Ruik pondered a bit about the situation before and knew that hiding would be useless.

"I didn't expect that a dream could pull everyone inside. Even I only noticed that it was a dream only after you came inside it. As far as I remember, I arrived home after buying some food and sat on the sofa. There, I just felt a little drowsy and decided to take a nap. Next thing I know, I was in my room back in the Divine Path Sect. What do you think?"

Krune started to think about the Laws that created that world.

"As far as I know, there are several other laws out there that are not exactly related to the Elements or Space, Time, and Destiny. One example is Laws related to weapons like swords. It seems like Ruik got to comprehend one of those Laws."

Ruik pondered a bit and then said.

"Does it means that I understood a Law related to dreams? But I'm still in the 7th Stage of the Core Formation Realm! If there is one thing that I'm sure about, it is that I'm far from being considered a talented Two-Headed Snake."

Krune had to admit that Ruik was right. Compared to Lakin and the others who have the Myriad Energies Technique, he isn't bad or good, just average.


"Perhaps... No, it definitely has something to do with the fact that you love sleeping."

Ruik couldn't help but ask.

"Can someone learn Dream related Laws just because they love sleeping? I wonder if it is even called Dream Laws to start with."

Krune pondered a bit more, and finally, an idea popped in his mind.

"I see... I think I know why. The problem here is not that you love to sleep. Of course, this was also a significant factor. But the main reason for that is because we always try to stop you from doing it. You always want to sleep, but I, Feifei, and Tiane try to stop you from doing that. After all, we all want you to use this chance to cultivate."

Krune continued.


"Your strong desire to be left in peace to sleep but not being able to do so led you to this situation... or so I think."

Ruik couldn't help but agree, that really made sense.

While the two were discussing this problem, Feifei started to get angry.

"You two! Do you think you can run away from the other problem by simply changing the topic to the Dream Laws?"

Only then did Krune notice that he really was forgetting the main issue here.

"Right! We can discuss your laws later."

Ruik looked away, embarrassed. He really did want to change the topic.

Feifei looked at him and asked.

"How come Tiane was there with you?"

Ruik thought a little and then said.

"At first, there was only me in the room. So I just lay down and decided to take a nap."

Krune didn't know what to say anymore.

"This guy was trying to sleep while he was sleeping, are you for real?"

Feifei glared at Krune and said.

"Let him continue!"

Krune didn't say anything else anymore.

Ruik then said.

"But it doesn't matter how much I tried to sleep, for some reason, I simply couldn't. I didn't know that it was a dream at that moment yet. So at some point, I got up and decided to leave the room. But it was then that Tiane suddenly appeared in the room."

"And then?"

Ruik felt a little embarrassed but still continued.

"Well... She then started to undress, which puzzled me. We are both demon beasts, so seeing the other gender without clothes means nothing to us. The weird thing is that I didn't dislike it. After that, she came to me and started to undress me as well. Once again, I didn't think about it being wrong or right, I just followed the flow."

Feifei started to get red as well when Ruik arrived at that point. But she wasn't the only one!

There was a specific female demon crow with her ears glued on the door that was locked, hearing everything. If Feifei, who wasn't part of the dream at the moment, was this red, one can just imagine how the girl behind the door was.

Ruik then continued.

"The next thing I know, we were already in the middle of... well... you know... in the middle of doing 'that.'"

Feifei finally couldn't take it anymore.

"Alright! That's enough. There is no need to continue speaking."

Krune immediately rebuked!

"Eh? Why? It was so interesting!"

Feifei gave another deadly gaze at him, which made Krune shut up immediately. But in fact, deep down, Feifei was thinking something else.

'How come they did it before us? That's not fair. Wait! That was just a dream, it didn't really happen, right? Wait, no! What am I even thinking?!'

Feifei shook her head and then said.

"Alright, after Tiane kicked you, we heard you saying that she should be under your control since that was your dream. Does it mean that you noticed that it was a dream at some point?"

Ruik started to sweat rivers. At first, he could use the excuse that he didn't know that it was a dream, or that he wasn't doing it consciously. But he just had to say those words inside there before.

Krune understood what Feifei meant.

"I see. If Ruik didn't know that it was a dream, it would make sense that he wasn't in control over it. But since he said that, it was obvious that he came to understand his situation during the act. So let me ask something. Since you knew, why didn't you stop?"

"As far as I know, you and Tiane aren't exactly in good terms with each other. I believe that in your case, even the feelings of intercourse wouldn't be enough to dominate your actions. Since that is not that case, what propelled you to continue doing that? What you had in your mind that was more important than stopping your actions?"

Krune took a deep breath and asked with a serious expression.

"To you, just who is Tiane?"

Feifei looked at Krune, shocked. Since when he became so perceptive? Still, that was not the time to ask that. Feifei was several times more interested in Ruik's answer at the moment.

But not as much interested as a certain figure hearing the conversation inside her locked room. Tiane's heart was beating so fast that it was about to leave through her mouth. Still, her ears didn't separate from the door for even a split of a second. That was quite an idiotic act since she could totally use her Divine Sense to do that. But at this moment, cultivation related options were the last thing in her mind.

Ruik looked at Krune after hearing that question and thought.

'To me, who is Tiane?'

Until the time where he slept in the living room, Tiane had just been someone who often complained about anything he did. Every day she would find a reason to bother him, and he wasn't any different. After all, he, too, liked to pick up a fight with her. It was then that Ruik noticed something extremely important.

'Exactly when did those arguments become something that I enjoyed having?'

While Ruik was silent, Feifei noticed something and decided to ask.

"You said that Tiane also didn't stop what she was doing, right? When Krune and I first appeared inside your dream, we were not under your control. So I'm curious, was Tiane's actions really involuntary? Or was it something that she also desired deep down?"

Tiane, on the other side of the door, got startled!

'No, it can't be, I refuse to believe that!'

Noticing the indecision on Ruik's face, Feifei started to get angry. Krune is one thing, but to her, Ruik and Tiane's relationship stopped being just acquaintances long time ago. In her eyes, it was just a question of time before it evolved into something more serious. Seeing Ruik's state was really pissing her off. But just as she was about to say something, Krune acted first.


Out of nowhere, Krune gave Ruik a punch on the face. Right after, he grabbed Ruik's t-shirt and suspended Ruik on the air.

"I might not have the best grasp of what feelings are. No, I probably have one of the worts! I often misunderstand things and have a hard time reading these kinds of situations. Not to mention, I make a lot of comments that although they looked correct in my eyes, it is, in fact, something that I shouldn't talk that easily."

Krune then put Ruik back on the sofa and said with a serious expression.

"Still, I at least know that this is the time where the man HAS to have the initiative. You are a fucking demon beast! Not only that, but you are the MALE one! Since when have male demon beasts been so indecisive like you? Demon Beasts don't care about consequences, demon beasts care about results! As a male demon beast, what should you be saying right now?! Is it really okay to think so much about a question that YOU KNOW the answer already? You are a DISGRACE to the male demon beasts out there!"

Krune then took a deep breath and then yelled.


Ruik gritted his teeth and yelled right back on Krune's face.