After Rudra understood about his upgraded powers and the universe, for the first time in a long-time he opened the forums to check-out what was going on.

Gaia said " Master do you want me to update you on major global events? ".

Rudra raised an eyebrow, this was so convenient!

He immediately said " yes ".

Gaia said " Here are the global news

. Your impression has improved tremendously amongst the masses after you slayed Lucifer and you are worshipped as a god amongst men.

On average 14/100 messages typed on the forums is about you.


. You made even more waves when you reached tier 6 as your level and tier are still on display on the ranking sheet.

Your impression than changed from almost a god to a god.

. Opponents you have defeated in the past came out and started praising you as they start to claim that there was always something special about you and they had no idea they were fighting with a god at the time.

Most of them wish you well.

. The fuel pack components needed by your friend FattyKalash have been delivered to his office and according to my estimates are enough to create a commercial buisness that could be extremely profitable for Earth.

. The NPC people of True Elites Kingdom are proposing to make a temple in your honor.


Rudra heard the news and realised he had put his level and tier settings on display before the war in hell started to gather more followers and had forgotten to turn it off.

It did not matter anymore, it was not like he was hiding his strength anyways, there was literally no-one in Omega that could threaten him anymore.

The AI governing the game was his personal assistant and the all powerful god's were weaker than he was.

Unless there was a tier 7 entity he was not aware of within the game, Rudra was the king of the jungle.

Rudra smiled at all his accomplishments and then sighed deeply, today was most likely going to be the last day where he played the game seriously.

May even be the last time that he played it ever, as unless circumstances forced him to log back into the game, he did not plan on leaving the side of his wife for the next month.

Rudra was contemplating all this when Ruby finally woke up and Rudra's eyes fell on his first wife.

A lot had changed for Rudra in the past 700 years however one thing remained constant.

Only two women could make his heart race faster and although Rudra was not the best husband, he planned to improve.

Looking into Ruby's eyes Rudra said " I'm not sure if you are really out there in the wider universe or if you are a figment of my imagination .... "

Gaia interrupted by speaking in Rudra's mind " Oh she's very real ".

Rudra instantly screamed in his head " Shut the hell up Gaia , i don't need fact checks right now "

" I will find you ... I will find you and if you are still unspoken of and willing to marry me , I will make you mine. I promise.

Even when i did not know that you might be out there in the wider universe, i loved you the same and now that i know you are out there, i will stop at nothing to come and get you.

Ruby , my love

You will always be my first wife".

Ruby did not understand why Rudra was saying these words , however the feelings he meant to convey were conveyed as the elven queen replied with a smile " Wherever i am , i will always love you ".

For the last time Rudra kissed his NPC wife on her soft lips before heading out to the guild to resign as the guildmaster.

As Rudra entered the familiar guild grounds, everyone stopped doing whatever it was that they were doing as hordes and hordes of people gathered and cheered and worshipped the very ground that Rudra walked on.


" Guildmaster the GOAT"

" Guildmaster the GOD! ".

Everyone hoarded around Rudra , however noone dared to obstruct his path as Rudra smiled and waved at his comrades before storming into the guild hall.

No meeting needed to be called , as he took the stage word spread and within 15 minutes hundereds of thousands of people gathered and all the elders lined up on the stage behind Rudra.

Rudra waited patiently and when Karna finally took his place behind him, Rudra smiled and started his speach.

" ELITES! .... ". Rudra said in a powerful godly voice and then deliberately took a long pause, building anticipation in the crowd

" WE WON ".

Mad deafening cheers erupted from the crowd as people raised their swords and shouted at the top of their throats, some distinct whistling mixed with the roars , some tearing the guild robes in ecstacy.

Rudra let the pop build and build and after a solid 20 seconds he said " Yeah, we showed Lucifer who rules the middle realm and who can kick his butt anytime they March to hell.

The devil himself cowers at our name!

Be proud men!

The elite name commands supreme respect! "

Elites felt their chests swollen with pride, it was true, just saying that they belonged to the true elites guild brought a sense of reverence and respect amongst commoners who treated guild members as if they were nobility.

Rudra continued " As you all must know i have reached the pinnacle of this game by reaching tier 6 !

Im stronger than Lucifer now "

Another roar of deafening cheers followed as " Shakuni Our God " chants erupted from the crowd.

Rudra laughed when he heard those chants as he knew they were true and he said " Yeah! Shakuni the undefeated is now a god!

However, even a god must admit that without the godmakers standing behind me, i would be nothing "

Rudra pointed at the elders lined up behind him as all of them smiled when his gaze landed on them.

Rudra meant this too, all the elders were pillars of this guild and without them he would have never won the war, or any war for that matter.

They were critical in achieving the heights that he did. He was blessed.

" Today i retire as your guildmaster, however our guild does not disband because Omega is coming to an end.

We all live in the upside and all of us will face the new world together and I have found a capable man on whose shoulders we can all lean on under these uncertain times.

It's a shoulder which i myself often lean upon.

My best friendaction

My brother

The vice-guildmaster of the elites?


No longer the vice guildmaster.

From today , from this moment guildmaster Karna!

System notification : are you sure you want to make player ' Karna ' the guildmaster of the ' True Elites guild ' , this will mean you no longer own the guild.



Smiling Rudra clicked yes , as all guildmembers got a system notification stating there was a change in leadership.

Some were sad , some were happy , the atmosphere was bittersweet.

However Rudra knew how to pump a crowd as he started the chant " Guildmaster Karna! " and soon the entire crowd joined.

Rudra slowly stepped back as Karna stepped forward and took the stage, the two men locking eyes mid-way as a silent conversation took place between them.

Today was the day, now was the time , the elites was Karna's guild now and Rudra had to move to bigger things.

He would always be an elite , always a part of the guild and always there to help , but no longer monitor the day-to-day operations.

It was Karna's time now.

Karna gave a very emotional speach where he highlighted his happy journey within the guild, he emphasized on how the guild was overly dependant on Rudra in the past and for the guild to become the best in the universe that needed to change.

Karna's charisma soon started to shine as he grasped the crowds attention completely as he talked about how things would start to change for the good under him as there were many parts which Rudra let go but would not be tolerated under his reign.

Neatwit was appointed as the vice guildmaster of the guild whereas Rudra was labelled the ' Patriarch '.

Karna gave Rudra the same amount of power that he enjoyed but no responsibilities as he had long prepared this position and was going to create it when he was promoted.

This meant that Rudra could still start wars , appoint elders , withdraw funds and items without approval and basically even run the guild as he pleased.

It came as a surprise to Rudra and he was grateful for the gesture, but he did not intend to interfere in guilds day to day operations anymore.

His last message in the game was for God Hades, he wrote a lengthy letter to the god of death stating how he could not perform the duties of the pope anymore and that he appoint a new candidate in the next month or so, and sent it via Gaia.

Finally , Saying goodbye to his guildmates and his elders Rudra logged off from Omega with all of his major obligations fullfilled.

After all these years of gaming day and night and achieving everything that was achievable, Rudra finally wanted nothing more than some quality family time.

The only question was would he get it?

/// It's the end of an era , Rudra has left Omega for a grander stage. However you guys stay tuned for bigger and better adventures for the future! ///