In the International Legation Quarter, civilians, natives, and foreigners alike were sweeping up the road off of shattered glass and debris. The explosion that recently exploded caused minor damage to some minor infrastructures.

The military under different states was working together to fortify the International Legation Quarter to prepare themselves for a siege that the Boxers were going to bring upon them.

All the powers knew that the attack was inevitable and that their respective military guards couldn't hold them off.

An emergency meeting was convened inside the Ruthenian Legation. The ambassadors from different states attended as they deem it important should they want to get out of the International Legation Quarter unharmed.

"The Ruthenian Government has shared with you vital information of an impending attack of the Boxers. I'm afraid I cannot share with you who provided the information but I can guarantee you that it is legitimate. After all, you can see them through your binoculars," Mikhail said.

"Your vital information is too late, Ambassador Mikhail," one of the ambassadors spoke. He is a man of old age with a face that looks ill. It was the United States Ambassador to the Han Dynasty, Sir Myers. "The man in the hood that came out of your legation, was that the man who provided you the intel?"

Ambassador Mikhail remained silent, not wanting to answer his question as it would jeopardize the alliance of the Ruthenian Empire and the Kuomintang.


"I'll take your silence as a yes," he said. "So, how about the explosion, did the Ruthenian Government do that?"

"I don't know, Sir Myers but one thing I'm certain of is that it had delayed the Boxers and given us time to prepare for another two hours. Now, let's return back to the issue at hand. My government will be sending military personnel to escort us out of here and we will leave here before midnight. I want to know if your government will send extra forces to evacuate you?"

No one replied to his inquiry, which makes it clear that no one will be coming for them to rescue them. But another statesman joined the discussion.

"If I may, Sir Mikhail."

Mikhail looked at the person who called for him. He was the Britannian Empire Ambassador, Sir Claude MacDonald."You may proceed, Sir Claude."

"How about we use the remaining time to speak with the Empress Dowager? And ask her to lend a hand? Truthfully speaking, our combined forces in the International Legation Quarter can't resist the heavily-armed Boxers militia. So with the air of her military, we can give ourselves time for our forces to arrive in Beijing."


"Sir Claude, we tried that and the Hanese Government made their position clear that they are not going to lend us her military as she is dealing with a nationwide rebellion. We are on our own here," Sir Myers said.

"Not to mention, there was a report stating that the Boxers are affiliated with the Hanese Government. This means they know the attack is going to happen and they are doing them a great favor. The Empress is losing her grip on her people and knows that she has to do something and that something is driving us out of her country," Mikhail said.

"If you have evidence supporting that then does the Hanese Government waging war on the eleven powers?" Sir Myers asked.

"That seems to be the case, Sir Myers," Claude confirmed. "We got dragged into their war. The future of the Hanese Government is bleak. If there's no way we can ask for help from the Hanese Government then I suggest that we stand united and repel the attack."

"How are you supposed to do that? Our forces are not enough and they'll break into the Legation Quarter easily." Myers said.

"Easily?" Claude huffed. "We are a great power with military-trained guards and we are fighting peasants who haven't seen a gun. Admiral Sydney of the Royal Navy is already on his way to Beijing with the force of several thousand men. He will be here at most in five days. If we can hold them off in five days, then the Boxers would be forced to retreat or risk an all-out engagement against superior forces."

"Five days huh?" Mikhail hummed. "Look, I don't like the odds. The Hanese are determined to drive us out of here. We will be leaving with our forces this evening."

When Mikhail said that, Claude immediately followed.

"So the Ruthenians are going to run away?"

Mikhail's eyes narrowed, seemingly offended by what he just said.

"We admit that the Ruthenian Empire military is superior in the land, air, and on the sea as we have witnessed it by our respective military correspondents. If you can drive out the Yamato Empire's army in the Choson peninsula swiftly, what's stopping you from doing the same here in Han?"

"The Ruthenian Government doesn't want to involve itself in the internal affairs of the Han Dynasty."

"Are you telling us the truth, Mikhail? Because one of our guards saw the face of the hooded man you met earlier. He was an Hanese, meaning you have sided with one of the factions. Oh, and the explosion nearby, was it really a meteor? Hmm, the bridge has strategic importance and is the only shortest route for the Boxers to get to the International Legation. A coincidence? Highly unlikely. It must be one of your new technologies. Truly the Ruthenian Empire technology has improved by leaps and bounds."

"You are making such a bold claim here, Sir Claude," Mikhail growled. "As I stated before, I don't know what caused the explosion."

"There's no use hiding it, we already know. You are the only nation capable of doing so. So how about this, Sir Mikhail? Why don't you contact your government and lend us real help? If they do so, we will be in great favor. Won't that be beneficial for your Empire? I'm sure they are waiting for it."

"My instructions are clear, we are to evacuate," Mikhail declared.

"Is that so? Then let's vote. Those states who want to evacuate may contact the Ruthenian Empire for assistance. Those who want to stay here and stand firm, we will coordinate our forces for the defense of the International Legation Quarter."

"If we leave the International Legation Quarter then it will be a humiliating blow to the Deutschland Empire," the ambassador of the Deutschland Empire said and continued. "If Britannia stays then we stay too."

"Sir Claude," Bernando, the Ambassador of the Spanish Empire called. "You surely realize that we here must make a decision in the interest of our thousands of civilians. Do you wish to be the one man who is standing in the way of their safe evacuation?"

"I have of course appreciated the risk, Sir Bernando. But I believe if we all stand united, then the Hanese won't dare mount a serious attack upon the representatives of the eleven great powers. And if we stand firm, we may preserve peace in Han, and the whole world."

"Perhaps you're right, Sir Claude."

"If the other powers decide to stay then Austrean Empire will have no choice but to stay as well."

"This is madness," Mikhail muttered under his breath.

"Congratulations Sir Claude, it seems the Britannia Empire has convinced other powers. I take it that you've unanimously decided to stay or not…"

All the ambassadors trained their eyes on Mikhail.

This is bad, if all of them want to stay and the Ruthenian Empire is the only one who left, then it will harm the reputation of the Ruthenia Empire. It will be humiliating and he doesn't want to tarnish Ruthenia's glory to the whole world.

"I will speak with my government and once I receive new instructions, I'll be sure to let you know right away."