After that event, Krune went to see Amark Guli.

"Krune, as you probably noticed already, your pills have that weird purple flame effect to them. There will be a need for you to create more pills to test it out, but at first, it seems like any pill you make like that has its effects increased several times. Not to mention the side effects that might occur. So, let me ask you, can you tell us how did you create it?"

Krune nodded and then shook his head.

"I have no issues to explain to the whole process regarding alchemy, but if you ask me how my purple flame is made, I'm afraid that this isn't something I can tell. If you are fine with just the concoction process, then I don't mind talking about it."

Amark Guli shook his head.

"Then, there is no need. Lian and Palo watched the whole thing when you created the new Shell Fixing Pill. Other than the purple flame, there wasn't really anything new to it. Your extraction method might be something hard or impossible for others at your level. Still, it is quite easy for Diamond Stars and above. As for the Law of Burning and the Extreme Infusion technique, we can replicate that as well as you."

Krune agreed with Amark, other than his tribulation purple flame, there really wasn't anything 'new' to his concoction. It is thanks to his various perks that he can achieve the other requisites that only higher level alchemists should. Also, at the Core Formation Realm, Krune can do things that even peak Peak Divine Soul Realm Alchemists will have difficulty.


But when you think about alchemists like Lian, Palo, and the Headmaster Amark. Anything that Krune did, they could do as well, and do it much better too.

"I'm sorry. But it is related to a secret technique from my background. Even if I wanted to tell you, the seal put into protecting this information wouldn't allow me to say anything."

Krune was obviously lying right there and then. What seal? What background? He doesn't have anything like that. Or better, he does have a background, but it meant nothing in a place like this. If anything, he arrived at the Dalin Universe illegally to start with. If he tells anything about his Tribulation Lightning, others might connect the dots and find out that he came from the Luvile Universe. That definitely wouldn't be good.

At the moment, Amark and the others can tell that Krune's purple flame seems to have the power of tribulation. But this is nothing new. A lot of cultivators and demon beasts can use the elemental tribulation powers. Especially in a place like this that receives those from several different universes with different elemental tribulations.

In this case, there is really nothing wrong with Krune being able to use an elemental tribulation power. Their only doubt is how his flame became purple. After all, no one here had ever heard about a purple tribulation fire before. In Amark's head, he thought that Krune's background had a method to change the power of tribulation itself, and it was a secret that he couldn't share with others.

"In that case, I want to ask you another thing. Would your background cause any problem to our Rimeria Solar System Alchemist Organization?"


Krune almost laughed at that question. Cause any problem? If the Divine Path Sect really found a way to cause a problem in the Dalin Universe, it would be a wonder if it would still exist a week later. Of course, Krune didn't show his thoughts on his face.

"They won't, I can guarantee you that."

Amark then asked again.

"Would you swear it on a Blood Contract?"

Krune immediately nodded.

Amark then wrote a contract while Krune checked the terms and confirmed that it was only related to the previous question. Krune signed it, and the contract burned. It then put a seal on Krune's soul, which lost its effect right after since its requirements were achieved straight away.

Amark saw that and let out a sigh of relief. He might not want to deal with Krune's background, but he had to at least confirm that it wouldn't bring any harm to his organization. Now that the Blood Contract proved that Krune wasn't lying, he wouldn't need to care about where Krune came from anymore.

"Alright, let's go back to the main topic. Once we publish your Shell Fixing Pill, you will receive a few requests at first. Those requests are, without a doubt, just the other Solar Systems trying to test your new pill. But once they confirm its effect, I can guarantee that we are going to be bombarded with requests from everywhere. So we need to make some preparations first."

"As you know, Dalin Universe receives cultivators and demon beasts from all other great universes. Such things like damaged foundations happen all the time. If we take Dilo as an example, his foundation definitely wouldn't be able to be repaired without a peak Diamond Stars Level pill or above. But just how many can even afford such a pill? Let's not even talk about the materials necessary to create it."

