The reason that the Wang Clan sent 5 participants was that, other than Feifei, they were all men! They all had a prestigious family or came from the branch families carrying the same family name. Feifei's father and the elders reckon that they are the ones with the highest chance of catching Feifei's attention.

They were Wang Ting and Wang Mo from the branch families, both at the late stages of the Core Formation Realm.

As for the outsiders, they were Mar Jilano and Tuesly Huviu, from the Wang Clan's territory. They are also at the late stage of the same Realm.

The four of them know that their main objective is to conquer Feifei during this exchange training program, and because of that, they have been glued at her side ever since they left the Wang Clan residence.

Still, it doesn't matter what they did, Feifei just acted politely but showed absolutely no interest in any of them. Of course, they wouldn't give up just because of that. There is an entire year ahead for this exchange program, after all.

Feifei approached Krune with a smile and then said.

"Hello, I'm Wang Feifei from the Wang Clan."


Before Krune could even answer, she crouched in front of Krune and started to say.

"Oh! So you are really a wisp and a rainbow-colored one at that. Such beautiful colors."

It was the first time that Krune thought that the word rainbow didn't sound so bad.

Suddenly, Feifei grabbed his core with her hands and embraced him against her chest. That made everyone be taken aback! Krune's Spiritual Energy Body made Feifei's hair move a little like a calm breeze, and the colors of the Spiritual Energy made it look even more magical.

"It's so warm and comfortable. I like your rainbow-colored form very much."

Krune then received a Divine Sense message from Feifei.


"I hope you didn't forget your promise. I've been waiting for very long, and even though I can't say anything now, I will still wait for the day that I can."

Krune felt somewhat emotional. Those words brought him back to that time when she had stepped forward to save his life.

Krune then answered back.

"I don't know if I can reach the weight for that to happen, but I will definitely try. Still, you have no idea how happy I am to hear that you haven't forgotten that. At that time, you were just a child, and I always thought that you would just take that moment as some kid's words. Maybe you would even laugh at me when I appeared there to talk about it."

Feifei then shook her head.

"I was indeed a child back then. However, you probably already know the situation about our Major Cores, so I have long since decided that it had to be you. Oh, please don't misunderstand my words. The fact that you had a Major Core in the same condition as mine was indeed one of the reasons. Still, even though that promise was just a child's words, you kept it until now, and I knew that. For me, that's more valuable than anything."

Although this conversation seemed long, it was done through Divine Sense, so it didn't take more than a few seconds. Uncle Feng saw how Feifei was acting and then said.

"Cough, cough. Feifei, just because he is a wisp, to treat him like that is a little disrespectful."

Of course, Uncle Feng was just pretending. How many people know Feifei better than him? He had already guessed that she would still try something when their time to greet the hosts came.

Feifei then released Krune and pretended to be a little embarrassed.

"Oh, right! That's my fault. It's just that this is the first time I see such a beautiful wisp, so I couldn't hold myself."

The members of the Wang Clan territory looked at that with burning jealousy. Even though they can see that Krune is 'just a wisp,' it still is a treatment that none of them could get from Feifei so far. How much they wished to be the ones to be embraced by her? Of course, the reason isn't Feifei, but her status and the change of being in-laws with the Wang Clan that they really cared about.

But there was one person that was burning more than anyone else, and that was Lofa! The moment she saw Feifei embracing Krune, she had to hold her urge to go there and separate them immediately. Still, she was also feeling gloomy. Krune not only didn't mind her doing as she wished, Lofa is pretty sure that he was also happy with that.

Feifei then moved forward to greet the other members of the Divine Path Sect. When she arrived at Lofa's position, the two girls glared at themselves as if they were fateful enemies.

Lofa then received a Divine Sense message from Feifei.

"I felt my Mark that I left behind being activated. It was you, wasn't it?"

Lofa didn't seem surprised by that question.

"It was. Unfortunately, that thing got in the way. Still, don't think that I will give up that easily. Until it becomes official, I will do my best for him to notice me."

Feifei just snorted and said.

"You should give up already, there is no way I will let that happen."

After that, Feifei moved forward to greet the rest.

