Chapter 917 Drama

  Of course Master Han would not refuse, he comforted Bai Ling: "Don't worry, I will find a way to send you out, and I will protect you."

  Master Han has been in business all year round, and his mind is working fast. Seeing that Bai Ling has lost his tail now, he knows that those Taoists will definitely talk about it tomorrow.

  He got up immediately, pulled out the tail of the stand-in white fox from the cage without hesitation, took the scissors, and cut it off according to the length of Bai Ling's injured tail.

  The stand-in white fox was in pain and screamed. Master Han crawled on it and screamed and caused trouble, so he stretched out his hand and hit the stand-in Bai Hulin a few times.

  The stand-in white fox suffered from the pain, screamed twice, shrank in the corner of the cage, and licked the wound on his severed tail.

  Master Han had an idea in his mind after finishing all this. He returned to the bedside and said to Bai Ling, "Hey, I've figured out a way."


  Bai Ling listened, and immediately asked anxiously: "Master, what do you think of?"

Master Han stroked his beard confidently and said, "Don't worry, I'll take this beast to them tomorrow morning to settle accounts and ask them who injured them. This beast is ordinary, so naturally they can't see anything. In this way, I have a reason to take you to the hospital, and when I come back, I will carry you out, so that I can send you out safely."

  Master Han's idea, Bai Ling wanted to applaud him when he heard it, it was so good.

  As long as she is hugged by Master Han, she can go out with peace of mind. ,

Bai Ling immediately leaned into Master Han's arms and thanked him: "Master, you are so kind to me, I can't live without you for the rest of my life, I will work hard to cultivate, and use spells to accumulate blessings for your descendants, so that they Forever thriving."

   "In another twenty years, if I cultivate a human form, I will give birth to a child for the master."


  Bai Ling's voice is delicate, even though she is still just a fox, Master Han already treats her like a human being.

  Holding happily, shouting obediently.

  Bai Ling coaxed Master Han to her heart's content, and she gradually calmed down.

  It was getting brighter, and Master Han started to lose his temper according to the plan. He carried the cage and went out to the remote place, yelling: "Who, who hurt my baby?"

  Master Han was the first to go to Mrs. Han.

  He knew that Mrs. Han had invited those Taoists. If he found her, the Taoists would definitely come out.

  When Master Han came angry, Mrs. Han was having breakfast with her daughter Han Mei.

  Master Han yelled: "Mr. Cai, Mrs. Cai, look at the good deeds you have found!"

  Master Han stepped into the door, and the words of angry questioning also arrived.

  Han Mei was taken aback, and looked at Mrs. Han helplessly.

  Mrs. Han smiled pitifully at her daughter, and said softly, "Meimei, don't be afraid. Parents are just having some disputes. You should go back to the yard first, be good."

  Han Mei looked at her mother worriedly, and Mrs. Han smiled at her gently, reassuring her.

  Han Mei held back tears, nodded obediently, blessed herself and went down.

  Passing by Master Han, Han Mei took a look at him, but in the end she left disappointed. This father no longer sees her as a daughter.

   After Han Mei went back, Mrs. Han looked at Master Han, and she said lightly, "Why did Master make such a fuss?",

Mrs. Han's eyes fell on the cage, looking at the white hair stained with blood in the cage, a flash of joy flashed in her eyes, she was woken up by Su Xiaolu last night, Su Xiaolu took her to a place, she saw it with her own eyes Watching the white fox's tail break off and run away, seeing the broken-tailed fox today made her feel extremely happy.

  Master Han was dissatisfied seeing Mrs. Han's calm and breezy appearance, and tried to come up, he roared: "Why am I making such a fuss, Madam can't see it? Madam is obviously pretending to be blind when she sees it, and she still asks me knowingly."

"Madam wants to pretend to be stupid, but I'm not stupid. What about those people you called, I want them all to say, why did you attack my pet? Are you sure it's a demon? Call them all quickly Come confront."

  Master Han said angrily, he even pulled off the tablecloth and smashed all the food on the table.

Mrs. Han looked at Master Han, only feeling ironic in her heart, she looked at Master Han coldly and said, "Master did this just for a bastard, but when our son was gone, I didn't see you like this, Master, touch me Your conscience, are you worthy of the ancestors of the Han family?"

  If she didn't know the truth last night, Mrs. Han might not be so sensible.

  Knowing the truth is certainly painful, but afterwards, it is even more unworthy.

  Her two sons and daughters respect this father very much, but when did their father take them to heart?

  Her son died for a beast, how is this equal, how equal.

  Mrs. Han's eyes were full of hatred. She asked such a question, which made Master Han very upset, but before he got angry, Mrs. Han turned around and went out to give orders. She asked the maid to call Jiang Wanlin and the others.

  Master Han put the cage on the table, while he sat on the stool and waited.

  Ms. Han came back, looking at this scene only felt ironic, she looked at the white fox in the cage, she didn't even need a Taoist to come, she knew that the one in this cage was not that one.

   But her husband still thinks this is a seamless drama.

But how could he think about it, if this is really his baby, how could he keep it in the cage, he should be holding it in his arms, not to mention, the white fox was injured with a broken tail, if it was really His darling, where would he come to question him, he had already taken him to the doctor.

   All of these are so obvious, but he is the only one who is immersed in the play, thinking that he can steal the day and change the day, it's ridiculous.

She will never let go of the monster that killed her son, and she wants him to watch with her own eyes, how the Xuanmen expert beat his baby to death, and how she skinned his sweetheart Cramping, bone-crushing.

  The maids called Jiang Wanlin and the others.

  Su Xiaolu also came, but she didn't intervene, she just quietly stood aside. She restrained her breath and lowered her sense of existence. If you didn't pay attention, you wouldn't even notice that she was there.

  As soon as Jiang Wanlin and the others entered the main courtyard, Master Han began to question: "Who among you cut off my pet's tail last night?"

  Jiang Wanlin and the three looked at each other, they didn't know which play Master Han was singing, but seeing Master Han brought the white fox, they didn't let down their vigilance and went forward immediately.

  Master Han also said angrily: "You all have a good look, is this a monster? I said to wait for two days, but you are fine, can't you wait for half a day?"

   "I ask you, is this a monster? Is it a monster?" Master Han asked aggressively.