Krune and Feifei nodded. I would indeed have nothing to do with them. Still, that is definitely something that any Universe would like to take part in. Now they could understand why the Sacred Lands would send their own Heavenly Fragments here.

"By the way, what were the rules for it?"

Laex answered that question.

"As far as I know, your Universe controlling power, or powers, has to have a Heavenly Core or Divine Soul owner. Also, the cultivation limit is Divine View Realm or below. Well, it would be very difficult for any Heavenly Divine Soul to have cultivation above Divine View anyway. As far as what my Uncle told me, it was already a miracle if even 2 or 3 Divine View Realm Heavenly Divine Soul owners appeared."

Kruen couldn't help but comment.

"Is that is the case, doesn't that mean that there is a specific time for the competition to start?"

Cinty confirmed.


"Yes, the time starts when the first Heavenly Fragment Owner appears. The competition is always carried out 50 years after that. Which means, there is still another 20 or some years before the time comes."

Laex shrugged his shoulders.

"Anyway, it seems my job is to stop the Heavenly Fragment Owners from your Universe to from using underhanded tricks against you. That will be okay, then. We have already agreed on a price, so this is good enough."

Krune nodded.

"That is correct. Just make sure to stay around during this time."

It was then that Feifei sighed.


"I wish I could meet a Heavenly Divine Soul owner. I wonder just how different they are."

Laex then said.

"Is that so? I know one if you want to see him. Well, to be more specific, my Uncle passed me his contact ID."

Feifei was surprised.

"Is there a Heavenly Divine Soul already?"

Laex nodded.

"Of course, there is. The same way that some Universes have several powers controlling it, there are those who only have one power in control. Those Universes would have an easier time gathering the Heavenly Fragment Owners of their turf. They would them make a competition between them or simply chose one and forcefully take the other Fragments. Anyway, the fact is that there should be quite a few Heavenly Divine Soul Owners already. Some of them are even here in Dalin already."

"Of course, they would not go out unless they needed some battle experience. Otherwise, they would stay cultivating all the time in seclusion."

Krune shook his head.

"It would not be a good idea to leave the Wisp Main World now. You are pregnant, and we don't know when we are going to have the 'coating' removed. If, by any chance, it disappears while we are out, we might get in a dangerous situation."

Feifei knew that it was the truth.

"Alright, let's at least wait for when the baby is born."

Cinty then said.

"Alright, since you have nothing else to ask, I will take my leave."

The call ended right after.

Laex also added.

"If that is the case, then you let me know when you want to go take a look. Anyway, where is my residence? You won't let me sleep outside, right?"

Krune nodded and asked one of the wisps to prepare a place close to their house for him. Krune is spending a lot on Laex, but he believes it is more than worth it.

After that, Krune and Feifei went back to Tiane's room to talk a little more. Heavin seemed to have quite some fun while talking to her too. A few hours later, Krune and Heavin returned to the Wisp World 9 to continue their training.

Time continued to pass, and after another month, Krune's Purple Flame Golden Stars equipment started to appear outside. The majority of the Wisps ordered Silver Stars Equipments, but it didn't mean that some of them wouldn't need Golden Stars level one.

But that wasn't all, Krune didn't sell all his equipment that weren't request to the Blacksmith Organization Management, he also put some to sell outside. Krune simply didn't like the idea of the Blacksmith Organization monopolizing his pieces. Sure enough, rumors started to spread, and a few cultivators and demon beasts started to come to the Wisp World 9.

Their requests were very simple, they wanted Purple Flame Golden Stars Equipment. Krune knew how good his items were, so he obviously charged them the price equivalent to their real prowess. At first, everyone was doubtful about this so-called purple Flame. But after testing, they couldn't help but fall in love with Krune's crafts.

Thanks to that, a simple rumor started to get something real. Of course, considering the size of the Dalin Universe, this was nothing more than a simple spark in the middle of an enormous forest. It is just that this spark had created a fire, which started to spread slowly, just like Krune's Purple Flame Pills.

