Krune soon recovered and quickly greeted Xankruan.

"Oh, hi! Nice to meet you too."

Feifei did the same right after.

Xankruan smiled and then teased the two a little.

"Are you surprised that I'm a demon beast? You should first look at yourselves if that's the case."

Feifei and Krune had to admit that she was right. It is just that, just like them, it is very rare to see a Human and Demon Beast couple. Krune really didn't expect that Dilo and Xankruan would turn out to be one of those couples.

He was also happy about how Xankruan called him. It shows that Dilo hasn't told her about his or Feifei's real identity so far, which is a good thing.


It was then that Krune got an idea.

"Xankruan, did he tell you that he gave a slive of his soul for me to keep?"

Xankruan immediately nodded.

"Yes, I really don't know what he was thinking at that time, sigh..."

Krune's eyes immediately lit up.

"Great! Can you convince him to accept it back? It doesn't matter how many times I try to give it to him, he keeps refusing it. I really don't what to do anymore."


Xankruan glared at Dilo, and the later started to sweat a little.

"Cough, cough. It is because I trust him that I don't need him to give it back to me. Besides, I have to repay for the favor of fixing my Dantian, and this soul slive can be used to call me if he is in danger."

Xankruan sighed once more and said.

"Sorry, this guy is just like me. When he makes his mind up, there is almost nothing in the universe that can change it."

Krune sighed as well and then gave up.

Xankruan then invited them for lunch, and the two couples passed a few hours together. Although there was an enormous gap in age, their situation was identical. The only difference is that the genders of who is a demon beast and who is a human were swapped. Thanks to that, the four of them found a lot in common with each other.

When it came the time to leave, Krune called Dilo over. Dilo knew that Krune had something to talk with him, so he bid farewell to his wife and left with Krune and Feifei.

"It seems like she doesn't know my or Feifei's real name yet."

Dilo nodded.

"You told me to not pass it around, and so I did. In fact, even if I tried to do that, you would feel it through my soul slive."

Krune shook his head.

"It is okay, as long as you trust her, I don't mind. After all, Feifei and my fake identities are just prevention. Anyway, what I want to talk with you is about your soul slive."

Dilo immediately replied.

"I'm not going back on my word, so I won't accept it."

Krune shook his head and said.

"There is something I need to pass to you, but once I do that, I won't be able to return your soul slive anymore. At least, not until I feel that it is safe to do so."

Krune looked at Dilo with a serious expression and said.

"I want you to think it through. Once I give you this thing, your soul slive probably won't be back to you for the next hundreds or maybe even thousands of years. Before you answer, there is something else that I need to let you know. Feifei and my situations are a lot more complicated than you think, we are probably going to be in serious danger in the future."

Feifei also said her piece.

"Forget about Divine Soul or Soul Forging Realm, the risks involved in this are in the Divinity Realm level. Anyone at that level can smash us to dust. I'm not lying in saying that you probably will have a much longer life if you decide to go parted ways."

Krune and Feifei weren't lying. They are talking about Divinity Realm Cultivators and Demon beasts. Once Krune's Myriad Wisps or Energies Technique is found out, that is the level of enemies that will start to move.

"I don't want you to give your answer now, go back to your wife and discuss it with her. After all, there is no doubt that she would also be dragged into our problems in case you decide to stay with Feifei and me. I will breakthrough the Divine Soul Realm, so I expect you to give me your answer after that."

Feifei also added.

"This isn't a decision you can take alone. So be sure that your wife is really okay with this. It is something that would affect even your future family."

Dilo couldn't help but ask.

"Just how exactly did you two get in this level of a problem?"

Krune and Feifei couldn't help but laugh after hearing that.

"All we can say is that we didn't. It wasn't something that we opted for. It is not like we went out of our way to provoke some big power or anything like that. You can even say that it is quite unfair that we are in this situation now."

Feifei also commented.

"Still, you better not hear the details since it would bring you no good. For now, you just need to understand what kind of danger you would be in if you decide to still follow Krune and me."

Krune and Feifei then held hands and left, leaving Dilo behind with an absent-minded face.

It wasn't after a few minutes had passed that Dilo finally came back to himself and left as well.

Once he returned home, he explained what he talked about with Krune and Feifei to his wife. Of course, he left out any details that might go against what Krune had asked him to keep secret.

Xankruan sat on a chair and crossed her arms.

"I see. I have no doubt that you really wanted to pay your debt to Jolk, but there was also another reason why you decided to follow him at first. If I'm not wrong, other than paying the debt for fixing your dantian, you probably thought that nothing wrong would happen while following an alchemist genius, right?"

Dilo immediately nodded.

"I have nothing to say, that is the truth."

Xankruan nodded and then continued.

"But now that you know that death is most likely the outcome of following him, you are hesitating. After all, how would you deal with forces at the Divinity Realm Level? Neither you or I have ever seen a Divinity Realm Cultivator or Demon Beast. Let alone have gone against them."

Dilo nodded once more.

Xankuran then snorted.

"Could it be, it is because of me that you are hesitating?"

Dilo opened his mouth, but in the end, no words came out of it.

"Seems like I hit the bull's eye."

Xankruan sighed after saying that.

"Not only that, but after your dantian stayed damage for so long, you also lost a lot of your confidence. Before that, you would be trying to convince me instead that we should take this chance. That's because you know that since what is coming is a Divinity Realm level danger, it means that the rewards would also be around that level. You would definitely be saying something like, 'what's the point in cultivation if we run at every problem' or something like that."

Dilo couldn't help but drop his head. He knew that his wife was telling the truth. In the past, he loved to get himself in some tricky situations just because they had higher rewards.

Still, even after hearing all of that, he was not sure if he should embark on this journey or not.

Xankruan then stood up and gave him a hug.

"You are really such an idiot. You are completely forgetting the main point here."

Dilo got puzzled and looked at his wife's face.

"Which one?"

Xankruan laughed while hugging him and asked.

"Which Dilo did I fall in love with? The scared cat Dilo, or the always enthusiastic one?"

Dilo's eyes opened wide, and he stayed silent for a few seconds while looking as his wife smiling face.





Dilo started to laugh out loud and then kissed his wife.

"I'm really a disgrace! How could I forget such an obvious thing like that? Hahahaha!"

Xankruan nodded.

"You really are. Still, it seems like you aren't without salvation yet. Since that is the case, you know what to do, right?"

Dilo nodded and then showed a playful smile.

"I feel like I had never had any other option to start with now."

He then looked at his wife's human form from top to bottom and said.

"Still, I'm supposed to give him an answer after he finishes his breakthrough tomorrow. So for now, there is something else that I'm a lot more interested in doing at the moment."

Xankruan showed an angry face and replied.


Dilo didn't mind, though.

"Thanks for the compliment."