Chapter 3399: Untitled   Before the metal flower fully bloomed, devilish laughter came from the depths of the flower.

“Hahahaha. Wahahahaha. Wahahahaha. I’m back. My well-defined face, my strong chest muscles, and—Aiyaya—finally, you’re all back. You seem to be stronger than before after a period of rest. Hahahaha!”

His voice was deep and coarse, but it was raised to a high pitch because of his excitement, which made Princess Summer’s blood run cold.

It was because she could tell that it was an out-and-out baritone, which was not something that a girl as lovely as Theresa could utter.

What was going on? Theresa? How—how did her voice become like this? What exactly was she wrapped in jade?

Under Princess Summer’s horrified gaze, the silver-white flower bud blossomed. At first, a young man’s flushed face was revealed, followed by a flat chest, broad shoulders, and a thin waist and abdomen. The upper half of his body was in an upside-down triangle like that of a leopard. Male hormones spurted out of the 36,000 pores on his body like high-pressure steam. Together with his strong and slender limbs, even a blind man could tell that he was an out-and-out man!

Princess Summer’s eyes almost bulged out.


She covered her mouth in disbelief and took two steps back. She felt that her heart was grasped by an invisible hand so hard that she could barely breathe.

Alright, in terms of facial features, he was decent. The wildness in his eyes and his bright smile made him look like a guy who could easily attract girls. He was of the same breed as Black Jack. More precisely speaking, he was a low-quality version of Black Jack.

However, his temperament was somewhat frivolous. Looking at his intoxicated face as he groped for his vital parts, one could even say that he was somewhat vulgar.

More importantly…

The man was still wearing Theresa’s clothes.

Two curved steel plates protruded out of the breastplate. Below the breastplate was a light skirt made of strips of leather, which was good for combat. Together with an enchanted headdress and a pair of female combat boots, Theresa could be called valiant and heroic when she wore it. However, when it was worn by a man, it was slightly torn apart by his expanding figure, as if the skirt could be cut in half at any time, revealing her naked ass. This was a bit, uh, abnormal.


The unrecognizable man scratched his crotch hard, as if something was tickling his critical parts.

Then, the man took out Theresa’s pocket and threw it to the ground.

“Fuck you!”

The man spat at the demon-sealing bags roughly and took a long breath in relief. Then he roared to the sky, with tears all over his face, “These days where I have to bleed every month are like hell. Thankfully, I’ve finally changed back. Thank God. God bless me. Hahahaha. I’ve changed back. I’m a man again. Nice, nice, nice. Wahahaha!”

Princess Summer looked at the pocket on the ground and then at the man who was wild with joy. She felt that ten thousand thunderbolts were exploding inside her head at the same time.

She could only do the only action that all girls could do under such circumstances.

Princess Summer took a deep breath and screamed as loudly as she could.


She screamed and cried. She wanted to rush forward and slap the man, but she was both disgusted and scared when she saw him scratching his crotch. She was scared that the man would do something weird again. Therefore, she could only cry, “Who—who are you? What did you do to Theresa? My Theresa!”


The man was so excited that he didn’t know what was going on until he realized what was going on. Princess Summer had witnessed the whole process of his transformation, too. He stopped scratching and said in embarrassment, “Don’t—don’t scream, and don’t do anything stupid. Sister Summer, I can explain everything, but please calm down first. Things are not what you think they are. I’m definitely not a pervert like Black Jack!”

Princess Summer stopped screaming.

But he was still staring at the man who was wearing a short skirt and a breastplate.

Damn it. He was wearing the headdress that he had knitted for Theresa a few days ago. How could he do that?

Princess Summer looked at Black Jack outside the transparent cabin wall.

Then, he looked at the man who was wearing female clothes and scratching his crotch.

She had to agree with the man—he and Black Jack were indeed not of the same species.

“Sister Summer, let me explain…”

Seeing that she had calmed down, the man was somewhat relieved. He stepped forward and extended his hand to her.

Princess Summer screamed again and waved her saber, trying to stop the man from moving forward.

“Don’t scream, and don’t be rash. Listen to me!”

The man was helpless. “I told you that I was not a pervert and that I wouldn’t do anything to you. Why didn’t you believe me?”

“Of course I don’t. You are a pervert, a hundred times more perverted than Black Jack. AHHHHHH!”

Princess Summer screamed and scratched like an angry cat. “Who’s your ‘sister’? That’s disgusting. I feel sick just looking at you. Why are you wearing Theresa’s clothes? Alright. I know that many evil nobles have such weird fetishes. They are just the most mainstream perverts. However, you are still using Theresa’s devil-sealing pocket. You are truly a super pervert! What did you do to Theresa? Give her back to me!”

“Alright. Here, take it!”

The man opened his arms and stuck out his chest. “Haven’t you realized it yet? I am Theresa!”

Princess Summer, who was hysterical, did not hear what the man said at all. She was still waving her broken saber crazily. It was not until more than ten seconds later that she slowed down.

There was confusion and surprise on her face. It was not until another ten seconds later that the broken saber and her arms were completely frozen.

“What—what did you say?”

Princess Summer eyed the man up and down and stammered, “Who—who are you?”

“She is Theresa, your good sister!”

The man, who was wearing Theresa’s short skirt, stood on his toes and spun around gracefully. Then, he winked at Princess Summer with the expression that Theresa often wore and smiled. “Sister Summer, don’t tell me you don’t recognize me? I’m so sad!”


Princess Summer was silent for three seconds.

Then, she bent down and vomited loudly. She vomited while she retreated to a corner. At the same time, she stared at the man in horror, as if the man was going to turn into a devil that was even more terrifying than the Devourer and do whatever he wanted to her.

Damn it. I’ve changed back, but my language habits are still the same!

The man seemed to be more disgusted by the way he talked than Princess Summer was. He scratched his hair hard and scratched the headdress that Princess Summer had given to Theresa. Without thinking, he tore it off and stomped on the ground in anger. He was about to stomp on it, but he thought better of it and picked it up again. He blew on it and put it away carefully.

“Jade, jade!”

The man pounded his chest and shouted at the top of his voice, “The situation is getting out of control. Come out and help me explain. I—I’m innocent!”