Turns out that two years make a lot of difference for those at the first steps in the Laws.

As Krune thought before, thanks to the Elemental Meridians that greatly increase the control over the elements, Tiane was finally able to comprehend one after her breakthrough into the Divine Soul Realm. As a Demon Crow, it went without saying that her first one was a Wind Sub-Law, and it was the Essence of Wind on top of that.

As mentioned before, since Tiane was able to comprehend a Law, it means that the World of Laws also opened for her. With that being the case, Tiane quickly used this opportunity to learn another two, Lightning and Fire. After the last two years and something, Tiane had brought her Wind Essence to the intermediate level and comprehend the Breeze Sub-Law at the Initial Stage. The Fire and Lightning ones were still in the initial stage, and she only learned one of each. Heat for Fire and Current for Lightning.

Although it looks little, one must remember that Tiane is still in the Early Stages of the Divine Soul Realm, and only two years passed. There is also the fact that Tiane put quite some effort into the Mind Splitting Technique, so she was now in the intermediate Stage. She could now split her mind into five and practice a lot more.

As for Ruik, his Dream Laws turned out as Krune predicted. Once his Dream World Construction Sub-Law reached the Intermediate level, Ruik was finally able to practice Dream Laws while he was awake. It turns out that Ruik is really suited for the Dream Laws. This is a Law almost at the level of Time, Space, and Destiny, but even so, Ruik reached the Advanced level of the Dream World Construction in such a short time.

Not only that, but he was also able to comprehend the initial Stage of the Nightmare World Construction Sub-Law as well. Considering that these Laws were supposed to be harder than the Elemental Ones, Ruik's progress turned out to be really remarkable. Krune had spared with Ruik a few times to test his Dream Laws, and he had to admit that they are a pain in the ass. Krune always reduced his cultivation to the same level as Ruik when they fought. Although Krune was still the winner every time, he still had to put a lot of effort to keep his mind clear from the effects of the Dream Laws.

Feifei also battled Ruik in the same state, and only after she released the full power of her Destiny Major Core did she gain the advantage. That shows just how terrifying Dream Laws can be. It kept affecting the enemy's perception, and if one didn't pay attention, they would be pulled inside it. The only way to escape that was to use their own laws to counter-attack the effects of the Dream Laws. Even so, the time necessary to escape the Dream World might turn fatal.


Of course, those weren't the only Laws that Ruik comprehended. He, too, was 'forced' to practice the Mind Splitting Technique by Tiane and was able to reach the intermediate level as well. Thanks to that, he could focus on other Laws. Before, it was mentioned that Ruik comprehended the Earth Essence Sub-Law, and now it is in the Advanced Stage. There was one more Earth Elemental Sub-Law that Ruik grasped in the end, Vitality Initial Stage.

Feifei's Destiny Sub-law, Cause, had entered the Intermediate Stage, and she had been progressing in it quite well thanks to the Elemental Flowers. Still, she was far away from reaching the Advanced Stage. Not to mention that her Elemental Flowers with Destiny Traits are almost gone by now. It goes to show how hard the three top Laws, Space, Time, and Destiny, are.

But she wasn't disappointed. She still remembers Xanio's words back in the Luvile Realm that said she wouldn't finish comprehending a Destiny Sub-Law before the Void breaking Realm. Her actual progress could be said to be far ahead of what she expected in the past.

As for comprehending the second Destiny Sub-Law, Effect, that seemed to be impossible for her at the moment. One must remember that the Destiny Major Law has only three Sub-Laws: Cause, Effect, and Destiny Energy.

Of course, Feifei had gone a lot further in her Elemental Laws.

With no surprise to anyone, her Water Major Law was the first to have a Sub-Law reaching culmination, Flow! Her Wave Sub-Law was at the Intermediate level, and she comprehended a third one as well, Water Essence!


Feifei was doing pretty much like Krune and using her common Elemental Flowers to comprehend all the Elemental Laws at the same time. Thanks to that, she also knows at least one Sub-Law of each Element, and that had Light and Darkness included.

Of course, for Light and Dark Laws, she only had comprehended the Initial Stage of each. Light Essence initial Stage for Light Laws, and Decay Initial Stage for Dark Laws. Light and Dark are elements very hard to use, and so are their Laws to comprehend. Only Krune had a better comprehension of those two at the moment.

Dilo was already a Soul Forging Realm cultivator, so his cultivation alone already allowed him to feel the laws easier than those at lower realms. When the Elemental Meridians were included in the mix, it was like giving wings to a tiger. Dilo was able to quickly reach the culmination of his first Elemental Sub-Law in these two+ years, Gale! Of course, it doesn't mean that Dilo is a genius or anything.

