Alexander and Tiffania had a quality time together checking and inspecting the aircraft. From the cargo hold to the cockpit, there's not a part of the plane they have discovered.

While doing so, Tiffania asked a lot of questions about the flight controls, especially the yoke of the Moose or the copy of the C-17 Globemaster. Compared to the other aircraft, instead of the traditional yoke that one often sees in a commercial aircraft, the C-17 Globemaster uses a joystick similar to the fighter aircraft. The reasons are quite simple, the pilots that are going to pilot the aircraft are coming from a large pool of fighter aircraft pilots, the Mcdonnell Douglas have been building fighter aircraft where all use control sticks, and lastly, to reduce weight, 1 kilogram specifically.

Alexander had no problem with it when it comes to the flight control design, for him it's a matter of preference, both yoke and sticks will work on the C-17 Globemaster.

It took them two hours to check both aircraft. It took so long due to Tiffania's tons of inquiries that the engineers and Alexander got tired from answering all of them. But once they all answered it, they immediately left it and exited the hangar.

Tiffania, who was still awestruck by their beauty, was taking a lot of pictures of it.

"Once the first NAVSTAR satellite has been launched, the NAVSAT system on those planes will be activated by our engineers," Nikifor said as he walked behind Alexander. "I heard that you are launching twenty-four of them, right?"

"Yes, and once all those satellites are in space, there will be no country in the world that can rival us, except if supernatural things exist on our blue planet," Alexander jested, it was thought again that suddenly came into his mind.


If he were to think about it, things are quite different here compared to his original world. Here, people have a variety of hair colors. At first, he thought it was dyed but when one of the girls from his past answered him that her hair was natural, he began to wonder if it is natural, then is there something in this world that isn't natural or existed from his original planet?

It would be a good hypothesis for him and he will definitely love to prove it. However, time constraints, obligations, and duties, prevent him from doing so. So, he'll tackle it if and only if, came into existence.

Aside from that, Alexander has been thinking of his reincarnation here on this planet. He woke up as an imperial prince and took the throne. The original Alexander revealed that he was the reason why he was here. Now that he saved his sister and put Ruthenia back on track, what now? Global domination? No, there must be another.

"Sir Alexander, Sir Alexander," Nikifor gently called, waving his hand in front of Alexander's face.

Alexander snapped back to reality and shook away the thought. His mind was running wild like the sea after a storm, and it seemed that he wasn't being discreet enough in showing his inner thoughts to Nikifor.

"I'm okay, I was thinking about something. Do pay it no heed," Alexander told him.


"If you say so." Nikifor returned a smile. "If there's nothing, we will return back to working now. Please do allow me to say this again, we are honored to have your presence here in the IDS Aircraft Plant,"

Then Nikifor and the engineers bowed after him saying that.

"Yeah, keep up the good work. We will be returning back now to the Grand Kremlin Palace. If there's something urgent, you already know the number of the palace."

"I will keep that in mind, Sir Alexander. Have a safe journey back home."After exchanging goodbyes, Alexander placed a hand on Tiffania's back, gently pushing her in the direction of the helicopter.


Three hours later, Christina and Rolan also had quality time with one another. Rolan browsing for his first car was a great experience for him. Though he had looked to some, Rolan didn't purchase anything as he deemed it not necessary yet despite having huge savings from the accumulated salaries he stored in the bank for simply staying by the emperor's side.

The trip to the car dealership wasn't useless. In fact, Rolan had already had his sights on one of the cars they were selling. It was a muscle car type and was love at first sight.

He can even remember the time Christina giggled at his excitement and the way her eyes lit up upon seeing his joy. He can still see it vividly, and how he got embarrassed, leading to them leaving the car dealership.

But now, they are in another place. In one of the skyscrapers, the Imperial Dynamic Systems is building on the second capital of the Ruthenia Empire, the Romanoff Towers.

The Romanoff Towers is a residential building, like a condominium. The buildings were inspired by Donald Trump's Trump Towers. The Harrier Industries do own a plethora of residential skyscrapers but the architecture is too futuristic for his structural and civil engineers to build.

Maybe in the next ten years.action

They are on the top floor, in one of the penthouse suites. The interior design took Rolan and Christina's breaths away. It has huge wall windows, giving them a view of the Moskva skyline. The suite is as large and grand as Alexander's office in the Winter Palace, and all the furniture looks sleek.

What's more dumbfounding is that in this world's era, a wall window is a stupid design considered by many due to its bad property of conducting cold and heat. The idea of glass wall design does exist in this age but the concept of it is that the glass must be thin to make it see-through, which is a bad design as the room could lose all of its heat in winter and gain it in summer.

However, the glass wall used in this penthouse is no ordinary glass but pane glass, or insulated glass. This solves the main problem of glass wall design and is now being used in all skyscrapers across Moskva.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" Christina commented as she peered down from the glass wall window. The street lights of the city and the lights in the buildings, houses, and the taillight and headlight of the cars were like stars glittering, reflecting beautifully from the night sky.

Rolan hummed in agreement.

"This penthouse must be very expensive to have such a beautiful view," Christina said as she let out a small sigh.

"It is for a guy like me," Rolan said. "But to you, Christina, the cost of this penthouse is just a coin for you."

"That's not true. Those are not our money, to begin with, it is from the people paying their taxes to fund the royal family's lavish lifestyle and maintenance of all the palaces under our name."

"That must be true," Rolan let out a chuckle.

"Can we talk about other things? Our topic of conversation right now sounds tedious. And the fact that I will be leaving soon to return home makes that topic a waste of our time, do you agree?"

"I do agree," Rolan agreed without hesitation.

Christina smiled lovely as she gazed into the sky and at the sight below. Rolan was stunned, looking at her from the corner of his eye.

"Christina, if I may be candid, you look more beautiful when you are smiling like that," Rolan said, staring at her in admiration, making his heart flutter.

She turned around, looking into his eyes. They stared deeply into each other's eyes before Christina spoke.

"Thank you, I get that all the time," Christina replied sweetly.

"So I was not the first huh? That's sad," Rolan's shoulders slumped down.

"Hey don't be disappointed, you may not be the first but your words affected me to heart," Christina confessed.

They laughed softly at one another, their eyes locked and faces facing each other. It was so quiet. Then suddenly, Rolan moved closer, closing the gap between them, and started to lean forward to taste her lips—.

—Just then, the door opened and the two of them jumped apart, startled from their momentary kiss.

Alexander stepped inside with two guards in tow and noticed something strange.

"Oh my," Alexander sang. "What is this that I'm feeling? Did I interrupt something?"

Alexander's eyes flickered to the two. His sister, Christina is hiding behind Rolan whose hands are on his waist.

"Oh, you instinctively protected my little sister the moment we entered the door. Your right hand indicates that you were about to draw your pistol and aimed it at the sudden trespassers. I must say, I'm impressed."

"Brother? What are you doing here?" Christina demanded.

"That's funny. I am the one who is supposed to ask you that," Alexander walked down the five steps stairs and faced them. "Christina, what are you doing here?"

"Ah...Uhm...Eh..." Christina stammered a reply.

"You can't answer me huh? You're a long way from home."

"Your Majesty, what are you doing here? And how did you find us?"

"Nice to see you too, Rolan. The answer is simple, I know where each and every one of you are. Christina, do you really believe that you can sneak out of the palace like that without me knowing it? I'm feeling mad at you right now."

Christina remained silent as if she was reflecting on her actions inwardly.

"You two come with me," Alexander ordered.