Krune finally felt that the connection with his Divine Soul wasn't impeded anymore, and his control over the Elemental Source Energy soared. Not to mention the control over the Elements and Laws. One must remember that this is, in fact, an Elemental Divine Soul. Also, the sheer amount of Elemental and Spiritual Energy that he could use at once was simply not a match from when he was in the Core Formation at all!

"Impressive, there is so much more power!"

Krune spread his Divine Sense for a second and soon found that it could now cover over a 100km radius, it was utterly ridiculous!

"Hey Krune, I'm almost out of Tribulation Lightning Energy, come out already and take care of this!"

Krune didn't waste time and started to use his Divine Soul Realm strength to fight the Tribulation. But he soon noticed a difference.

"Light Spirit, isn't this Tribulation Fire a lot stronger than Feifei's one?"

Light Spirit confirmed.


"A tribulation is supposed to be a test, what use would be there for a Tribulation at the level of an ordinary Divine Soul Realm? In fact, Feifei's Tribulation was also a lot stronger than ordinary ones. Still, her combat power isn't as high as yours, so her Tribulation seems weaker than this one. If you see an ordinary Divine Soul Realm Tribulation Fire, you might even laugh at that."

Krune immediately understood. Indeed, an ordinary 1st Stage Divine Soul Realm Tribulation would simply be of no risk to him. He could defend against that even if he was still in the Core Formation Realm.

The Tribulation Fire was indeed stronger for Krune, but in the end, it wasn't Luvile Universe's Purple Tribulation Lightning. Besides, even if it was, Krune was still confident that he could overcome it with the power that he has now. His Elemental Divine Soul was really something else.

The Tribulation Fire continued to envelop Krune, but it couldn't even touch his wisp's ethereal body, let alone his Core. If not for what happened to his Divine Soul, Krune would probably feel bored.

Light Spirit then gave Krune an idea.

"Since you can deal with it this easy, why don't you bring some of the Tribulation Fire to fuel up your Sun? Different from my Tribulation Lightning, this Tribulation Fire is in accord with the Heaven and Earth Laws. As long as you can subdue it, your Sun will also have a good boost. Overall, your Universe Foundation won't change much, but it will save you a lot of time."


Krune didn't really have reason to refuse since he also thought that this Tribulation was being too easy. Krune then opened a passage in his Energy Field and then used his Elemental Meridians to absorb the Tribulation Fire. Just like it was with the Tribulation Lightning, his elemental meridians also had no problem absorbing the Tribulation Fire as well.

Krune made sure that the Tribulation Fire appeared nearby his Sun and used his Divine Soul power to subdue it. The process was quite hard since he had to do it while taking care of what happened outside. Still, it wasn't anything impossible.

It turned out that the Tribulation Fire was perfect for his Sun, even with the little that he absorbed and subdued every time, his Sun was still increasing in size very fast. One must remember that ever since its creation, it never stopped absorbing Krune's Spiritual Energy that he kept in his Universe Foundation.

'To think that the Tribulation Fire alone is giving it enough power equivalent to years of steady Spiritual Energy feeding.'

Time passed, and finally, the Tribulation Fire disappeared. As for Krune's Sun, it had almost doubled in size thanks to it. It now had enough gravitational pull for Krune to make his Planet start to orbit it as well, which he immediately did. Thorugh the use of the Spiritual and Elemental Source energy, Krune pushed his world into a safe distance away from the Sun. From there, it started to accelerate until its speed was enough to not be pulled inside the Sun, but not enough to escape the gravitational field either.

'I will need to pay attention now and then since my Sun is still absorbing Spiritual Energy and getting bigger.'

It was then that Krune thought.

"Light Spirit, at which point should I stop feeding my Sun with Spiritual Energy?"

Light Spirit then immediately replied.

"The difference in size between Suns in the Universe is gigantic. So, in a certain way, it can be fed almost forever. But I don't think you need one of those massive ones, just use the Rimeria Solar System's Sun as a comparative example, that should be good enough. In the future, when you enter the Void Breaking Realm and is able to create Chaos Energy, you can think about increasing its size. Well, at that point, you will need to create a lot more Suns, Planets, and things like that, though."

Krune nodded and thought about the Rimeria Sun.

'It still needs to increase three times in size, more or less. Well, I guess I'm back to feeding it Spiritual Energy.'

With the Tribulation Fire over, Krune then paid attention to his Divine Soul. Ever since his connection with it came back to normal, his Divine Soul hasn't said a single word. Even when he started to put his Planet in the Sun's orbit, Heavin didn't complain about his power being used either.

"Weird... Heavin, are you there?"

No answer...

Right After, Cinty and Feifei arrived beside Krune.

"How is it? Are you alright?"

Krune looked at Feifei and then transformed back to his human form.

"Yeap, I couldn't be better."

"What about Heavin, should I go talk to him again?"

Krune showed a weird expression and then said.

"Come inside to take a look, I will make a projection with Spiritual Energy for you two to control."

Cinty and Feifei nodded, and they sent their Divine Sense into Krune's foundation.

As for Light Spirit, he just kept quiet in a corner. If anyone asked, Krune would just say that it is his Tribulation Lightning Source, which they already know that exists.

After that, Krune also made a projection of his human form and then pointed at his Elemental Divine Soul.

"Well, you see... After my connection with my Elemental Divine Soul was established, Heavin became completely silent. I tried to call him, but there is no answer at all."

