Two hours later, in the Grand Kremlin Palace.

“Oi, Tiffania, there you go again, why are you napping?” Alexander pinched her cheek lightly and she shot up from where she was sleeping against a mattress and glared at him.

“Brother, It hurts!” Tiffania whined as he rubbed at her face to get all of the sleepiness out. Alexander chuckled lightly as she tried to glare him down, but it wasn’t really working with a pout on her lips.

“You know that we have a schedule to keep today right?” He said, still laughing softly and Tiffania just groaned and rolled away from him.

“But you said to take some rest,” Tiffania grumbled as she lay back down and wrapped her arms around herself protectively. Alexander shrugged.

“That’s a good point, if not for the fact that you have already rested on the train,” Alexander countered and Tiffania only hummed and looked away.action

“I guess so…” She mumbled. Alexander smiled fondly as he walked forward, gently pulling her up from the bed, only this time, in a careful manner. He doesn’t want to see her little sister’s bare body again.


Tiffania finally stood up and combed her askew hair out of her eyes as they made their way toward the door. He opens the door, and the Imperial Guards standing on either side of the door to stamp their feet and stood in attention.“Your Majesty, please follow us as we will lead you to your vehicle,” one of the Imperial Guard reverently spoke and Alexander nodded as he followed them out of the Grand Kremlin Palace. Two minutes later, they got out of the palace.

In the driveway, an unexpected vehicle greeted their sight. It wasn’t the usual Beast but a bus, or more precisely, a motorhome.

The sleek and futuristic design took their breath of Tiffania’s away whereas Alexander recognized the vehicle right away. It was one of the projects he initiated in the Imperial Dynamic System Automotive Division where the company will produce cars that are straight out of fiction by this world’s standards.

The brand of the bus was Volvo, Volkner Mobil Performance S. In this world, the Volvo didn’t exist yet, so Alexander won’t have to deal with violations of intellectual rights, which none would probably complain about as the designs are from the early 90s and 21st century.

There’s also a plan he concocted to acquire the automotive companies in Deutschland Empire like Audi, BMW, Mercedez, Volkswagen, and Porsche. So that he will be on a spree to introduce their 90s car designs.

“Brother, what is that?” Tiffania asked curiously as they approached the motorhome, eyeing its sleekness.


“It’s our transportation to the Imperial Dynamics System Headquarters,” Alexander answered simply. “It’s a bus but unlike the bus, you often see on the road or in the world, this one is high-class. Only one was built, and it was made specifically for the Romanoff Family. It offers the same protection as the beast. The body is made of eight-inch armor plating with armored floor plates underneath to protect the bus from the blast. A military-grade bulletproof glass that will protect us from low-caliber rounds. Simply put, you can call it a bunker.”

“Fascinating,” Tiffania whispered in awe and admiration. “Is your company producing a lot of that? I mean for the public?”

“We haven’t found a way to mass-produce them cost-efficiently. Building one is expensive as it requires a specialized assembly line build it. But still, it’s not that far, maybe in two or three years, the public can purchase it, and by the public, I mean the high class,” Alexander explained.

They made it to the entrance and a familiar person greeted them. “Sir, Your Imperial Highness, welcome to the Royal Family Motorhouse that the Automotive division specifically made for you.”

It was Philip. “They exceeded my expectations. I guess working on a schematic for two days and giving them instructions on how to assemble and integrate an advanced modular system is worth it. I will give my thanks to Mosckvich later.”

“Brother, is this vehicle…are we going to see a lot of them in your headquarters?” Tiffania asked tentatively. Alexander nodded.

“Indeed, they aren’t limited to buses or motorhomes. We are currently creating and developing other vehicles and making our standing in the scientific community that Ruthenian engineering is the best in the world,” Alexander announced proudly. “And to fully enjoy your once-in-a-lifetime experience of touring the headquarters of the richest and largest company in Ruthenia. You will need this,” he glanced meaningfully at Philip.

“Your Majesty, this is a gift from the electronics division,” Philip brought out a box and handed it to Tiffania.

“What is this?” Tiffania questioned curiously as she opened the box and inside lay a gadget, similar to that of a camera.

“It’s an instant camera, one of the products we will present to the public in the next Ruthenian National Exhibition, here let me borrow it for a few seconds,” Alexander quickly took the camera and pressed the button. A camera light flashes and something came out from a horizontal slot located in the low part of the front camera.

Alexander grabbed the picture dangling from the camera and showed it to Tiffania.

Tiffania’s eyes went wide in amazement as she looked at the picture. “You just took a photo a second ago and it was printed instantly? Not to mention, it is colored,” she marveled, her eyes fixed on the photo.

“Yup, I call it the instant camera. The reason being is that you take a photo and it prints the photo in an instant. It will be your partner when you are touring the headquarters as there’s a lot to see and document. Do you like it?” Alexander smiled broadly and his heart felt warm.

“I love it! Thank you dearest brother!” Tiffania said enthusiastically and hopped into the motorhome in elation.

“I told you she’s going to like it, Sir Alexander,” Philip commented.

“Yeah, she did like it and I’m happy about it. But that’s only the beginning. I can imagine her facial expression once we got into the real thing. Tiffania loves engineering more than ever so I’m sure she will like it. Though for me, it will bring painful memories…”

“Painful memories? What is it, Your Majesty,” Philip broke his casual demeanor and looked concerned now. Alexander shook his head to dismiss his worries.

“Nothing. Let’s just hop inside,” Alexander climbed up the ladder of the motorhome and motioned for Philip to follow.

Philip obliged and entered the motorhome, his mind still curious as to what painful memories his boss had.