The Stars Path Formations Master took almost an entire week to finish building the Formation. Feifei didn't have a chance to see such a high-level Formations Master, so she made sure to accompany him until the end too. She only left a few times to feed her baby in her belly with more Spiritual Energy. Although she had a hard time understand it, the Formations Master was gentle enough to answer her questions.

There were two reasons why the Formations Master helped Feifei during this week. The first was the fact that he noticed Feifei's talent for Formations. He had just made a few comments while building it. However, Feifei was still able to understand and give her opinions about it. He was impressed with her comprehension ability about Formations, so he decided to give her several pointers during the time he was building it.

The second was the fact that he was being paid with three Fire Crystals! Those were things that he had been in great need, so his mood improved several times when he received this job.

Feifei, of course, was more than happy to have someone at that level to help her too. In the past three months, she had successfully advanced into the Golden Stars level. So her comprehension about Formation got many times better.

In the end, the Formations Master even asked Feifei if she didn't want to be his Disciple, but Feifei refused. She had a lot to care about, so she wouldn't be able to put her all into Formations as that master would require.

Once the Formation was done, Dilo and Xankruan had already returned. Surprisingly, Xankruan had her Breakthrough while they were out, being now in the 1st Stage of the Soul Forging Realm. Krune and the others obviously were happy for Xankruan. After all, anyone could see her excited expression.

Once the Formations Master left, Cinty came out to check the Formation. She couldn't appear in front of others at the moment since she is hiding her cultivation improvement.


"Feifei, let me check your baby."

Feifei nodded and let Cinty use her Spiritual Energy to check the conditions. Because Feifei had already fed it with Spiritual Energy a while ago, it wasn't is its bottomless pit mode at the moment.

Cinty quickly finished and smiled.

"It's growing very well. It has already been three months, so the brain is already present, although not fully developed yet. That is enough for our test since it should already have a Soul, which will stay dormant until the day the baby is born."

Cinty then looked at the Formation and said.

"Go inside the Formation, and let's try it out. In theory, it should already be saying that your baby has the Cultivation Monitoring Mark. After all, it is added to the Soul when it comes from the underworld."


Feifei and Krune looked at each other and nodded. She then entered the Formation while Cinty operated it. It soon activated, and one could see several specs of light entering and leaving Feifei's body. To be more specific, they were entering Feifei's head and her belly, where the baby's head was.

"Don't try to stop the light, let it go into your soul so that it can be checked."

Hearing Cinty's voice, Feifei took a deep breath and lifted all the protections around her Soul. The baby's Soul is asleep at the moment, so it didn't have any protection to start with.

The Formation operated for around ten minutes until finally, the specs of light all returned to the Formation.

"It is over, come take a look."

Krune and everyone else immediately approached Cinty. She then pointed to a certain point of the Formation where two agglomerations of light could be seen. One of them was completely white, while the other had a few specs of blue in it.

"The totally white one is Feifei's, while the one with the blue lights is her baby's. Those Blue lights represent the presence of the Cultivation Monitoring Mark, which all souls that are born in the Dalin Universe receive."

Cinty continued.

"In fact, the use of this Formation is not so that you can check if someone has this specific Mark or not, but usually to test if someone had become a slave or had some type of seal. For example, several Sects and Clans like to seal their disciples and family members' memories so that their secret techniques won't leak out. It just so happens that the Cultivation Monitoring Mark also enters this category, so quite a few powers like to use this Formation."

Krune and the others immediately understood it.

Tiane then looked at the Formation and couldn't help but ask.

"Is that okay if I test myself as well."

Cinty nodded her head.

"Sure, go ahead."

Tiane immediately flew to the Formation. Cinty then operated it, and soon, the same result came out.

Out of curiosity, Xankruan and Dilo did the same thing. Of course, they already knew the result, so there was nothing to be done about that. The outcome was as they expected; both had the Cultivation Monitoring Mark in their souls.

After that, Cinty told Krune.

"Alright, go ahead and call Olave over. You should have this Mark removed as soon as possible."

Krune nodded, and he took Olave's Token out. After sending some Spiritual Energy inside, the Token started to shine brightly for a few seconds until finally, Krune and the others heard a voice from it.

