Meanwhile, at the Grand Kremlin Palace, Alexander's office.

Christina and Rolan stood in a line, enduring the grudging humiliation as Alexander reprimanded them for their rashness.

"You two are out in the open, enjoying as if there's no danger present around you. Rolan, you know better that my family is a target by the world's dangerous terrorist organization and yet you let her come with you."

"I apologize, Your Majesty, I believe there's no good explanation as to how I can explain this matter to you. As the Chief of Staff of the Imperial Guards tasked to protect the Royal Family, I will take responsibility and take whatever judgment you deemed necessary." Rolan bowed his head respectfully.

"No!" Christina stepped forward, not liking what she was hearing. "This is my fault, I forced him to let me come with him. If anything I should be the one to take punishment." She pleaded with Alexander. "It began from my carelessness in sneaking out of the palace. I can't drag someone innocent as it will stain my dignity as the Grand Duchess of the Ruthenia Empire. Brother, please."

She looked into Alexander's eyes pleadingly.

Alexander stared at Christina, his face remaining neutral while he was thinking over her words. He glanced at Rolan who didn't budge and nodded approvingly at Christine's request.


"I was just worried about your safety, Christina. You know what happened in the Yamato Empire, right? It was the time when I had no control over you. I was shivering from fear of losing the three of you, I can't let that happen again. Even if you are inside the Ruthenia Empire."

"I'm sorry brother, I shouldn't have left the Winter Palace. It is just that staying there feels like a prison, stifling me so much. I needed to be somewhere else, where I felt a little bit free."

"And I'm working my very hardest to make sure that you can go out of the palace anytime without fear of getting yourself into danger. Well, I'll accept your apology, just remind me in the future. I don't want to hear it from the Imperial Guards."

"I will, brother, thank you very much," Christina gave him an emotional hug before stepping back.

"You must be tired, why don't you crash out the night here?" Alexander offered. "Tiffania's bedroom is very large and comfortable, you can stay here until morning when you'll take the first train to St. Petersburg."

"That would be lovely, brother," Christina smiled gratefully at Alexander.


Alexander nodded. His eyes flickered to Rolan who was standing silently for a while.

"Rolan, I will have my Imperial Guards take you to where you are staying. I'm sorry, my sister must have caused you great inconvenience..."

"No, not at all, Your Majesty. Although our trip was sudden and short, I enjoyed her company. I will take my leave...Your Majesty,"

Rolan bowed his head reverently before the Imperial Guards inside Alexander's office escorted Rolan out.

Christina pouted menacingly at Alexander. "Brother you're so mean, why did you tell him that I was an inconvenience?""Because he is on leave, enjoying his four-month break...You can't just show up out of nowhere and disturb him. Respect his personal space."

Christina looked down somberly, feeling guilty about causing disturbance to Rolan.

"Sorry," she mumbled.

Suddenly, the phone rang from his desk. Alexander looked at it and picked up the call. "Let me answer this for a second...Who is this?"

"Your Majesty, it's Sevastian. We have an emergency happening on the border of Manchuria and the Northern Han Dynasty. I'm at the Command Ops right now with the Joint Chief of Staff present."

"Wa-wait, slow down. Emergency? You and the Joint Chief of Staff are present in the Command Ops. What the hell is happening that caused you to convene an emergency session?"

"Well, Your Majesty, we have received a report from Manchuria saying that a militia is currently shooting at Hanese civilians who are trying to get into our border. Though it is not confirmed, the soldiers on the ground estimate that they have killed hundreds."

"Hundreds of civilians dead? And what's more near our border? Then what the hell is the military doing? Shoot them back."

"It's why we called you, Your Majesty. We need your authorization as this could spark a diplomatic incident. There's an ongoing rebellion in the Han Dynasty right now and interfering with their internal affairs could strain our relationship with them."

"What the..." Alexander felt the urge to throw the telephone out of infuriation but he composed himself before he got to that point.

He spoke again. "Are the ones shooting at civilians from the military or militia?"

"We can't confirm, they are inside the armored vehicle, it is impossible to identify..."

"That doesn't matter," Alexander interrupted him. "The fact that they opened fire near our border, possibly endangering the lives of those beyond it is an act of aggression and we will not tolerate such provocation. Give orders to the men on the ground to shoot back!" Alexander sternly commanded.

"Yes sir, the order has been given just now. Your Majesty, about the civilians trying to get into Manchuria? Should we let them in?"

"Would you rather leave them there to die at the hands of a militia or military? No, so let them in. Also, send my plane here tomorrow morning, I'll be cutting off my trip here. There's too much heat going on that I have to return there at once."

"Yes, Your Majesty..."

***Back at the Manchurian-Hanese border, at the guard tower.

"HQ to Bravo, you are now authorized to fire at the enemy militia and provide protection to the Hanese citizens."action

"Finally!" the Ruthenian soldier excitedly when the confirmation went through. " Comrade, do you have a bead on them?"

"Right in my crosshair," his partner replied.

"Then fire at will,"

"With pleasure,"

A predatory smile crept onto the other soldier's lips and began firing at the armored vehicles that had been massacring its people.


The 12.7x99mm armor-piercing rounds of the twin M2 browning perforated the 6-millimeter armor of the Vickers Crossley Armored Car.

They stopped firing, probably stunned or shocked as to why the Ruthenians are shooting at them. But before they could change their aim from the civilians to the Ruthenian soldiers, their armored cars were now on the receiving end, tasting their own medicine.

One of the armor-piercing rounds struck the fuel tank of the armored vehicle and exploded on impact, leaving behind a huge fireball.

The armored vehicles are not going down without a fight as they responded with a hail of bullets of their own. Strobes of tracer lights passed through where the Ruthenian soldiers were standing.

"We are taking heavy fire! Request immediate support!"

"Copy that Bravo, a Ground Attack Plane Mjölnir is heading towards you from the east."

The Ruthenian soldiers peeked above the railings but shortly ducked as the rain of bullets still passed above them. However, it was enough time for him to confirm the location of the civilians evacuating.

"Okay, we will draw their attack for much longer. I hope that plane comes at any moment now."


The two sides continued exchanging round after round at one another. The Ruthenian soldiers are at a disadvantage as they have no cover other than the shield plate of the M2HB and the wooden planks of the Guard Tower.

Two seconds later, faint engine noise can be heard from above.

"They are here," he muttered. "I'm going to throw some smoke to mark them."

"I'll provide cover, be careful," his partner warned him.

His comrade pulled the pin of the smoke grenade, stood for a moment, threw the smoke grenade, and ducked immediately.

Seconds later, a guttural screech of the GAU-8 Avenger sounded from above. Its ominous brrt brings a rejuvenating feeling to him and his partner, as the sound symbolizes the Ruthenian Air Force's power.

It lasted for a second and the armored cars are no more. Nothing but a thick black smoke billowing into the sky can be seen.