Feifei and Cinty looked at each other and then asked Krune.

"Isn't it the same as a normal Divine Soul?"

Krune nodded.

"I think so too, but still, its form continues the same. Just an agglomeration of Elemental Source and Soul energy. I can still see the Heavenly Fragment inside as well."

Feifei then said.

"You probably thought about it already, but I think it is because of your established Link with Heavin. He doesn't have any control anymore now that the Link is in place."

Krune nodded once more.

"I think so too. Let me ask you something, do you think your Divine Souls have sentience as well?"

Cinty and Feifei immediately shook their heads.

"I don't know the reason, but I'm sure that our Divine Souls don't have intelligence. You can think about it as a new extension of our body. It is still controlled by the brain, even if it wasn't there before."

Krune pondered a bit and then said.

"I can't help but feel like I'm imprisoning Heavin inside his own body with my Link in place. He does have intelligence, after all."

Cinty then said.

"Is there a need to be worried? Now that you have the control, whether he is still there or not, it doesn't matter anymore."

Feifei, on the other hand, knew exactly what Krune was thinking.

"You don't like it to be this way, right?"

Krune sighed and nodded.

"You know me way too well. Stay here with me, I'm going to weaken my Link with Heavin to the point where it will reach the same state as before. If he doesn't answer after that, then it means that his sentience is really gone. If he does, then we can talk to him."

Feifei smiled and nodded. That is really the Krune that she knows.

Cinty couldn't help but disagree, though.

"Why would you do that? It will only bring you more problems. Do you have any idea how strong your Divine Soul power is now? I noticed from the outside during the Heavenly Tribulation. Your combat power is definitely ridiculous! You should keep things that way and forget that this 'Heavin' ever existed. This is for you and your companions' own good."

Krune looked at Cinty and just shook his head.

"No can do."

Krune didn't wait for Cinty to answer and immediately started to work. He concentrated, and his connection with the Elemental Divine Soul began to get weaker and weaker until finally, Krune noticed that his commands got blocked again.

"Ah! What happened? Did I sleep?"

Heavin looked at Krune and then got angry again.

"It was you, right? You tried to get rid of me, too, like mother!"

Krune was taken aback, who said that he did it? Well, he did it indeed, but it wasn't on purpose!

Just as Heavin was about to attack again, he heard Feifei's angry voice.


Heavin was taken aback, and the energy that he had initially accumulated to attack immediately disappeared.

Feifei then moved her projection in front of the Elemental Divine Soul.

Heavin also came back to himself and complained.

"You said you would help punish him! If you don't get out of the way, I will attack you too!"

Feifei's angry face didn't disappear, though.

"I said that I would, and I will. But that is another matter."

Feifei's projection got even closer to Heavin and then asked.

"Did you ask him what happened that you lost conscience?"

Heavin didn't know what to say.

"I... I..."

Feifei's face got even darker and asked once more.


Heavin couldn't take it anymore and said.

"I... did not..."

Feifei's face finally came back to normal, and she smiled.

"Good boy! Why don't you ask what happened first before saying that it was his fault? I'm sure your mother would not like you to be unjust."

Heavin really had a kid's mind. He gets afraid easily, just as Feifei expected. But she could also tell that he wasn't bad.

'Fortunately, treating him like the kids back in the Wang Clan worked well.'

Heavin then did as Feifei asked, and then Krune started to explain what happened from start to finish.

Once Krune was finished explaining, Heavin didn't know what to do.

Feifei looked at him and then asked.

"Heavin, now that you know it wasn't his fault, what should you say?"

Heavin was unwilling, but once Feifei started to get angry again, he could just do as she wanted.

"I'm... sorry... for saying that it was your fault that I slept."

Krune wasn't good at this situation, either.

"Errr... It is okay, I guess."

Feifei smiled once more and said.

"I'm proud of you, Heavin, and I'm sure your mother would be too."

They couldn't tell how Heavin was feeling since he didn't have a face to start with. But Feifei was sure that he was feeling embarrassed now.

"Well then, shall we proceed with Krune's punishment then?"

Heavin immediately looked at Feifei and felt excited!


Krune, on the other hand, felt that it wouldn't be a very pleasurable event.

After some time of 'punishment,' Feifei and Heavin finally stopped, much for Krune's relief. Since Heavin couldn't exactly go out to fight Krune, the punishment had to be carried on his Main Soul instead. It made him remember how painful his Soul Tempering was.

"Alright, that is enough. Now let Krune explain why he broke your mother, he did have a reason for it, so you should listen to what he has to say at least."

Heavin acted like an obedient child when he was with Feifei and nodded.


Krune sighed and then started to explain everything about cultivation, breakthroughs, and how one did to enter the Divine Soul Realm. Heavin had the same innate IQ as the wisps, so he quickly understood the entire process even though he had a kid's personality.

"So, it really wasn't on purpose?"

Krune, Feifei, and Cinty immediately nodded.

"That is how everyone enters the Divine Soul Realm. In fact, the strange thing is that you have sentience. Other Divine Souls are not like you."

Heavin then looked at the pieces of the Broken Elemental Core that he considered his mother and felt even sadder.

"I think... if mother had sentience, she would want me to do it."

Suddenly, Heavin started to absorb those pieces of the broken Elemental Core, and his body began to change! Or better, it was now finally taking the form that it was supposed to have in the first place.