Krune is always using part of his mind with the Mind Splitting Technique to cultivate. So it was the first time he had to stop in a while. Instead, he just sent the Spiritual and Elemental Source Energy as they had agreed.

Of course, as weak as Krune and Heavin's connection might be, it would never be broken since Heavin is Krune's Divine Soul. Let alone now that he isn't blocking Krune anymore, so Krune could feel everything that was happening to him. Heavin instinctively knew that as well that his life was directly connected with Krune.

Surprisingly, Heavin really could cultivate by himself. Not only that, but Krune felt like Heavin was a lot better at it than himself. Of course, It was not like Krune didn't think about this possibility. After all, Krune is not in full control of Heavin at the moment. Even if he was, chances are that Heavin would still be better at it since he is the Divine Soul itself.

Feifei noticed Heavin and Krune's silence and started to get curious.

"How long are you going to keep me waiting? Tell me how it is going!"

Only then Krune did Krune talk with Feifei.

"Oh, it is working pretty well. Heavin can really cultivate by himself, and he can do it a lot better than I do. If he keeps at it, I can use the part of my mind that I keep for cultivation in other things like Laws."


But that idea only lasted for another 10 minutes.

"I'm done. Cultivation is too boring! I need to stay still and concentrate all the time, I don't like it!"

Feifei and Krune looked at each other and started to laugh out loud!

"Right! We forgot that you have a kid's mind. Which kid would like to stay still doing nothing else other than cultivating? Hahahaha!"

Feifei then said.

"Give your Mind Splitting Technique to him as well. See if it works."


Krune nodded and then passed the technique over. Unfortunately, it didn't serve him. This technique was made to be used by real souls. As much as a Divine Soul looks like a real one, the fact is that it is not the same. So, of course, the Mind Splitting Technique was useless.

Krune didn't mind, though. His cultivation speed is already a lot faster than any other Divine Soul Realm cultivator or demon beast anyway.

"Alright, Heavin. Just forget about that and go do something else. I will keep cultivating as I did before."

Heavin was taken aback.


Feifei then patted the Parrot Puppet's head and said.

"It is okay. There is no need for you to feel obligated to do anything. As you know, all the other Divine Souls don't do anything at all as well! They need their owners to control them to be able to do anything. So it's not like you are doing anything different."

Heavin nodded and then thought an idea.

"Krune, would you mind if I try to change this Mind Splitting Technique?"

Krune and Feifei immediately looked at him.

"Can you do it?"

Heavin shooked his head.

"I don't know. But I feel like I have a few ideas."

Krune pondered a bit and then said.

"Well, you are as intelligent as me, since I could create and later change the Myriad Energies Technique, maybe you can change the Mind Splitting Technique for your own use as well. But you better be careful! Techniques that are directly related to the soul as very dangerous if used wrong."

Heavin showed an excited expression and nodded.

"Okay, I will do it!"

Feifei and Krune looked at each other again and smiled. Heavin had just given up cultivating because it was too boring. So he probably will just give up this idea as well. After all, Krune and Feifei know very well that creating or changing a technique is very difficult and takes a lot of time. It could be said to be even more annoying than cultivating in certain places.

Krune knows that even better since he still remembers how many months it took for him to devise the Myriad Wisps Technique. He still remembers how many trials and failures he went through to get that thing to work.

Heavin's parrot eyes then closed, and he stayed attached to Feifei's shoulder.

"Well, let him be. We should be hearing his voice in the next few minutes again."

Feifei and Krune laughed and kept making their way back to the Elemental Sect Planet.

Surprisingly, Heavin almost hadn't said a single word during the entire week of travel. Of course, Krune and Feifei would check on him from time to time just to make sure he was okay. But so far, he seemed to be very interested in this technique alteration. If anything, he got even more excited about his changes as time passed.

'Maybe it is because he doesn't need to be focused on a single thing that it is interesting for him.'

Since he didn't seem to be in any danger, Feifei and Krune also didn't intervene. In fact, they couldn't even if they want. Heavin is changing a technique to be used by a Divine Soul alone, so only he knew how it could work or not.

When Feifei and Krune arrived back in the Elemental Sect, Tiane and Ruik were already there by the Teleport Formation to receive them. From the time they left to the time they came back, just two weeks and a half went by.

"How was it, did anything happen with your breakthrough into the Divine Soul Realm?"

Krune and Feifei looked at each other and laughed once more. But before they said anything, Tiane came forward to Feifei's side.

"Hey, it's your Parrot Puppet. It's very rare for you to bring it out, no? Are you perhaps missing your parents?"

Heavin then opened his eyes and said.

"Hello, Ruik and Tiane. My name is Heavin."

Ruik and Tiane looked puzzled at the puppet who just introduced itself.

"Feifei, you are still good at controlling the Parrot, it seems. But what about this Heavin name?"

Feifei shook her head and said.

"I'm not the one controlling it."

Krune then pointed at it and said.

"Heavin is my Divine Soul, and Feifei lent him her Parrot Puppet so that he could interact with the world outside my foundation."

Ruik and Tiane looked at Krune and asked.

"Is this some kind of joke?"

Krune shrugged his shoulder after hearing that.

"Whether you believe it or not, this is the truth. Heavin is really my Divine Soul, and for some reason, he got sentience. He is quite the lively kid as well."

Krune then started to explain to those two what happened during his breakthrough.

In the end, Ruik couldn't help but comment.

"Why every time you act, something weird or crazy happens? Explosions, destruction, strange techniques, insane attack skills. Every single one of them never follows the norm. Tell me, are you sure you are not doing all of that on purpose? It is, right?"

Krune's mouth twitched after hearing that.

"Purpose your head! Who the hell would like to cause explosions and destruction everywhere?"

Immediately, Feifei, Ruik, Tiane, and even Heavin's Parrot Wing pointed at Krune.

"Who else other than you?"

Krune wanted to cry but had no tears!

'A wisp can't even count with his own Fiance and Divine Soul, such a sad life!'

Krune then decided to change the topic before he really went crazy.

"Alright, let's forget about it for now. How has your Elemental Path Stone collection going so far?"

Ruik and Tiane smiled and said.

"It seems like the effect that the Elemental Path Realm opening is increasing. We found quite a bit more Elemental Path Stones during this time. In the end, we might as well collect some of them to sell later."

Krune then warned the two.

"Just make sure that when you start to do it, do not let others know how many you have. Try to set up several accounts to sell over the network so that they can't be pinpointed at you. If you want, I can do it for you once we finish using them."

Ruik and Tiane accepted Krune's offer. They know that Krune liked to spend quite some time on the network, so he definitely knew a lot more about it than the two of them.

Feifei thought that it was indeed an excellent idea and decided to do the same thing as Ruik and Tiane. As for Krune, he already has his Purple Pills, so he isn't really in need of money now.

Krune and Feifei then returned to the Elemental Sect Branch, and the same alchemist from last time came out. He immediately checked Krune's pills and issued a free collection pass for him and Feifei. Ruik and Tiane still had their own, so they had no need for it.

Ruik then commented on the way out.

"With the number of Elemental Path Stones we used during the last two weeks, we got to 41 to 42% conversion already. But it is exactly as you said, considering the number of Elemental Path Stones used, the effects that each one has is really lessening."

Krune nodded.

"I already expected it. Let's just make sure that we don't lose this opportunity and use as many as possible."

Everyone agreed, and they immediately departed.