While Krune was explaining to Yilio how he did the medicinal extraction, two events were taking place.

First, Feifei's Formations Master Junior Competition's second phase had just finished. Different from Krune, Feifei didn't have any secret method to play in the second part, so she did pretty much what was expected from her. She finished in the 143rd in the Formations Master position. She was then eliminated since only the first 100 advanced to the final one.

Still, due to her age, actual level, and talent, the Formations Master Headquarter was considering taking her in.

When the second day was over, she was called to a private room by the Formations Master Leader Examiner this time around.

"Hi, Wulia Feier. I'm Hiu Dax, the elder responsible for this year's Formations Master Junior Competition."

Feifei, or better, Wulia Feier, bowed to the elder.

"Hello, elder. Is there a reason for you to call me here?"


Hiu Dax nodded.

"Our Formations Master Organization is always looking for talents to invest in. You were at the Three Silvers Stars when you arrived here around 5 months ago. But in this small period, you already advanced to the Six Stars level. Not to mention that in this Second Phase of the competition, you did better than even some Eight and Nine Silver Stars Formations Masters."

The elder extended his hand and said.

"I would like to invite you to join our Headquarters' Formation Masters group. There, you will receive a lot more attention, and your level will rise much faster and steadily. No to mention that we can offer you the resources for your cultivation as well."

Feifei was expecting something like that. The problem is that she just wanted to make some profit. Although she does like Formations, she had never thought about making it the main focus of her cultivation path.

"Thank you for the invitation, elder. Although I do like formations, I'm not interested in being bound to the Organization. Different from the other Formations Masters in this competition, I'm not planning to live for the occupation. This is just a way for me to make more spirit stones for my cultivation."


Hiu was taken aback by those words. Any other Formations Master in this competition would be jumping in happiness. But Feifei only wants to make some spirit stones, can it get more unfair to the others?

"Cough, cough. Are you sure about it? I mean, if your problem is cultivation resources, our organization can totally provide it. Of course, you will have duties to pay attention to, but it's not like you are going to be locked inside either. You don't need to be afraid of losing your freedom. Also, due to the Formations Organization Power, we can apply for a permanent stay in the Dalin Universe in case you need it."

Feifei shook her head.

"There is another thing that I can't change. I need to go back to my Universe sooner or later. Not because I don't have a choice, but because there are a few things that I must do there."

Hiu felt a little gloomier since he didn't expect that. Still, he couldn't give up that easily.

"Let's do like this then. You will join our Headquarters in name, but you will keep your full freedom. That way, you will have access to the contents in there and only won't receive cultivation resources. In case we need you in the future, you will have the choice to accept our request or not too."

Feifei pondered a bit and then nodded.

"Well, If I don't need to be bound to the Formations Master Organization, I don't mind joining it only in name. But I can't guarantee that I will be available when you need me for something. To be honest, at my level, I don't think there is much I could do for the Formations Master Headquarters anyway."

Hiu let out a sigh of relief and said.

"That is not a problem, there should be almost no place where we will need you too. The most important thing is to guarantee that we can keep our Solar System Talents under our banner."

Hiu then thought about something else.

"Oh, right. You said that your main reason to learn and improve in formations at the moment is to make Spirit Stones. Once you get access to the Headquarters network, you should be able to get better tasks that pay more. As I said, since you joined just in name, we can't offer you any extra resources, but we can still help you to get better jobs."

Feifei's eyes immediately lit up.

"That's great! Then I'm counting on you, elder, to make the necessary arrangements."

Hiu nodded and then sent Feifei, or better, Feier out. Feifei didn't catch any significant attention in this Formations Master Competition thanks to her ranking. Also, the fact that no one knew her age and name helped a lot too. Because of that, Feifei didn't have to be afraid of being followed or anything like that.

As for the second event, that is happening back in the Alchemist Organization. Inside an office room, there was a man with an awful expression on his face. At the same time, Rico Guli kneeled in front of him while Lagan kept him in place so that he didn't try to escape. Who else could that man be if not Rico Guli's father and the Solar System Alchemist Organization Head, Amark Guli?

"You left our solar system behind and joined another power, fine! It's not like it is an obligation that someone's son has to join his father's organization. You are free to select anything you want, just like anyone else. But then you come from the neighbor and start stealing our Solar System talents. Not only that, but you did it more than once. Can you tell me this time why 'YOU' would do that?"

Rico Guli avoided his father's eyes and said.

"It's not like you don't know, and I'm not going to say anything else. You can deal with me any way you feel right, but in the end, you will have to let me go."

Even though Rico put a strong front, he was really terrified at the moment. He knows how strict his father really is, and although what he said is true, he is sure that the punishment will not be anything light.

But unexpectedly, his father didn't seem angry this time. If anything, only disappointment could be seen on his face. They had caught Rico Guli doing those things in the past. And even after sending him through a hell of pain, he still came back time and time again to do the same thing. Not only that, but according to their information, he was also sent to other solar systems to try to take away their alchemist talents too.

Of course, he wasn't the only one, and neither was it something rare to happen. The competition for resources and talents is something that happens everywhere. But recently, the Yure Solar System, which is the Riren's Planet Solar System neighbor, had been acting extremely blatantly.

The Yure Solar System was quite big and had a few more planets than the Riren's one. They had been acting to gather resources and talents from the other Solar Systems on a grand scale. Everything indicated that the Yure Solar System was trying to raise its ranking in the Dalin Universe. If they are successful in that, they will get a lot more attention from the other Major Universes. They will then receive more resources, and the cultivation speed of its residents will rise as a whole.

To be able to do that, they need to provide the necessary environment in their home. The only way to achieve this objective without having to wait for their Solar System to slowly develop is to gather more and more talents. Those talents will then become the leading front that will carry the 'upgrade' in their Solar System.

But what Amark Ruli couldn't understand is why his own son is helping another Solar System to steal their own talents. It doesn't matter how many times he asked, Rico Guli had never given him an answer. In the past, before Rico joined the Yure Solar System, he was quite a passionate Alchemist of their Organization. He cared a lot for their home and participated in several competitions between solar systems to defend the Riren Planet's Solar System banner.

Amark Guli then shook his head and told Lagan.

"Just let him go, due to the rules that all alchemists must follow, we can't really kill or cripple him anyway. There is just no point anymore in trying to punish him."

Lagan was surprised by that.

"Are you sure about that? Even if we can't do what you said, we should still punish him anyway. Otherwise, he will come back even earlier."

Amark shook his head and didn't say anything else.

Lagan then sighed and released his Spiritual Pressure, which allowed Rico to get up once more. He looked at his father's disappointed face and felt bitter inside. Still, he greeted his teeth and got up. Just as he was about to leave, he left two words behind.

"I'm sorry."