Even if that is your choice, I won't complain. But you also have to follow one of my orders in case I win."

Wamie couldn't help but ask.

"And how do I know that you are going to keep your promise?"

Krune shrugged his shoulders.

"Isn't that obvious. Once we register for an arena in a Big City, we can select the rules for that match. It is even possible to request the enforcement of the previous agreement between both parties. All we need to do is pay the required amount by the arena officers. If we do that, there will be simply no way to run away from the agreement anymore. The loser side will not be able to leave that place until the winner's wish is guaranteed. Of course, ask for such a service will cost a lot of Spirit Stones, but I'm willing to pay for everything."

Wamie pondered a bit and nodded. She knew that the rules in the Dalin universe are very strict. As long as they don't go into a No Laws Zone and are inside a well-protected city, they will have to follow the terms that they agreed before.

Krune then said.

"Very well, from what I can feel, you seem to be in the Taen Planet. The only big City there is the one called Jacare. So I believe you are staying in there, right?"

Wamie nodded once more.

"Very well, I'll see you in a minute."

The call was ended right after.

Wamie was taken aback once more. She didn't expect him to come this fast. She didn't even have time to prepare anything at all.

Krune and Feifei then used Phillin's Teleport Formation and appeared right on the City's doorsteps.

Together with them was his group and Laex. This time, Krune didn't have the intention of going into a Death Battle. After all, the Heavenly Fragment can't be destroyed, nor be sent away. All he wanted was to guarantee that Wamie wouldn't tell the management of Dalin Universe about his location when he goes out. At the moment, she wouldn't do such a thing since the conditions were in her favor.

Sure enough, Krune and Feifei noticed Wamie inside the City. The same happened to her. Krune didn't waste any time and moved directly into the City's arenas. Wamie also greeted her teeth and went there. Since she agreed with this, there would be no point in delaying it now.

Once both sides encountered each other, Wamie was taken aback. That is because, together with them, there was a little girl that looked a lot like Feifei. Not only that, but she also had rainbow-colored hair and eyes, just like Krune.


Even though it might be dangerous due to his status, Krune still decided to bring Fie together with them. He wanted her to see more of the Universe than just the Wisp Main World. Also, it might help her decide what kind of foundation she will have in the future. Of course, since that was the case, Tiane and Ruik also brought Liriu to see it.

Wamie would need to be an idiot to not understand whose daughter that little girl is. It was then that she remembered her comment in the communicators just a while ago.

'Do you want me to believe that you wouldn't take each other's Heavenly Fragments in the end?'

To make sure she wasn't wrong, Wamie spread her Divine Sense and examined both Feifei and Fie. Sure enough, as a woman, she noticed that Feifei's body changed due to having given birth in the past. As for fie, she could totally tell that although she looked very like a human, she wasn't one. At least, not entirely. As hard as it is to believe, that Wisp Core in the place where the Dantian was supposed to be is undeniable proof.

Now she was a little hesitant about her previous statement about taking the other's Heavenly Fragment. They are a family, after all.

Still, she couldn't help but ask.

"Is she your daughter?"

Krune and Feifei nodded.

"Her name is Wang Fie, a hybrid of human and wisp."

Krune then released her and walked to the counter to register for a non-deathmatch fight. Fie, who was released, then floated to Feifei's direction. That scene wiped away any other doubts that Wamie might have. For one, no demon beast can take the human form before at least reaching the Foundation Establishment. Fie is still in the 9th Stage of the Qi Condensation Realm, so she obviously wasn't a transformed human.

And two, the fact that she floated without the help of wings, skills, laws, or anything like that. Wamie could tell with her Divine Sense that the floating ability was due to the Wisp Core inside her.

Gilia looked at Wamie and could see her faint eager expression. There is one thing that very few know about, but she is one of them. Wamie Zark... loved kids! Especially those who were very cute, which is obviously Fie's case.

When Feifei was young, she was cute to the point that even Krune thought that when he saw her for the first time. Thankfully, Fie turned out to look a lot like Feifei at the same age. As for her Rainbow Hair and Irises, they just added more to the charm and didn't seem strange at all. Totally different from Krune's human form, which indeed looked quite weird with the rainbow-like features.

Gilia touched Wamie's and called her out of her trance.


Wamie came back to herself.

"Cough, cough. I'm going to register as well."

She immediately moved to the counter.

The guy taking care of the entries for the arenas then asked.

"So the rules you selected was a no deathmatch, but the other side has to follow one wish of the winner. Is there a limit for what can be asked from the other side?"

Krune and Wamie shook their heads. In Wamie's eyes, getting Krune's Heavenly Fragment is all she needs. As for Feifei's one, she will think about it later. As a member of the All Life Sect, Wamie was also the type who didn't like to kill when it was not necessary.

In Krune's case, he already knows exactly what he wants from her.

"Very well. Both sides then understand that any other request other than death is totally valid. It has to be followed to the letter as long as it is something within the loser's ability. Do you both agree?"

Krune and Wamie nodded.

"Very well, notice that anyone who breaks the rules will be dealt with the law enforcement. Let alone Soul Forging Realm like you two. Even a Divine Path Realm cultivator or demon beast would not be able to escape without keeping their side of the agreement. You two can take this token and move to the arena number 146. The for the enforcement of the duel's rule is..."

Krune then paid everything as they had agreed, and both parties moved to the arena.