Chapter 3404: Untitled   Black Jack had finished the upgrade.

Gold arcs that looked like lightning were dancing between his black hair and his black eyes.

His black hair, which looked like a waterfall, was dancing even though there was no wind.

His face, which was almost perfect, was brimming with mysteriousness and dignity, as well as the dignity of a god and the mystery of a demon king.

Ripples of brainwaves spread out from his brain. Stimulated by the golden ripples, all the members of the opposite sex were fascinated by him. Although they were unwilling to accept it, they were awed by his scent and did not dare to approach him.

When Black Jack raised the mutilated body of Lord Cooper high and threw it aside in contempt, none of the devilized people dared to challenge him anymore.

Black Jack smiled and was about to speak when—


A broken saber tore through the air and pierced at his perfect face from behind.

Black Jack tilted his head. The broken saber brushed past his cheek and cut off one of his hairs.

Looking at the falling hair, Black Jack’s pupils shrank slightly.

When he turned around, he happened to see Princess Summer picking up a second blood-stained saber with the tip of her foot, raising it above her head, and staring at him with unwavering eyes.

Black Jack was dazed for a moment. Then he put on a sincere smile and opened his arms to Princess Summer. “So, it’s my Ah Xia. Are you finally willing to come out?”

“Shut up. I am not ‘your Summer’. I don’t belong to anybody. I belong to myself alone!”


Princess Summer snapped, “You are not Black Jack. What kind of monster are you exactly? What have you done to me and my sisters?”

Black Jack rolled his eyes. He was not embarrassed that his real face had been exposed at all. Maintaining the perfect smile, he said casually, “I knew that there was something wrong with the girl named ‘Teresa’. What did she say to you that made you so confused?”

“Don’t insult Theresa. She was the one who awakened me and restored my dignity and the meaning of my life!

Princess Summer gnashed her teeth. “You monster. You never really loved me and my sisters, did you? You only treated us as puppets and… batteries so that we could live in your beautiful dreams and be swallowed by you without us knowing!

“Listen, I’ve been awakened. I won’t be fooled and manipulated by you anymore. Besides, I will not allow your ugly tentacles to continue harassing my good sister!

“Sister Natasha, Sister Hera, Ke’er the cat girl, Vera the elf, and all the other sisters, wake up now and see the true face of the monster. Don’t be fooled by him anymore. Don’t dwell in your own dreams anymore!”

Princess Summer shouted.

“It’s useless. They loved me deeply and offered everything to me willingly. How could they be woken up by you so easily?

Black Jack smiled. “Besides, you are not them. How do you know that they are not happy right now?

“Come on, my Ah Xia. You were only fooled by Theresa for a moment. I won’t blame you, as long as you come back to me.

“What’s wrong with being ‘My Summer’? I’m the strongest man in the world. I’ll protect you well. In my arms, you won’t have any more troubles or setbacks. You won’t have to face difficult lives and dangerous challenges. Whatever you need, you can get it from me at any time. When other people learn that you are Black Jack’s woman, they will treat you like a real queen.

“Isn’t such a life good?

“Come on, come on, come on…”

Black Jack’s voice gradually turned into a murmur.

Bright gold ripples spread out from the depths of his black eyes and wreathed Princess Summer like invisible tentacles.

His real tentacles extended toward Princess Summer’s eyebrow like ugly earthworms.

Princess Summer seemed to have been grabbed by a nightmare. Confusion was flowing in her eyes, but she was still and dumbfounded.

Black Jack’s tentacles drew closer and closer to Princess Summer. His lips curled into a confident smile.


With a flash of the saber, the mist in Princess Summer’s eyes was torn apart. She unleashed the brilliance of the princess of the Eagle Kingdom, which cut off the tentacles that were reaching for her like an unstoppable blade.

Black Jack’s eyelids twitched, revealing a mixture of surprise and pain.

The tentacles hissed and twisted like vipers whose heads had been chopped off.

“I can face my own life and all the difficulties, setbacks, and challenges without you.

A confident and determined smile appeared on Princess Summer’s face. “I don’t want to live as anybody’s woman, and I don’t need anybody to ‘treat me like a queen’. Right now, I am the princess of the Eagle Kingdom. One day, I will become a real queen with my own strength!

She raised her saber high, imagining that it was not Black Jack but an overwhelming tornado in front of her.

She was going to slay the tornado with her indomitable will and determination.

Back in the Pangu Universe, on the Heaven’s Origin Sector, on the Grand Desolate Plateau, the dazzling aura of the saber appeared on the starships on the other side of the universe again.

Even though the people holding the sabers were different, the brightness of their life was equally glamorous.

‘Thunderous Tornado Saber Art’, a saber art that could even kill tornadoes!

Black Jack’s face was more solemn than ever.

For a moment, even he was stung by Princess Summer’s determination. He felt that the brightness of the saber was leaving coldness on his neck.

However, determination alone was not going to solve any problem.


The tentacles all over Black Jack’s body suddenly expanded to ten times their original size, as if almost ten arms of devils had grown out of his body. He smashed Princess Summer, sending her and her saber flying to the wall of the cabin.

Princess Summer vomited blood crazily. She felt that every bone in her body was shaking, but she was still gripping her saber so hard that the handle seemed to be melting into her flesh, bones, and soul.

“There’s a ready path to heaven, yet you choose to barge into hell to suffer. I simply don’t understand why you are seeking your own death. Why can’t you be like other girls?”

Waving his demonic tentacles, Black Jack walked to Princess Summer unhurriedly.

“Because, cough cough, cough cough cough cough…”

Princess Summer was on one of her knees. Her legs trembled for a long time before she straightened her body with the help of her saber. Her eyes were still shining like the morning stars on her bloody face. “This is how girls should be. No. Men and women are what human beings should be. No matter how miserable and cruel our fate is, we must stand up with our own strength and face it head-on. We must struggle and fight!