"Simply put, those whose background thought that it wasn't worth spending this much on them will definitely come after your pills. Of course, there are also the ones that don't even have a strong background to start with. After all, it is, without a doubt, a Two Golden Stars Pill. It is who knows how many times cheaper than a Peak Diamond Level."

"But what I'm really concerned at the moment is that the other powers will definitely try to find who made them. Not only that, but I'm also almost 100% sure that they will try to kidnap you so that your secrets can be revealed. That is what makes me really afraid."

"Our Rimeria Solar System has just so much power. Compared to the powers in the center of the galaxy, we are nothing more than ants. Let alone those at the center of the Dalin Universe. That's the main reason I called you here."

Krune was already sweating cold. He knew that his pill was good, but he didn't expect that it could bring such big waves in the Alchemist World.

"That... Should I not concoct pills using my purple flame anymore, then?"

Amark shook his head.

"No, that would be against the will of the Alchemist profession. Which alchemist would ever feel happy knowing that they can't concoct because of such bullshit? We, alchemists, concoct pills to be used! I would never accept another result!"

Krune felt a little embarrassed by those words. That's because he definitely doesn't care that much for alchemy. Until now, he thought that his pill method would simply bring him more money, which would then help him buy the Mind Splitting Technique and keep his cultivation expenses. As for the will of the alchemists, he really didn't think about it at all! Of course, Krune didn't say it in front of Amark.

"Then, what do you have in mind?"

Amark's fire immediately disappeared after hearing that question.

"Sigh... I can only think about one answer. You will need another background strong enough to prevent anyone from having any ideas about your alchemy talents."

Krune was taken aback. Where the hell would he find a background capable of stopping even the powers controlling the center of the Dalin Universe? He already did his research about the Rimeria Solar System and where it stands when you consider the entire Dalin Universe. Amark wasn't lying before, their Solar System is really nothing more than an ant. They don't have even a single Divinity Realm cultivator or Demon Beast overseeing it. As for Semi-Divinity, there wasn't more than 30 or so. Elder Lagan and Amark just so happen to be two of them.

That was also why the Alchemist Organization had a strong foot in the Rimeria Solar System. After all, how many powers here have a single Semi-Divinity Realm? Let alone two.

It wasn't that no one cultivated to reached that realm here before. But that once one enters the Divine Path Realm, they can totally leave and join a stronger power from another place. They will then have more cultivation resources and access to better conditions. People Like Lagan and Amark, who decided to stay, are extremely rare.

"Does it mean that you want to use my concoction skills to find a power that I can join?"

Amark shook his head.

"Before I talk about it, there is something else that we need to discuss."

Amark showed a helpless expression and said.

"You might take this as us being shameless, and I won't deny it. Before you showed your new concoction method, we couldn't give you more than an in name position in our headquarters. And yes, the reason for that is the wisps' life span. With so much to live, it normally wouldn't be worth the resources spent."

"But it is different now. As long as you have the right power behind you and your purple pills, you don't even need our help to start with. So if you decide that you want to leave, I can arrange for you to travel to another Solar System with a bigger Alchemist Organization. I will simply take this as the punishment for our blindness. I swear on the name of the Alchemist Organization that I will keep my word regardless of your decision."

Krune smiled when he heard that.

It would be a lie if Krune said that he didn't think about it. From the moment that his purple pill effects were confirmed, he obviously noticed the change in attitude. If Amark pretended that nothing happened and simply decided to help him now, he would have declined whatever options he brought forward.

But who are we talking about? It's Krune, of course! The same wisp that always thought that almost anything can be resolved as long as a sincere apology is given. Especially now that Amark brought the issue out himself. The fact that Krune didn't need to point out their mistake was more than enough for him now.

"There is no need. I will stay with the Rimeria Solar System Alchemist Organization. But there is one thing that is a must, my identity secrecy has to be kept."

Amark's mood immediately brightened, and he nodded.

"But of course. In fact, for my method to work, your name and appearance have to be hidden to start with, or it won't do."

Krune nodded and then waited to hear the Amark's plan.