When Rudra finally opened his eyes he was shocked to see himself laying on his own bed at the palace in Omega.

Reflexively, Rudra drew his sword and stood on guard only to startle the sleeping Ruby beside himself.

Rudra gazed towards Ruby and his eyes contained a trace of love and passion, however while it had been 6 months since Ruby last saw him it had been 700 years and six months since Rudra last saw his wife.

Rudra had turned to stone in the past 700 years as although he tried to be just and honest while ruling over a planet, he did not actually give two fucks if the population lived or died or if the champion he chose on the planet did well in his endeavours.

Being a celibate for so long, Rudra had complicated feelings when he saw his wife again.


A feminine voice said inside Rudra's head and Rudra instantly looked around the room to see where the voice came from , however dismissed it as him hallucinating when he found nothing.


Reaching into his inventory Rudra pulled out a golden liquid in a vial that was labelled as'queen's gift ' and drunk it trusting the words of the universal queen that it would help him.

Immediately Rudra's splitting headache reduced and over the next one minute Rudra felt his memories of the last 700 years being compressed into being felt as a very long single day.

It was like compressing a 1 GB file into 1 MB but not losing any of the important memories and experiences but wiping out all the useless extensions.

It was the queen's gift to Rudra to help him regain his humanity that he lost over the last 700 years being away, as when he opened his eyes once again he became the same loving human he once was before ascending to godhood.

The moment Rudra saw Ruby's eyes again, all his anxiety melted as the sword dropped from his hand and he hugged his first wife tightly.

It had been a VERY VERY LONG time since he last saw Ruby. Ever since he entered hell in his war against Lucifer, he had not been able to enter the True Elites Kingdom and hence was unable to meet Ruby.


When he logged out of the game, he could still meet Naomi however it was nearly a eternity since he last saw his first wife.Ruby was taken aback by the passionate kiss that Rudra gave her, however she did not push him off. Even she had waited very long for the loving embrace of her husband.

" I really really missed you a lot " Rudra said in a rough voice.

For the next 4-5 hours Rudra and Ruby displayed their longing for each other in many actions but no words were exchanged as their bodies did all the talking.

hours later Rudra got the shock of his life when while contemplating about future plans as Ruby slept cozily in his arms he heard a foreign voice in his head once again.

" That's wrong master you don't understand how the transition from Omega to Sigma works ".

" What the hell? " Thought Rudra as a frown appeared on his face.

Judging by his reaction , Gaia started from the start.

" Good morning master , a brilliant performance in bed , your wife must be quite satisfied" Gaia said as Rudra's frown deepened

" Who are you ". Rudra spoke groggily, his eyes darting all across the room , vehemently looking for some ghost

" I am Gaia, the A.I. for planet earth and your personal assistant.

I'm not a ghost master , and I'm speaking from within ur brain, i have successfully integrated with you ".

Rudra's frown turned into curiosity now as he said within his mind " Okay, so tell me about all the special things about tier 6 that you could not tell me before "

Gaia replied " Certainly master.

) After reaching tier 6 all individuals are given a personal A.I. by the Universal queen. Had you not reached this level a tier 6 Guardian would have been appointed to look after this planet and i would have merged into his personal A.I. , however thankfully that will not be the case.

As your personal A.I. , i will perform many computational and analytical tasks for you as well as provide you with an endless repository of knowledge.

I will identify and explain about any element you come across that is not in your own memory database and help you a lot in your universal travels by teaching you about unknown creatures and their customs

I will also help you in combat by helping you analyse the weaknesses of your opponents and how to exploit them.

These are a few things i can do amongst many others ".

Rudra was very intrigued by this, this was certainly very helpful , having an A.I. telling him about customs and unknown materials in his mind meant that he would never walk into a situation where he would have no knowledge of what he was dealing with.

Gaia continued " 2. I will help you access the inter-gods communication service.

For all the gods on your friendlist i will help deliver messages as a messanger between myself and the god's A.I. all across the universe.

. I will now release previously witheld information to you.

You are now classified as a Divine grade player and the debuff that the queen has assigned to your tier is 0 .

This means you won't be dropping tiers when you exit Omega and enter Sigma.

Everyone else who is tier 5 , tier 4 will be graded by the queen and will face a debuff towards either tier 3 , tier 2 or tier 1 depending on their assessment.

Whereas everyone at tier 3 and under will start Sigma without a name or an identity at the rock bottom of society with a tier 0 assessment.

This means about 98.4% of the total playerbase will enter Sigma at the rock bottom".

The news that Gaia shared today was both concerning and assuring.action

On his personal front, it was assuring to know that his tier 6 identity was a permanent thing , in a general sense it was bad news for humanity.

If the universe had powers upto tier 10 and even the strongest warriors of earth were at tier 2-3 , it meant that earth would start at the bottom-most bottom of the universal society of power.

As if confirming his suspicions Gaia confirmed " Indeed sire , if you had not miraculously reached tier 6 earth was pretty much a goner.

Our overall strength is pitifully low and humans the dominant species of our planet ranks in the bottom 5% of the universe in terms of raw combat power".

" We're basically fucked ". Thought Rudra

" Yes " replied Gaia

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