That's all Krune could do for the moment. So he went directly back to his room and started to check the information about higher-level pills. During there years, Krune's alchemy level increased by leaps and bounds, so he was already considered a Nine Golden Stars Alchemist.

The reason for such a fast pace of improvement was very simple. The Golden Stars Level were directly connected to one's comprehension of Laws. At the moment, it is hard to find a single Soul Forging Realm with Laws as advanced as Krune, let alone Divine Soul Realm ones. That's why his pills were already at this level.

"Sigh... Diamond Level Pills need Chaos Energy. There is no way I can concoct such a thing. I will have to go with the highest Golden Stars one that I can find."

Fortunately, no one heard Krune. Such words probably have the power to kill other alchemists.

Krune searched through the system and soon found a target.

"Wall Construction Pill. Another pill made to fix someone's foundation. Why can't they reach an agreement about those names? Anyway, let me see, this pill needs..."

After checking everything, Krune decided to contact Amark in the Rimeria Solar System Alchemist Organization to ask him to send the necessary materials. But it was then that Krune noticed that Amark had tried to contact him several times in the past few days.


"Could it be that they already ran out purple flame pills? No, I made sure to leave a lot with them. Unless they decided to put everything to sell at once, it was supposed to last a few months. I also asked to not release too many so that it would be considered as something hard to get, and the price wouldn't go down."

Krune stopped thinking at that point and decided to simply call him out.

At Rimeria Solar System Alchemist Organization. Amark was passing back and forth without stopping. He had tried to contact Krune, or better, Jolk several times in the past few days. He even sent someone to the Wisp Worlds as well, but they could not go to the Wisps Main Planet.

He knows that there are times when Krune simply won't answer his calls. But in those cases, he would only leave a message and wait for Krune to contact him back. Unfortunately, due to the situation, he couldn't afford to wait much longer this time.

Suddenly, Amark's communicator activated. When he looked at who was calling, he felt like he went from hell to heaven in a single step!

"Jolk! Finally, I was able to contact you!"


Krune showed a puzzled face on the other side of the call.

"What is so urgent that you needed to call me so many times?"

Amark nodded and took a deep breath.

"Can you come to the Rimeria Solar System? There is someone who wants to talk with you. Please, you must come as soon as possible."

Krune immediately rejected the idea.

"Out of the question, I'm in a very dire condition at the moment. I only called you back because I need you to prepare the material necessary for me to concoct Wall Construction Pills. Make sure to have them delivered by tomorrow. Oh, but it doesn't need to be all of them, I've got quite a few of the necessary ones already. I will send you a list of the ones I don't have at the moment."

Krune had got a lot of Herbs from the Mohie Zarks Inheritance Garden, so he had quite a few of the necessary ones.

Amark was taken aback. Usually, Krune would be a lot more cooperative. But it seemed like he was also in the middle of an emergency.

"Wall Construction Pills, those are peak Nine Golden Stars pills, you know? Can you concoct such a thing?"

Krune nodded.

"I'm already at the Nine Golden Stars level. It's just that I never bothered to take another test to register my new level. Of course, this is the first time I will be concocting Wall Construction Pills, so I will need to practice first. Make sure to send a good amount of materials since I will probably fail quite a few times."

Amark was about to get happy for Krune when suddenly, he noticed something.

"Wait, could it be that those pills are for yourself?!"

Krune nodded. He wasn't afraid of Amark spreading this news since they had long decided to keep their conversations a secret.

"There was an accident, so my Core is damaged at the moment. Unfortunately, the Cracks are too big for the Shell Repairing Pill to mend them. So I will need a stronger pill. That's also why I can't leave at the moment since I have no way to protect myself if needed."

Krune immediately noticed that Amark seemed to be hiding something.

"Anyway, who exactly is this person you need me to meet? Is that really such an important thing? Although my Golden Stars Pill can do things that even Diamond Stars can, that all that is. If this person you want me to meet is really that important, he should be totally able to get pills of the Diamond level or probably even higher grade ones. So why me?"

