Although she made a breakthrough, almost no one knew about it. Just a few trusted old wisps and Krune's group. In fact, not everyone in his group. Dilo doesn't know about the Myriad Energy or Wisps Technique, so he kept like that.

Around a month earlier

Krune was then brought to another room where he and Cinty could talk in private. There, Krune finished explained how his Myriad Wisps Technique worked. That's correct, Krune didn't pass her the Myriad Energies, but the version made for Wisps instead. The Myriad Energies Technique has a much more complicated situation. After all, it could be cultivated by any race, the only difference is that Wisps are more suited for it.

Still, Cinty was completely shocked when she finished reading the entire technique. For a moment, she even thought it to be a joke. To think that there is such a technique for wisps in existence? Not only that, but this was made using the Myriad Energies Technique that almost no cared about.

Her doubts didn't last long, though. As someone at the Void Breaking Realm, she obviously had a much better Spiritual Energy Control than Krune or Feifei. Of course, she was far from Uncle Feng, who was able to cultivate the 9 pseudo meridians in just a few hours. Still, it only took her a little more than a day to finish creating all 9 pseudo meridians.

She, as a wisp in the Void Breaking Realm, obviously had a lot of spirit stones as well. So she started to open one Spiritual Energy Meridian after another. Finally, when all 9 were completed, they evolved into the Elemental Meridians. Only after seeing that did Krune see the Elements that Cinty is most proficient at. Her Elemental Meridians had 3 main colors. Dark for Darkness Element, Green for Wind, and Transparent for Water.

Of course, there were also a few other colors, but they paled in comparison with her 3 main ones.


The moment she started cultivating with those Elemental Meridians, she got shocked. Let alone being better than the technique she used until now, it would be a mistake to even put the two in the same sentence.

Krune was also impressed by what he saw. The combination of Elemental Meridians and the Black Hole Major core was frightening. The Spiritual Energy rushing at Cinty was simply out of this world. Even the Spiritual Energy Gathering Formation was having issues to cope with her. In the end, Cinty ended calling over a Golden Stars Formations Master to create a bigger one.

After everything was done, Krune and Cinty reached an agreement after her breakthrough a month later.

"As I said before, this technique has to stay in secret. I guess you understand what will happen if a lot of wisps start to make breakthroughs here. It is one thing if only you enter the Divine Path Realm. After all, you do have the Black Hole Major Core, it is enough to be used as an excuse, and the great powers won't mind just a single extra wisp in this realm."

Cinty nodded.

"I know that, but I also plan to keep my own cultivation a secret as long as possible. Still, I intend to get a few wisps to pass this technique to them. You don't need to worry, though. They will never betray the Wisp Race. I trust them completely."


Krune agreed with that.

"That's good, my plan was to get a few wisps which could keep this technique as well. In case something happens to me or you, the others would still have a chance to spread it later."

Cinty then changed the topic.

"Let's talk about the reason you decided to pass this technique to me. Like I told you, in the wisp worlds, no one can touch you as long as you didn't break the law. But you came from a different Universe that isn't allied to the ones controlling Dalin. Not only that, but you used a secret passage that they have no idea about. So the law will not be applied to you."

Krune nodded.

"Exactly. That's indeed one of the reasons I passed this technique to you. In case I am seized by those powers, you will be able to pass this technique forward. But that is not the only one. Let me tell the situation in the Luvile Universe."

Krune then told her everything about the Myriad Wisps Technique already being disseminated through the Divine Path Sect territory, and how it probably spread to other areas as well. He then told her the reason he and Feifei left that Universe in a hurry.

Cinty was indeed surprised by the fact that Krune made this technique public in his home Universe. But what really startled her was knowing that Krune was one of the Advanced Major Core owners. Not only that but his fiance as well. Her wisp world has no records about any other wisp with an Advanced Major Core. The only one has always been Wally, and only him.

"Are you for real? You really have an Advanced Major Core? Doesn't that mean that you can also fight for the Heavenly Major Core fragments?"

But it was then that she noticed a problem.

"No, wait! To do that, you will need to take your fiance's, Wulia Feier, Major Core Fragment as well. I've known you for only a few days, but I can tell that you would definitely not make something like that. How do you plan to act, then?"

It passed by Cinty's mind to take Feifei's fragment by force. But she immediately threw away that idea. Krune had just given to her, and the wisp race a light of hope. A technique that could not only be put together with the bests techniques out there but one that also changes the composition of the wisps' Spiritual Energy.

She is obviously well aware of wisps being used as cultivation resources in other places. In fact, even in the Dalin Universe, it happened now and then. As long as the wisps cultivated this technique, this risk would soon disappear.

Krune heard that and shrugged his shoulders.

"First of all, since I already told you from where we came, I might as well tell you her name. It's not Wulia Feier, but Wang Feifei. Of course, just keep using Feier any time that you are not having a private conversation or in a similar situation."

"As for how I plan to deal with it, I believe it is very obvious. The Heavenly Major Core can only be formed by gathering all the fragments. As long as I destroy one of them right in front of the Sacred Lands, this matter will automatically come to an end. Fortunately, we are in the Dalin Universe. So even if the Sacred Lands are able to send someone here, they won't be able to find us that easily."

Cinty's expression suddenly changed after she heard that. Although the wisp race is considered weak, they were one of those with the most information in the entire Dalin Universe. Obviously, they also knew very well how the Major Cores with Heavenly Fragments worked. Including what happens when a Major Core with a Heavenly Fragment leaves its Universe.

"Could it be that you don't know about your Home Universe protection?"

Krune looked at Cinty with a puzzled face.

"What protection?"

Cinty put her hand on her face and sighed.

"Call Feifei over, there is something I have to tell the two of you."

Krune felt something was wrong and immediately did as he was told. After Feifei arrived, he first explained everything that he had discussed with Cinty. The three of them then conversed about a few other things until Cinty finally decided to explain the reason for having both here.

"Alright. It is evident that you only know part of the Advanced Major Cores' history. First, let me tell you that it is possible for those sacred lands to send their members here. The only difference is that it will probably not be more than two or three each. Any Universe not related to the ones who control Dalin will have a hard time entering. Still, as long as a big enough price is paid, it is possible to send at least this much. Of course, they definitely won't be stronger than the Soul Forging Realm. That's the rules."

Krune and Feifei didn't seem surprised. They more or less expected that the Sacred lands would arrive in here anyway.

Cinty then continued.

"But that is not the issue here. The problem is in case they send their own Heavenly Fragmanet Major Core Owners. If they did, then neither of you will be able to hide for much longer."

This time, Krune and Feifei really got surprised.

"Do they have a way to find us?"

Cinty nodded.

"Not only they do, but you two also have the same ability."

Cinty then explained to Krune and Feifei what happens when Advanced Major Cores leave their Universe. She explained about the protection or 'coat' that will disappear with time. How the Advanced Major Cores from the same Universe will be able to feel each other, and how long it would usually take.

By the end, Feifei and Krune felt that things turned a lot more dangerous.

"As you expect, the wisp world won't be able to protect you. After all, your entrance here was illegal. Once they report it, we won't be able to prevent the Dalin Universe management from coming here."