In the Grand Kremlin Palace, Alexander's Office.

Alexander was on a call, the telephone wedged between his shoulder and his ears as he talked to someone on the other end of the line.

"Darling, we've been looking for Christina since morning and we can't find her…" Sophie said, her voice cracking frettingly.

As expected, someone would call him about the sudden disappearance of Christina. Alexander sighed and spoke in a reassuring tone.

"Christina is fine, darling. You don't have to worry about it."

"Eh? What do you mean?" Christina asked as Alexander imagined her standing in front of his desk with her eyes widened.

"Because I know where Christina is," Alexander revealed and continued. "She's in Moskva to see someone she dears."


"Wait…what? To see someone she dears?" Sophie repeated and began to wonder what he meant by that.

"That is something I can't tell you out of respect for Christina's wish. She'll be the one to tell you when the right time comes. For now, inform my little sisters that Christina is fine and doing well."

"Okay, we were worried about her. Of all things happening to our family, attempted assassination…I am just scared…"

"Hey, hey, listen to me, Sophie. I swore to god that I will protect you all from harm. I am aware that I failed to fulfill that promise when I sent my three sisters to Yamato who was hostile to us at that time but now things have changed, not a single second, minute, or hour, that I do not know where each and one of you."

Christina might have believed that she snuck out of the Winter Palace without his knowledge. That's where she is wrong. Her head of security informed him about her plans of going to Moskva for silly reasons, to see Rolan. Alexander granted it and placed security measures to ensure her safety during her travels.

Now that she was with Rolan, Alexander's concerns and worries disappeared like an illusionary smoke. As long as she's with Rolan, her safety is now guaranteed. But it doesn't mean he's not going to reprimand her once they see each other again.


"Thank you, darling," Sophie said. "Your words have put my heart at ease. I will hang up the phone now, I hope I didn't disturb you working."

"Not once did I think that you calling me is a disturbance. I always have time for you. Okay, look after Anya for me, hmm?" Alexander cooed.

"Of course, darling. Bye now, I love you."

"I love you too..."

After saying that, Alexander hung up the phone and rested his back against the chair. It's been two days since they arrived in Moskva and in those days he and Tiffania had visited a lot of facilities, mostly Imperial Dynamic Systems property. They have visited the largest oil refinery in Ryazan with a total output of 400,000 metric tons of crude oil every day, which supplies the western Ruthenian with oil. They also visited the largest steel factory of the Ruthenia Empire, the Magnitogorsk. That's when Tiffania was introduced to metallurgical engineering, for she thought steel is the easiest science of discipline until he showed her the phase diagrams of different metals and concepts to her and blanked out.

It was a sight to see.

Now, there's pretty much nothing to do other than fulfilling his obligations as the head of state of the Ruthenia Empire. Or so he thought. Does Christina think that she sneaks out of the Winter Palace easily without him knowing, how about surprising her?

She'll leave at ten in the evening. Let's do that.

Just as he decided on that, a knock on the door came, causing him to look at the door.

"Who is it this time?" Alexander mumbled."Your Majesty, you have a visitor." A voice sounded from behind the door. It belonged to one of his Imperial Guards stationed there.

"Visitor? I'm not expecting one…" Alexander looked at his appointment schedule for today and sure enough, there was none. But it made him curious as to who wanted to see him this suddenly.

"He said that it was urgent that he forgot to make an appointment. He also said he is working for the Imperial Dynamic System Aeronautics Division as its director, Nikifor Zakharov."

"Nikifor Zakharov," Alexander repeated. He knew that name, it belonged to the representative of the GiM Design Bureau, an aerospace company that is absorbed into the Imperial Dynamic Systems Aeronautics Division.

"Okay let him in," Alexander tidied up his desk as the Imperial Guard outside acknowledged his order and opened the door.

Nikifor came inside, striding over to Alexander's desk, and performed a small bow.

"Your Majesty…I mean Sir, I apologize for the sudden visit that could have caused you a minor inconvenience."

"Not at all," Alexander dismissed his apology and leaned forward in his seat, resting his elbows on his beautiful desk. "So, what's the purpose of your sudden visit?"