As proof of that, he is now barely making any progress with the second Wind Sub-Law that he has, Drifting. So far, he only reached the intermediate level with it and is quite far from reaching advanced. Simply put, he put all his effort into this Law alone. As for a reason for that? Because he wanted to use it on his Domain!

A domain can only be created with Laws, and Dilo first created one based in the Gale Sub-Law. Of course, the further he comprehended the Wind Sub-Laws, the better his Domain would become. He already started to include his Drifting Sub-Law in his Domain as well.

As for the other Elemental Laws, Dilo decided to simply comprehend the initial Stage of the Fire Sub-Law, Burning. The reason is that Fire can complement Wind, simple as that. Still, he is also far from being able to use this one in his Domain at the moment.

Xankruan could be said to be the slowest one regarding Laws here. She only Comprehended Earth Laws. But she couldn't be blamed. She was already at the 6th Stage of the Divine Soul Realm by the time she got the Elemental Meridians. She and Dilo were very late in getting used to their Elemental meridians too. So it is normal that she took this long to finally Learn a Law. One must remember that usually, a cultivator or demon beast would only comprehend their first Law in the Soul Forging Realm. Dilo just so happens to be an excellent example of this rule.

Xankruan is a Scaled Mare Demon Beast, so she had a lot more affinity with Earth Laws, just like Ruik. She, too, knew that she isn't any talented genius or anything like that. So she focused on what she was best at. Thanks to her efforts, she was able to quickly bring her Earthquake Sub-Law to the Intermediate level. But what really surprised everyone in the room was that she was able to comprehend the initial Stage of Gravity!

Gravity is quite an ethereal thing, you know what it is, but can't really touch it directly. Even between all the Elemental Sub-Laws, Gravity is one of the hardest to put your hands on.

It was supposed to be a Law to make anyone proud of being able to comprehend so soon. After all, very few should have been able to do it while still in the Divine Soul Realm. Yes, it was supposed to be like that... if not for a certain wisp.

"Oh, you comprehended Gravity too? This is indeed a fantastic Sub-Law! I'm just waiting for the time I go on a mission to use it in real combat experience as well. Oh, right! I have just reached the Advanced Stage with it."

Xankruan and the others looked at Krune with weird expressions, much for his confusion.

"Did I say something wrong?"

Feifei sighed and then got up. After that, she approached Xankruan and gave her a hug.

"Don't worry, trust me when I say that he is really not doing it on purpose. We all know how frustrating it is, but we have long since given up thinking about this kind of situation when Krune is around."

Ruik and Tiane immediately nodded vigorously.

"Feifei couldn't be more correct. You just need to ignore his existence, and your world will be a lot brighter! I myself do it all the time."

For some reason, Krune felt like he was being abused, even though no one was talking with him directly.

"Heavin, did I do something wrong?"

Heavin shrugged his shoulders.

"I have no idea."

After consoling Xankruna for a few minutes, they returned to the topic at hand.

Obviously, Krune was at the very top when one talked about Laws. As an Elemental Major Core Owner, it goes without saying that all the elements are there for him to enjoy. Let's not even talk about his Elemental Meridians.

Krune's Burning Law was already at culmination two years ago, and he had now reached culmination with at least one Elemental Sub-Law Each.

For Fire Sub-Laws, Krune had also reached completion with the Annihilation. Krune already had three Fire Sub-Laws comprehended two years ago, and now he has Four. Burning, Annihilation, Explosion, and Fire Essence. Explosion and Fire Essence are at the intermediate and initial stages each. But there was a problem after he finished comprehending the second Fire Sub-Law, Annihilation. The progress of the rest was significantly reduced!

Krune knew that once you reached culmination with one Sub-Law, it would be easier to see the other ones. But it didn't mean that that Law would disappear from the World of Laws. Quite the opposite, it would still occupy a big part of the World of Laws forever. It's just that the space that is used while being comprehended is not as big as now. When he finished comprehending Annihilation, this one, too, is now occupying another big part for Fire Related Laws in the World of Laws.

The other Main Elements Sub-Laws were almost the same as Fire. Krune had also comprehended Four Sub-Laws from Each. The only difference is that he only had one Sub-Law at culmination with the others.

As for Light and Darkness, they weren't called Higher Elements for nothing. Krune could finally understand why only a Life or Death Major Cores could use those Elements before the Divine Soul Realm. They are really difficult to use, and even more so to comprehend their Laws! This is also the reason why Feifei was still in the Initial Stage for her two.

For Light Laws, Krune only got to the Intermediate stage of Brightness.

As for Dark Laws, he was also at the Intermediate stage with the Shadows Sub-Law.

That was all, he was still far from being able to comprehend anything about a second Dark or Light Sub-Law.