The first planet that Rudra was transported to was a human planet.

It was called ' Mira ' by the locals, and they were humans who could be called a little better than food gatherers living as a wolf pack.

Rudra had observed many small groups in the first few months of his stay at the planet and almost all of them remained in groups of 50-150 in a primordial village setting.

The language they spoke was crude and they seemed to have a deep-seated fear of the element ' Fire ' as unlike earth humans who cooked meat over fire and used fire to stay warm, planet Mira humans actively ran away from fire.

In his first decade at the planet , Rudra became the god of fire and through many massacres and many encounters eventually rounded up all the humans in the continent into a single city which he named ' Elite city ' .

He taught them language, he taught them how to wield fire and gave them many key technological instruments such as wheel , sanitation and housing.

Over the next three decades Rudra imbued English into them and oversaw the creation of his own relegion as he ruled over the entire population of 4.5 million people of the planet as their godking.


Rudra missed home awfully bad , however never did he mate with any humans on the planet no matter how beautiful as he remained faithful to Ruby and Naomi.

It took him 30 years to farm a single divine essence however over the next 30 years the population went from 4.5 million to 45 million and he now had a whole empire under him entering the cusp of renaissance.

In the second 30 year period he earnt 9 divine essences making his total to ten as his fame and tales of divinity started to become ingrained into the culture.

Rudra tried to be kind, he taught some scholars mathematics, science and astronomy as he himself spent a lot of time contemplating the use of mana and refining his own battle skills in seclusion.

In his last 40 years Rudra had to do pretty much nothing , he only made 1 appearance per decade and his faith still grew stronger than ever.

Population crossed the 200 million mark and Rudra farmed a total of 30 divine essences from this 40 year period bringing his total from the planet to 40!



His second planet was a beast-man race planet where he looked and walked different to most natural inhabitants.

There he became Shakuni the god of thunder and war as he became the patron of one of the emperor's of the planet helping him in his goal of world domination.

Rudra only worked for 15 years on this planet until it was all subdued under the emperor he chose and the emperor in return made many temples and rituals to honor Rudra.For the next 85 years Rudra meditated in seclusion figuring out the meditation technique he learnt at the knight promotion hall and devicing his own.

In the end he farmed only 18 divine essence from this planet bringing his total to 58.


On planet 3 it was elves and this time around Rudra decided to become the god of nature replacing the world tree in popular elf myths he knew.

Rudra taught the elves advanced human sciences and revolutionized farming by teaching them the importance of manure and crop rotation.

He healed anyone that needed to be healed and even saved many elves from the cusp of death.

He became the symbol for healing and nature and warmth and was welcomed dearly wherever he went.

It took him 40 years of service before people began to worship him fervently and it showed as by the end of his 100 years on the planet he got a whopping 120 divine essences from the planet alone bringing his total to 178 showing that worship stemming out of love was more powerful than one under fear.

Rudra had already cleared the requirements to become a god however the promotion test did not end here.

It continued for 400 years more as he visited many different planets.

Mermaids , vampires , humans again , orcs

He became different types of god's and in the end he had a total essence pool of 351 divine essences when his test period drew to a close.

Many things changed about Rudra during these 700 years , his heart became much more stable and the mastery he had over his skills in real life reached the level he had in Omega.

This had been a great opportunity for him to practice his game skills in real world's like earth which were without mana as he slowly perfected his sword mastery of each and every skill in his arsenal to a [ Perfect ]grade , this meant he could move and fight in real world as well as he could in the virtual world and he had the added benefit of tempering his mind through meditation.

Unlike other god's Rudra never promised to come back or spread lies about his existence, he never revealed his true reason for visiting and tried to advance each planet he was on by giving them portions of knowledge that they lacked to help them improve.

He killed many , he saved even more and in the end he tried to be a just and good role model for future kings and generations to follow.

Wether those planets forgot about him or remembered him would be a thing to be seen in the future , however Rudra had no regrets about his conduct.He had no bastard children and his ethics were unquestionable. He remained true to his instincts and showed many worlds the power of the grey winged god.

[ SYSTEM NOTIFICATION ] - The tier 6 promotion test has been now completed the user has gained a total of 351 divine essences ,

-100 essence for tier promotion.

Tier promotion complete.

divine essence left 251.

Starting evaluation.


-51 evaluation from B -----> A

-75 evaluation from A -----> S

-125 Evaluation from S------> SSaction