Amark smiled bitterly and then said.

"I don't know why you, but he said that you were the only one who could possibly help. His name is Olave Merfil, from the Zenfin Sect."

Krune was puzzled for a second.

"Zenfin Sect? What Zenfin Sec-"

It was then that Krune remembered.

"Wait, you mean the Zenfin Sect from the Larael Universe? THE Zenfin Sect?"

Zenfin Sect was the Sect that controlled one of the Universes Powerhouses, the Larael Universe. They were also one of the Universes that managed Dalin. They are just as strong as the Mohie Clan, which controls the Hara Universe.

Amark nodded.

"That is precisely the Sect I'm talking about. But you are forgetting the main point here, his name is Olave Merfil."

Krune got puzzled once again.

"Could it be that this Olave Merfil is someone important in the Zenfin Sect?"

Krune knew about the Zenfin Sect, but that was basically everything he searched about them. He doesn't know the names of anyone from that place. Nor did he ever care about looking for it since it wouldn't be of much use for him. The Zenfin Sect higher-ups and himself are in completely two different leagues, after all.

Amark, on the other hand, was shooked by Krune's words.

"Wait, how come you don't know Olave Merfil? He is the Zenfin Sect Sect Master!!!"

Krune froze the moment he heard those words.

"Se-Sect Master? You mean, THE Sect Master? Are you taking me for a fool? Why would someone like that ever come asking to talk with me? Are you sure this is not an impostor trying to rob you and the Alchemist Organization?"

Amark was frightened by those words. Fortunately, he is the only person in the room. Still, he spread his Divine Sense just o make sure that no one was around at that moment.

"You! Don't say something like that again! Of course, I'm not being fooled! Do you think anyone would try to pose as the Zenfin Sect Sect Master? First of all, who would be idiot enough to court death like that? Anyway, he is the real deal, I can guarantee you that."

Krune finally understood why Amark seemed to be so worried. Someone like him should have never met a person like Olave in his entire life. But suddenly, there he was! Even Krune felt somewhat intrigued, and he was far, far away at the moment.

"Alright, alright! So, what does he want? He has to have a reason for calling me out, right? I'm sorry but, I really have no intention of leaving the Wisp Worlds anytime soon. Especially now that I know that he needs to see me. What if he wants to kidnap me so that I can reveal the Purple Flame Pills secret? He is the leader of one of the powers that control the Dalin Universe. The rules about cultivation definitely mean nothing to him!"

Amark was taken aback by that, but he had to admit that Krune was right. If Olave wanted to take Krune, or better, Jolk away, who exactly would try to stop him? No one!

Amark could already feel a headache coming when he thought.

"Well, then you don't mind if I bring this call to him, right? At least, you can talk to him from the place where you are at the moment."

Krune pondered a bit and then nodded.

"Sure, that should be okay."

Amark immediately opened a Spatial Gate and left. A second later, he appeared in outer space. Right in front of him, one could see a gigantic Space Ship with the emblem of the Zenfin Sect on it.

Amark then sent a Divine Sense message, and soon, he received confirmation that he could teleport inside. Amark was then guided to the place where Olave Merfil was waiting for him.

All of that didn't take more than 10 minutes to happen.

Amark finally arrived at a luxurious living room where he could see an old man drinking some wine. He took a deep breath and then said.

"Sir, Jolk can not come at the moment, but I have him on a call with me. He wishes to talk with you about the reason why you need to see him."

Amark then connected his communicator to the room's monitor. Immediately, Krune's face appeared on the other side.

Olave narrowed his eyes after seeing all of that. He wanted to talk with Jolk face to face, not through some call.

Krune finally could see the face of the man itself. He smiled and then said.

"Hey there, I'm Jolk. Sorry but I am stuck at the moment. Is there a reason why you asked to see me?"