Because of that, the Blacksmith Organization Management had no other choice other than sending a representative to talk with Krune, or better, Jolk.

"That's why I'm saying it. Look at this, there was a demon beast who used a spear made by you in his sect competition. Although he didn't win, he used the prowess of the spear to advance all the way to the 11th position. He was far from being considered a favorite, and no one expected much from him. But now, every disciple around his level wants a Purple Flame Equipment. The blacksmiths in the area obviously have no idea how to create them, so now we have a lot of them sending us messages asking about this new crafting method."

The one talking was the same demon beast who first tested Krune's Saber back in the Blacksmith Organization Management Headquarters, Argoth.

Krune shrugged his shoulders and said.

"What is bad about that? That might force them to put more effort into forging and become better blacksmiths. Besides, I told Yanvlal already, so he should have informed you. I'm the only one who can use my Purple Flames, and I believe that you already know that I'm also the Purple Flame Pills creator. I am, after all, just one wisp. There is no way I can create enough equipment for an entire universe so that the other blacksmiths will go out of a job. That would be ridiculous!"

Argoth sighed.

"As I said, the problem is not that. The issue is the fact that the Purple Flame equipment exists, but no one else can craft it. I told you before, the Blacksmith Organization will buy all your equipment and even give a higher price for them. Just don't let it flow outside. Unless, of course, you are willing to share the secret of your Purple Flame. In that case, we can definitely pay you an astronomic price."

Krune shook his head.

"It has nothing to do with me sharing the secret or not. It is merely that even if I tell you, no one else would be able to do it. I know you won't believe it since your Organization is bound to have many Divinity Stars Blacksmiths, but this is the truth. If they came here and saw me crafting Purple Flame weapons, they would see that other than the Purple Flame, I'm not doing anything different."

"As for seeling everything to the Blacksmith Organization, I can do the same thing as the Alchemist Organization. How about that?"

Argoth pondered a bit.

"You mean, the majority would be sent to us, and only a few will be left with the Organization to sell. Is that it?"

Krune nodded.

"That way, I can get the payment that you offer, but not all equipment will be monopolized by you. But you need to make sure that a few of them will be sold. Just make it as some rare type of good. I guess that is possible, right?"

Argoth opened his communicator and immediately called the headquarters. He then explained Jolk's terms. In the end, the Blacksmith Organization agreed. As long as Jolk's items don't come out in great batches as they have been so far, they can at least control the flames.

"Alright. The Organization offered that from every 10 Purple Flame Weapons, we will keep 8 for research, and 2 will be sold. Are you okay with that?"

Krune nodded.

"That is pretty much what the Alchemist Organization has been doing so far. Although I think it will be a waste of time for you to research my weapons, as long as you pay for it, I won't mind."

Argoth couldn't help but be impressed with how confident Jolk was that they wouldn't be able to replicate his Purple Flame crafting.

"Very well. What about the requests, then? Your list of requests seems to be full at the moment."

Krune glanced at Argoth.

"If the ones making it are the wisps, then I will forge for them. As for any other race... let's follow the same process. For every 10 pieces that I forge through requests, only 2 will be for other races. You shouldn't have anything to complain in that case, right?"

Argoth nodded. It was already a huge commitment from Jolk, who didn't have to follow their orders to start with.

"Very well, now you just need a brand for your items."

Krune looked at Argoth, puzzled.


Argoth nodded.

"Every famous blacksmith has an emblem or a mark representing their brand. There is no doubt that your pieces of equipment will become famous, even with just this little amount going out. So you need to think about something like that."

Krune pondered a bit.

"Let's just use a Purple Flame Mark then. My weapons all have the Purple Flame Trait, after all. It is simple and easy to identify. I might as well use it with my pills."

Argoth accepted the idea.

"Purple Flame it is."

And just like that, the Purple Flame Brand was created.