Fie was eating together with Krune and Feifei when she suddenly asked.

"Dad, mom, when can I start to cultivate too?"

Krune and Feifei were surprised by that question. This was the first time that Fie ever asked about it.

Other than Liriu that she knows ever since she was born, Fie didn't like to interact with kids at the same age as her. That was because they really couldn't understand what she was saying and could barely speak a few sentences. Because of that, only the kids around 7 years old or more could have a talk at the same level. Of course, they only talk like kids at that age.

Liriu was the only exception for that rule, and that is because he had been forced to keep up by Fie. With no other kid at the same age as him in the Elemental Path, he could only follow Fie around, which led to his faster learning speed. Of course, he couldn't really be compared to her.

Krune and Feifei looked at her and said.

"Well, you don't need to care about it for now. There are many things that you have to see and experience before you start to cultivate."


Fie really didn't care much about cultivation before, neither did Krune or Feifei ever touched the topic with her. After all, she didn't have a Wisp's lifespan, so she could take her time to enjoy her infancy. It was because of her interactions with the older kids that she came to ask this question. It seemed like they are all starting to cultivate now, and because of their increase in strength, cultivation had become their main topic. Fie might be a lot more intelligent, but it doesn't change the fact that she is a kid. So she also liked what the other kids did.

The other kids' parents and the wisps around never bothered much about Fie and Liriu's cultivation either. As impressive as Fie and Liriu might look with their 9th Stage, the fact is that the majority here are Wisps still. Wisps are already born in the Foundation Establishment Realm at the very least, so there was nothing to feel impressed with a 9th Stage Qi Condensation Realm.

Krune smiled and then asked.

"Do you know at which level of cultivation those kids you told us about are at the moment?"

Fie pondered a bit and then remembered that some of them commented about it.

"Idiot Iolia said that he is already in the 4th Stage of the Qi Condensation, and he keeps bragging about it. The others are all in the 3rd or 2nd. There are also a few demon beasts that we need to take care of. I heard that the demon beasts of 5 years old or more are all in the 3rd or 4th Stage of this Qi Condensation thing."


The majority of demon beasts only gained sentience at the 9th Stage of the Qi Condensation Realm, so it was normal for young ones to be taken care of while they still couldn't think straight. It is also normal for their cultivations to increase by themselves the older they get. Back in the Katiu Forest, Krune met an uncountable number of Demon beasts in the Qi Condensation Realm. There was even a lot that would not reach the 9th Stage of the Qi Condensation Realm during their entire lives unless they encounter some fortune.

However, here in the Dalin Universe, it is a lot easier to cultivate, so there are very few demon beasts that wouldn't reach the 9th Stage during their lives. Of course, that is considering that they won't be killed before that happens.

"Oh, is that so? Are you perhaps jealous that you aren't even in the 1st Stage? But you shouldn't bother with it at the moment. After all, you are still 3 years old."

All the cultivation conversations that Krune and the others had only talked about things in the Divine Soul Realm or above, so Fie had never had the change to understand at what level she was. She was born in the 9th Stage of the Qi Condensation, so she thought that her actual power was the same as someone who hasn't cultivated yet.

Of course, she never had tried to compare her strength with the other older kids. Otherwise, they would all be in for a good beating. As for her floating ability, she told the others that it was because her father was a wisp, so she could float like a wisp too. Kids wouldn't think much about whether such a thing was true or not, so they simply believed her.

"Yes, I also want to cultivate like them! They think they are better because they can cultivate, so I want to be able to cultivate too. I will also teach Liriu how to do that, and we are going to be very strong."

Feifei and Krune couldn't help but laugh out loud. In part, they are at fault for never talking about cultivation with her, so she really thinks that she is weaker than them.

"Mom will tell you a secret. Both you and Liriu don't need to care about the Qi Condensation Realm thing."

Fie couldn't help but show a sad face.

"Why? Are we not good enough for cultivation? I heard the other kids say that when you don't have enough talent, you should not waste precious resources cultivating."

Krune's expression immediately changed into a serious one. In his eyes, talent is definitely not a reason to forbid someone to cultivate. As a Wisp of the Luvile Universe, that reminds him of how he and the other wisps couldn't do anything about their cultivation speeds. No one would want to waste resources on them.

"Fie, remember what I'm going to say now. You should never, ever, judge someone because of his or her talents. Understood? There is no such thing as not cultivate because of your talent. All that matters is how much effort you put in. As long as you don't give up, even the most untalented one can achieve great things."

That was the first time that Krune had showed such a serious face to her. So she nodded obediently.

Feifei smiled and then said.

"Your father and I would never forbid you to cultivate because of resources. In fact, we could be said to be quite rich when resources are considered. The reason why we said that you and Liriu don't need to care about the Qi Condensation Realm is that you already finished cultivating all nine Stages. That means that you are already a lot stronger than any one of them."

Fie showed a shooked face, which made Krune and Feifei burst out in laugher.

"Bu-but, I have never cultivated before..."

Krune shook his head.

"You did, but it was during the time that you were inside your mother's belly. That's why you can't remember now. The day you were born, you were already in the 9th Stage of the Qi Condensation Realm, and so was Liriu. Because of that, you can only cultivate any further if you breakthrough into the Foundation Establishment."

Fie didn't expect that, but she was also having a hard time believing that.

"Don't you believe me? Then why don't you challenge one of them next time? Just promise me that you won't hurt them badly. Once the victor is decided, you must stop, alright?"

Fie seemed uncertain about it, but after thinking about the kid called Iolia bragging at her, Fie's mind was set.

"Alright! I will challenge him tomorrow."

There is a reason why the other kids couldn't see Fie and Liriu's cultivation level. Basically, one can only open Divine Sense at the 7th Stage of the Qi Condensation Realm. So for them, Fie really seems like to not have any power what so ever due to her age and size. Fie never fought any of them either, so this misunderstanding persisted until now.

Suddenly, the door of the living room opened, and Ruik entered with Tiane. Liriu was there as well coiled around Tiane's shoulder.

Fie saw Liriu entering and immediately dragged him to a corner to talk about her new discoveries. Liriu, the poor guy, was once more forced to follow Fie in her whims.

Tiane couldn't help but sigh.

"Feifei, she is way too much like you when you were young. You simply couldn't stay still in a single point, not girly at all..."

Feifei showed an embarrassed face.

"Cough, cough. That was me in the past, now I'm a very well behaved woman."

Let alone Tiane, even Krune and Ruik looked at her with weird faces.

"Could it be that you are hallucinating? Since when have you been a well-behaved woman? No one likes to play more around than you. You are the very first one to jump right in when a teasing chance appears."

Feifei looked away and pretended that she didn't hear anything.

Krune and the other couldn't help but start laughing at that scene. Ruik and Tiane then sat on the table and started to eat as well. Everyone chatted happily when suddenly, both Krune and Feifei looked in a specific direction at the same time.

Ruik and Tiane noticed that change and asked.

"Is there something wrong?"

Krune nodded.

"I can feel another Heavenly Fragment. I was starting to hope that there weren't any other heavenly Fragments in the Dalin universe, but it seems like that I was wrong. Still, there is only one this time."

In the end, it took Wamie Zark almost nine years to get rid of her 'coating.' Now, the last Heavenly Fragment in the Dalin Universe had finally appeared.