"Oh really?"

When the Emissary of Heavens heard Ye Xiao saying that he can't be the guy he, the Emissary of Heavens, is claiming him to be, the Emissary of Heavens chuckled with a weird smile on his face.

Then he asked: "Since you have already completed the Three Trials of Primordial, by now, you should already know why these trials were set up and who told them to create these trials?"

Ye Xiao frowned when he heard this. Of course, he knew the answer.

It was Queen. She told the people Yuan Shi De and others that the only way Primordial Race can make a comeback was through creating a trial. And only after a person passes all the trials successfully will the Heavens bring the Primordial Race personally.

Ye Xiao told the Emissary of Heavens what he knew.

The Emissary of the Heavens nodded his head and asked: "Then you know why exactly Queen told the Primordial Race those things?"


Ye Xiao frowned. He could not understand what the Emissary of the Heavens was getting at, but he still answered: "It is because that is what the Heavens told her to do."

"Exactly!" The Emissary of the Heavens nodded and spoke with the same smile on his face: "And if you know all these things, then you must also know what the Heavens told Queen about the nine Ancestral Dragons even before the Primordial Era ended, right?"

Ye Xiao nodded. It is a fact. Queen had told him that the Heavens used the Profound Meaning of Time Law to see the future. It saw those ancestral dragons betraying it and trying to steal its Source. That's why the Heavens immediately acted against those nine ancestral dragons.

The Heavens gave out the order to every single race to hunt down those ancestral dragons. It is not just because the ancestral dragons betrayed their will and chose to support the Second Universe, it is also because they were going to steal its source in the future.

Thus, it wanted to clean the thorns from the path before they could stab and hurt.

The Emissary of the Heavens continued: "Then why do you think you were able to obtain the so-called Heavenly Pearl as your opportunity without Heavens even knowing?"


"Heavens wanted to destroy the second universe at all cost. Since it was unable to destroy it because of nine ancestral dragons' betrayal and Queen as well as the Primordial Race's support to the second universe, don't you think it must have kept an eye on the second universe after it transformed into the Heavenly Pearl and fell into Heavens from the endless void outside the Heavens?"

Ye Xiao felt as if he was struck by a terrifying bolt of lightning, his entire figure shuddered when he heard these words.

Yes, what the Emissary of the Heavens said is really possible.Many thoughts appeared in Ye Xiao's mind instantly that started messing him from inside.

Before Ye Xiao's chaotic mind could even calm down, the Emissary of the Heavens struck the hammer again when the iron was still hot. He said: "And... Don't you think if Heavens could see the future where nine Ancestral Dragons are trying to steal its source, it can also see you when you obtained the Heavenly Pearl, cultivated Nine Dragon Universal Circulation Technique, and stood against the Heavens itself in order to go beyond the Heavens?"


Ye Xiao almost took a step back. He knew everything is possible.

Why do the Heavens not permit anyone to comprehend the Law of Time and its Profound Meaning?

It is very likely because the Law of Time and its Profound Meaning is something that could change everything in the Heavens, might even become the cause of its destruction, and might even become the source of catastrophe that will rule the Heavens for an unknown number of eras.

Anyone could try to change the past and future using the Time Law.

Seeing the future will be as easy as snapping fingers. With the ability to see the future whenever one wants, one can easily avoid any danger, kill the enemy even before the enemy could be born, affect an entire world by becoming the lone ruler, and many more.

Heavens used the Profound Meaning of Time Law to see its own future. It saw those nine Ancestral Dragons trying to steal the Source of Heavens. And this is happening in his time. His women are fighting against the Heavens, giving Queen a helping hand.

Lin Hao, who came from the same country as him, has already become someone outstanding whom the entire Divine Realm knows.

Heavens must know about them, and it is very likely Heavens would have seen him as well.

And if it is true, it means Heavens noticed him even before he was born. He caught the Heavens' eyes even before the end of the first era, the Primordial Era.

An expression of fear appeared in Ye Xiao's eyes. If it is all true, then Heavens could have killed him the moment he was born.

But Heavens didn't do anything like that.


To raise him? But Ye Xiao clearly knew he was never raised by the Heavens. He could not help but look at the Emissary of the Heavens, wanting to obtain the answers to his puzzles.

The Emissary of the Heavens clearly understood what Ye Xiao wants from him. He smiled and spoke: "Let's talk somewhere else!"

As he spoke, he waved his, causing a long fracture to appear in the space. This fracture was more than twenty meters long and five meters wide. There was enough gap for many people like Ye Xiao to come and go together.

After the fracture appeared in the space, the Emissary of the Heavens stepped into it. Ye Xiao didn't want to be left behind. He wanted to know the answer to his questions. At this moment, those questions have already become very essential to him. Without the answer, no matter what he has to face, he would definitely leave the sight of the Emissary of the Heavens, nor will he let the Emissary of the Heavens leave!

He also stepped into the fracture and everything around him became bright which affected Ye Xiao's eyes slightly. It is mainly because the space was completely dark and coming in contact with light suddenly, it is very reasonable for his eyes to get affected.

However, it was not for long. His eyes soon adjusted and he could now easily observe the surroundings.

Ye Xiao was surprised to find many twinkling lights in his surroundings. As if these lights were stuck on dark walls, they were in order.

Raising his head, he saw endless darkness. There was no light above. It was as if Ye Xiao was inside a room without any ceiling...and...without any floor to step on. And in the middle of the room, there were two completely dark pieces of furniture in the shape of a chair, but Ye Xiao was sure they are not chairs. They seemed to be some sort of dark substance that could change shapes on their master's will.

In the middle of the dark furniture, there was a dark table.

The Emissary of the Heavens has already positioned on one of the chairs. Seeing that Ye Xiao has entered this space, he gestured at the chair in front of him.

Ye Xiao didn't say anything. He went there and sat.

The moment he sat on the chair, a cup of tea appeared in front of him.

Ye Xiao frowned and looked at the tea and shook his head. He was not here to drink the tea with the Emissary of the Heavens, he was here to hear the answer to his questions.

The Emissary of the Heavens smiled at Ye Xiao's behavior. He didn't speak anything. He just waved his hand and the tea disappeared. Then he waved his hand again and Ye Xiao again felt something shaking inside his spatial ring.

Before he could even see what was shaking in his spatial ring, he felt something has disappeared.

Before Ye Xiao could check what happened, a green crystal with a strange mark appeared in front of him and started hovering.

This green crystal was his second reward for passing the test of Realm of Dreams.

When this Green Crystal appeared in front of him, Ye Xiao immediately understood that this thing must also be related to the Heavens itself in some ways.

Instead of answering Ye Xiao of his questions, the Emissary of the Heavens pointed at the Green Crystal and asked: "Do you know what this crystal is?"

Although Ye Xiao really wanted to know the answers to his questions, knowing what the Green Crystal is also seemed important. That's why Ye Xiao was not in a hurry to obtain his answers yet.

Knowing about this Green Crystal first might not be bad!

Thus, Ye Xiao shook his head and spoke: "You are going to tell me anyway. Just don't waste time!"