"This is the Larael Universe Spatial Gate Management. We have received your request and will inform Sect Master Olave on the other side. Please keep the token close to you so that he can call you out once he is here."

Before Krune or anyone else could reply, the Token came back to normal, and the connection was finished.

"Well, I thought that I would talk with Olave Straight away, but it seems like this Token can't connect to another Universe straight away."

Cinty smiled and then said.

"Don't worry, Olave thinks that you have his daughter's life on your hands, so he will definitely contact you as soon as possible."

Sure enough, the next day, Olave was already back into Dalin Universe. He then used his connection to the Token to tell Krune that he was coming by. Cinty obviously did not appear since she can't show her cultivation level.

Once Olave arrived, he went straight to the point.

"What is it that you need?"

Krune and Feifei nodded at each other and told him.

"As you can see, Feier is pregnant. What I want from you is that the Cultivation Monitoring Mark gets removed before he or she is born. Also, another friend of mine is pregnant, so I'm including her on the list. Oh, and don't forget that it also includes the exemption of the Alliance Seal when they enter the Divine path Realm."

Olave only heard to the point where Krune, or better, Jolk, said that Feier was pregnant. That's because he, too, knows very well just how difficult it would be to a hybrid between human and wisp to be conceived.

In the end, Olave couldn't help but ask Jolk.

"Is this really your child?"

Krune and Feifei wanted to get angry at that question, but in the end, they couldn't.

"Sigh... Sure enough, anyone would think it, right?"

Feifei nodded.

"There is no helping in that, we really hit the jackpot here. No one would believe that I got pregnant from a wisp on our very first time together."

Olave, who was surprised at first, got really shocked now.

"Fi-First time?! What kind of ridiculous lucky is that?! Even I and my wife, both humans, had to try over a thousand times in a period of just one year! This is not fair!"

Feifei and Krune looked at Olave, stunned.

"Thousands of times..."

"In just one year..."


Only then did Olave notice that he let out some unnecessary personal information.

"Cough, cough. Pretend that you didn't hear anything."

Still, Olave was really impressed by Jolk and Feier's fortune.

"Anyway, congratulations. Make sure to take good care of your baby since I doubt you will be this lucky again."

Olave then went back to the main topic.

"However, are you sure you want to use your only favor for something like this? To be honest, although it might give me some trouble, it is not that difficult to pull this out. I thought that you would make some unreasonable requests, but this one is entirely unexpected."

Krune smiled at Olave and then asked.

"Is it really unreasonable? Let me ask you. If it was your daughter there, what would you do?"

Olave was taken aback.


In the end, Olave just sighed.

"I guess it is not that unreasonable, after all. No, in fact, it is the obvious choice."

Krune and Feifei smiled after hearing that.

Olave felt a little embarrassed with youngsters looking at him.

"Anyway, that shall be done. I hope you won't go back on your word, though."

Krune nodded.

"There is no need to worry. I can guarantee that my part will be carried out, as well."

Olave nodded, and after getting some information from Feifei and Tiane, he immediately left. But that wasn't for long. Just five days later, he was already back to the Wisp Main World. In fact, Valindra was also with him. She came because she wanted to see by herself that Krune would keep his promise.

"It is done."

Krune and Feifei were taken aback. They thought they had come to remove it. They didn't expect that the process was already done since Feifei and Tiane didn't notice anything different. Still, there was a quick way to check it.

"Good! I'm going out for a second to check it. You two just wait here in the living room for a few minutes."

Krune and Feifei then called Tiane and Ruik over. Feifei also knew how to operate the Formation, so she tested on Tiane first.

When they checked the Lights that represented Tiane and her Child, everyone let out a sigh of relief. Different from the past, both Light Agglomerations were completely white. There wasn't a single spec of blue light present anymore.

Krune then operated the Formation this time, and Feifei went through the same process. The end results made both couples cheer in joy.

Still, Krune knew that Olave and Valindra were waiting back in his house, so he quickly returned with Feifei. The reason he couldn't let Olave and Valindra see it is because the Formation also shows the result of both Feifei and Tiane. After all, both girls came inside illegally, so they were supposed to have at least one of the two Marks, the being-born-here-in-Dalin-Mark, or the one you get when you enter Dalin from the outside.

A few minutes later, Krunje and Feifei were already back in the room.

"Now, it is time to keep my side of the deal."