Nikifor smiled proudly before answering. "Sir, we just completed upgrading the Bogatyr and at the same time finished construction of one of the cargo aircraft prototypes. I would like to invite you to Novgorod Oblast to see it."

"So it's done huh? I'm pleased to hear that…"

Nikifor nodded giddily like a child.

"You mean you are inviting me now?"

Nikifor nodded again.action

"Let's see if this visitation would cause conflict with my other schedules…" he trailed off as he contemplated briefly. The time is 2 pm in the afternoon, and he already has a plan of surprising Christina later but her leave is at 10 pm in the evening. So, he can probably entertain this one. "Luckily, I have no schedule for the rest of the afternoon."

"That's great, sir. This will not take long, don't worry. We just want to show you what we have done for the last eight months."

Alexander stood up and grabbed his coat that was hanging on his chair. He slipped it in his arms and motioned for Nikolai to lead the way out of his office.


Walking down the hallway with the Imperial Guards and Nikifor, Alexander realized something was missing, Tiffania. She will definitely love to see new aircraft rolling out and won't miss out on the opportunity.

He turned to one of his guards and ordered them. "Inform Tiffania to get dressed as we will be going out for another trip. Say that it's important so that she will hurry up."

"Yes, Your Majesty."


Inside the Black Stork Helicopter, Tiffania was yawning as she tiredly propped her chin up with her hands with the elbow supporting it resting on the windowsill. She must have been sleeping when the Imperial Guards came to her room."You said that this is important, right brother?" Tiffania said.

"Yup, you will love it," Alexander promised.

"We will be landing in the IDS Aircraft Plant in one minute, Sir."

The Black Stork slowly descends in front of one of the many aircraft hangars in the IDS Aircraft Plant. The IDS Aircraft Plant is the largest aircraft plant in the world with Alexander planning it to be as big as the Boeing Everett Factory from his original world located in Everett, Washington.

As Alexander and Tiffania stepped out of the helicopter, the reinforced-steel hangar doors creaked as they opened, revealing a portion of the aircraft.

Tiffania watched in anticipation, preparing her instant camera.

Nikifor noticed it and talked to her.

"Uhm, Your Imperial Highness, should you take a picture of the aircraft, please do not share it as everything inside the hangar is confidential."

"I know," Tiffania said. "I'm taking pictures for the memories."

"If that's the case then I approve," Nikifor said.

And when the hangar door fully opened, Tiffania's eyes sparkled in excitement.

"My word, such majestic aircraft," she said in awe, fascinated by what she was seeing. "Brother, let's go inside quickly!"

"Oi, be careful you are on your heels," Alexander warned as she might trip.

Seconds later, what he was fearing happened, Tiffania fell down as the heels broke under her weight.

Alexander quickly rushed towards her and picked her up from the floor, putting her back onto her feet. "Are you okay? Is your ankle twisted?"

Tiffania shook her head, brushing away the dust covering the lower half of her dress. "Nope, not at all. I'm okay, I will be careful next time."

"Geez, I told you to be careful. Now you broke your heels."

"It's okay brother, I will just break the other to make it even so I can walk."

"That is an expensive pair of heels," Alexander sighed regretfully.

"Your Majesty, is Her Imperial Highness okay? Should we postpone this and reschedule it for another day?" Nikifor asked.

"No!" Tiffania raised her hand high in the air, shaking her head in defiance. "I will not let my carelessness stop me from seeing those aircraft, not a chance!" she firmly declared.

Nikifor chuckled softly. "Very well. If that is what Her Royal Highness wishes, she may do so."

Tiffania nodded her head vigorously, giving Alexander a thumbs up. And he returned the gesture with a smirk.

"Alright then. Come on, let's go."

And they proceeded into the hangar. Alexander let out a wistful sigh, feeling a bit nostalgic again. "All hail Boeing for creating these magnificent aircraft which I know introduced it fifty years early," he mumbled under his breath.

"Sir Alexander, Your Imperial Highness," Nikifor called their attention as he walked further forward and turned around to face them. "May I present to you, Super Bogatyr and the Moose," he introduced.

Alexander glanced at the aircraft. Their real-world counterpart is the Boeing C-17 Globemaster and the C-130J Super Hercules.