Tasier, who was there too, was sweating cold. He knows about everything and could feel the tension in the air. Even though he couldn't hear the Divine Sense message between then, he was sure that it happened. He was even more amazed that the shy Lofa confronted the direct descendant of the Wang Clan head on! He couldn't help but send a Divine Sense message to her.

"You are crazy! That's a direct descendant, you know?"

Lofa heard that and just snorted.

"So what? We are in the Divine Path Sect, so I doubt that they would do anything to me here. Besides, I can tell it! That woman's pride can reach the heavens! She will absolutely not use such underhanded methods to deal with this situation."

Tasier couldn't help but ask.

"How do you know that?"

Lofa then answered.

"Women's intuition!"

Tasier was taken aback, and then he laughed. He is a demon beast, after all. For him, this 'brave' Lofa is much better than a shy one.

"Well, good luck. But I can tell you that your chances are very slim. It is pretty evident that Krune is more than willing to stay with her. If you really want to catch his attention, you will need to be even more direct than you ever had."

Those words made Lofa remember the day prior when she hugged Krune. Even as direct as that was not enough.

"Do you mean?"

Tasier nodded.

"To Krune, only straight words are effective! Until the sentence 'I love you' doesn't leave your mouth, I believe he will never notice anything. Of course, there are more sure kill methods like trying to create a situation that leads to copulation, for example."

Lofa almost fainted out of embarrassment after heard that.

"Shameless! How can you use co- co- co-... that thing between men and women to conquer a partner?"

Tasier then snorted.

"Hmph! You, humans, are too complicated!"

Lofa then sighed. Nothing good will come from his mouth in this situation. Still, she couldn't help but imagine for a second such a thing happening, which made her face burn even more!

She then answered.

"I guess I will have to at least use the first option and say it straight to Krune."

Lofa made up her mind and decided that she will confess her feelings to Krune when the opportunity arrives. Lofa might not have noticed it yet, but somehow, Tasier had become her love consultant.

Tasier then answered.

"That is for the best! Not to mention that it would also put an end to this situation, and you would be able to move forward. There are other men out there too, you know?"

Lofa just nodded and didn't say anything else.

After all the greeting and done with, Lucio left with the grand elders of the other three powers to talk. As for the participants, they were brought to the residences that they would stay for the time being. The Spiritual Pool would only be opened in the afternoon, so they still had a few hours before that.

Krune was in a very good mood. He even decided to go straight away to where the Spiritual Pool's location and wait there for the time to arrive. It's just that this time, he returned back to his human form.

After arriving there, he noticed that there were only the guards around, but no participant could be seen yet. He then sat in a corner and started to cultivate.

But before he could do it for even 10 minutes, another person appeared there too. He noticed Krune and narrowed his eyes. He was one of the Wang Clan's members, Wang Ting. Even though he had never seen Krune in his human form before, he recognized Krune straight away. First, even if Krune changes his form, he can't change his aura. And second, that rainbow hair was way too obvious!

He then came forward and said.

"Hey, you there. Don't get the wrong idea towards what Feifei did back at the port. She was just curious about your colored wisp form, that's all. Even if you are the Sect Master's disciple, you are, in the end, only a wisp. There is a big difference in status between the two of you."

Krune had been in a good mood just a second ago. Unfortunately, someone came to destroy it. He opened his eyes and looked at the guy in front of it.

"What I do is not of your concern. Besides, if Feifei wants to embrace me and not you, then it's your lack of attractiveness, not mine."

Wang Ting almost exploded at that moment, he had never expected that he would be made fun by a wisp in his life.

"Hmph! You are lucky that you are in the Divine Path Sect and are the Sect Master disciple. If not..."

Krune then snorted.

"Hahaha! You are at the 8th stage of the Core Formation Realm while I'm on the 1st. If you couldn't beat me with that difference in level, I wonder if your life had even been worth it."

How could Wang Ting not understand the meaning behind Krune's words? It was evident that the wisp was saying that he isn't his match at the same level! It was a WISP that was saying that!

"Do you dare to accept my challenge then? I will suppress my cultivation to the first stage of the Core Formation Realm, and we can have a 'friendly' fight."

Krune showed an evil smile and thought.
